CBR1000RR - Two Brothers Racing

CBR1000RR - Two Brothers Racing CBR1000RR - Two Brothers Racing


V.A.L.E. TMV a r i a b l e A x i s L o c k i n g E x h a u s tTwo Brothers RacingJuice Box - Fuel Controller2006-07 Honda CBR1000RR Installation & Operation ManualPart # 008-1811.2.3.Installation InstructionsThank you for purchasing a genuine Two Brothers RacingFig 5JUICE BOX. This product represents a radical stepforward in tuning fuel-injected motorcycles and ATVs foroptimal performance using “load-based” technology.We at Two Brothers Racing hope that you will find thisdevelopment as exciting and useful as we do. Andremember: Proper Fuel = Maximum Power!Make sure the vehicle is completely cool before startingthe installation. Also, make sure the vehicle is secure andwill not roll around.Remove rider and passenger seat.Remove the 3 Allen bolts from the large side panel (Fig1) and the 2 plastic screw type fasteners (Fig 2) and the 2plastic pull style fasteners, all located on the inside of themain fairing and remove fairing. Repeat on opposite side.Fig 15.Remove fuel tank support bolts (both sides) (Fig 6) andraise or remove fuel tank.Fig 6Fig 26.7.Place JUICE BOX in tail section and route the JUICEBOX harness towards injectors.You will be plugging the JUICE BOX harness into thelower injectors not the uppers. Disconnect stock injector(one at a time) connect JUICE BOX connector to bikesinjector then connect stock injector connector to JUICEBOX’s black connector. (Fig 7)Fig 7Parts IncudedQty. Description Part Number1 Juice Box Fuel Control Kit 008-1813 Zip Ties1 Adhesive Velcro SquareTools Needed For Install- Phillips Screwdriver- 12mm Wrench or Socket- 5mm Allen Wrench4.Remove the 12mm bolt and the 2 plastic fasteners fromthe rear tank cover (Fig 3). Also remove the 5mm Allenbolt from the side panel,(both sides) (Fig 3) and plasticpull style fasteners (Fig 5) and remove tank cover.Fig 38.9.Connect ground lead to either the negative post of thebattery or suitable frame ground.Assembly is the opposite of disassembly.IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLYWe recommend that this performance part be installed by a qualified motorcycletechnician. If you have any doubts as to your ability to install this performance part,please consult with your local motorcycle dealer. Read all instructions first beforestarting installation. Make sure the vehicle and exhaust system are completely coolbefore starting the installation. Also, make sure the vehicle is secure during installation.Be sure to save all stock components for possible use later.The Juice Box is legal ONLY for closed course race vehicles. The Juice Box is notapplicable, nor inteded for use on EMISSIONS CONTROLLED street, highway or off-roadvehicles. The Juice Box is not applicable, nor inteded for use on aircraft.WarrantyTwo Brothers Racing warrants that this product carries a warranty for 2 years from date of purchase against originaldefects in materials and workmanship. Should this product fail to perform for either of the above reasons, Two BrothersRacing will repair or replace it with an equivalent product at no charge, except for postage, to the original retail purchaser.To obtain the benefits of this warranty, the retail purchaser must return the product and proof of purchase to the place oforiginal purchase.Fig 410.11.Start the bike. The green LED should scroll left to right andback for about 3-5 seconds and then go to 1-2 steady orslowly flashing green LED’s. If the number 1 green LEDand number 8 red LED’s continue flashing after startupor idling, an injector wiring error is indicated. Re-checkthe wires from the JUICE BOX and make sure they areconnected to the proper wire of your bike’s stock harness.MAKE SURE you have the correct wires selected inthe stock harness. DO NOT PROCEED UNLESS ABOVECONDITIONS ARE MET.NOTE: Re check your wire routing and JUICE BOXlocation and make certain that in no way the wires cancome into contact with any moving parts or high heatsource and that the JUICE BOX is mounted in a way asto not cause a handling problem with the machine.Continued on page 2

V.A.L.E. TMV a r i a b l e A x i s L o c k i n g E x h a u s t<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> <strong>Racing</strong>Juice Box - Fuel Controller2006-07 Honda <strong>CBR1000RR</strong> Installation & Operation ManualPart # 008-1811.2.3.Installation InstructionsThank you for purchasing a genuine <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> <strong>Racing</strong>Fig 5JUICE BOX. This product represents a radical stepforward in tuning fuel-injected motorcycles and ATVs foroptimal performance using “load-based” technology.We at <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> <strong>Racing</strong> hope that you will find thisdevelopment as exciting and useful as we do. Andremember: Proper Fuel = Maximum Power!Make sure the vehicle is completely cool before startingthe installation. Also, make sure the vehicle is secure andwill not roll around.Remove rider and passenger seat.Remove the 3 Allen bolts from the large side panel (Fig1) and the 2 plastic screw type fasteners (Fig 2) and the 2plastic pull style fasteners, all located on the inside of themain fairing and remove fairing. Repeat on opposite side.Fig 15.Remove fuel tank support bolts (both sides) (Fig 6) andraise or remove fuel tank.Fig 6Fig 26.7.Place JUICE BOX in tail section and route the JUICEBOX harness towards injectors.You will be plugging the JUICE BOX harness into thelower injectors not the uppers. Disconnect stock injector(one at a time) connect JUICE BOX connector to bikesinjector then connect stock injector connector to JUICEBOX’s black connector. (Fig 7)Fig 7Parts IncudedQty. Description Part Number1 Juice Box Fuel Control Kit 008-1813 Zip Ties1 Adhesive Velcro SquareTools Needed For Install- Phillips Screwdriver- 12mm Wrench or Socket- 5mm Allen Wrench4.Remove the 12mm bolt and the 2 plastic fasteners fromthe rear tank cover (Fig 3). Also remove the 5mm Allenbolt from the side panel,(both sides) (Fig 3) and plasticpull style fasteners (Fig 5) and remove tank cover.Fig 38.9.Connect ground lead to either the negative post of thebattery or suitable frame ground.Assembly is the opposite of disassembly.IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLYWe recommend that this performance part be installed by a qualified motorcycletechnician. If you have any doubts as to your ability to install this performance part,please consult with your local motorcycle dealer. Read all instructions first beforestarting installation. Make sure the vehicle and exhaust system are completely coolbefore starting the installation. Also, make sure the vehicle is secure during installation.Be sure to save all stock components for possible use later.The Juice Box is legal ONLY for closed course race vehicles. The Juice Box is notapplicable, nor inteded for use on EMISSIONS CONTROLLED street, highway or off-roadvehicles. The Juice Box is not applicable, nor inteded for use on aircraft.Warranty<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> <strong>Racing</strong> warrants that this product carries a warranty for 2 years from date of purchase against originaldefects in materials and workmanship. Should this product fail to perform for either of the above reasons, <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong><strong>Racing</strong> will repair or replace it with an equivalent product at no charge, except for postage, to the original retail purchaser.To obtain the benefits of this warranty, the retail purchaser must return the product and proof of purchase to the place oforiginal purchase.Fig 410.11.Start the bike. The green LED should scroll left to right andback for about 3-5 seconds and then go to 1-2 steady orslowly flashing green LED’s. If the number 1 green LEDand number 8 red LED’s continue flashing after startupor idling, an injector wiring error is indicated. Re-checkthe wires from the JUICE BOX and make sure they areconnected to the proper wire of your bike’s stock harness.MAKE SURE you have the correct wires selected inthe stock harness. DO NOT PROCEED UNLESS ABOVECONDITIONS ARE MET.NOTE: Re check your wire routing and JUICE BOXlocation and make certain that in no way the wires cancome into contact with any moving parts or high heatsource and that the JUICE BOX is mounted in a way asto not cause a handling problem with the machine.Continued on page 2

Operation Manual<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> <strong>Racing</strong>Juice Box - Fuel Controller2006-07 Honda <strong>CBR1000RR</strong> Installation & Operation ManualPart # 008-181Cleaning1.2.It is recommended that the pre-programmed settings ofthe Juice Boxbe used. However, the Juice Box can beadjusted to suit different engine modifications, states oftune and environmental conditions. To begin this process,press the mode button. To enter each successive mode, justpress the mode button again. Note that every mode willbe identifiable by the color(s) of the flashing LED(s) on theLED display. There are six modes that are distinguishedby an LED color or color combination. The 6 modes areas follows, respectively: Green, Yellow, Red, Green-Blue,Yellow-Blue and Red-Blue.You are now ready to manually program each mode.Consult the base settings supplied with the unit.To program the Juice Box, the bike must be running inorder to supply power to the Juice Box.Simply press the mode button to activate the first mode.If at anytime you stay in an adjustment mode for longerthan 5 seconds without pressing any buttons, the JuiceBox will exit the adjustment mode and will return to theoperational mode.To save settings in a particular mode press the MODEbutton which goes to the next adjustable mode or wait forthe Juice Box to exit back to the operational mode.The settings in each mode are adjusted by pressing the(+) and (-) buttons located on the right and left side of themode button, respectively. For easy reference, the LEDs arenumbered 1 through 8. However, the LEDs can be adjustedto the following positions: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5,5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8. For example, in a particular mode, if LED4 is flashing then the LED display is set to 4 in that mode. Ifthe (+) button is pressed once then LEDs 4 and 5 will flashsimultaneously and the LED display is set to 4.5. If the (+)button is pressed once again, only LED 5 will flash and theLED display is set to 5. The LED display can also be setto 0.5 by pressing the (-) button and scrolling the coloredLED to position 1 and then pressing the (-) button oncemore until the LED in position 1 is flashing twice as fast asnormal.I. The first mode (Green Mode) represents anadditional amount of fuel added under cruise conditions.A flashing green LED should appear on the LED display.To add more fuel, scroll the flashing green LED to the rightusing the (+) button. To add less fuel, scroll the flashinggreen LED to the left using the (-) button. If you set theflashing green LED to the 0.5 position on the LED display,no fuel will be added to the stock fuel curve.II. The second mode (Yellow Mode) represents anadditional amount of fuel added during acceleration. Aflashing yellow LED should appear on the LED display. Toadd more fuel, scroll the flashing yellow LED to the rightusing the (+) button. To add less fuel, scroll the flashingyellow LED to the left using the (-) button. If you set theflashing yellow LED to the 0.5 position on the LED display,no fuel will be added to the stock fuel curve.III. The third mode (Red Mode) represents an additionalamount of fuel added during full throttle conditions. Aflashing red LED should appear on the LED display. To addmore fuel, scroll the flashing red LED to the right using the(+) button. To add less fuel, scroll the flashing red LED tothe left using the (-) button. If you set the flashing red LEDto the 0.5 position on the LED display, no fuel will be addedto the stock fuel curve.Note: If the flashing green, yellow and red LEDs in modes1 through 3 (Green, Yellow and Red) are set to the 0.5position on the LED display then the Juice Box will notadd any fuel to the bike’s stock fuel curve. This setting willessentially turn off the Juice Box even though it is stillattached to the bike’s fuel injection system. The bike willrun as though the Juice Box is not installed. The JuiceBox LEDs will still operate normally even though no fuelis being added.IV. The fourth mode (Green-Blue Mode) is anadjustment to determine the point on the RPM range whenthe cruise/Green Mode fuel turns OFF. A flashing greenLED appears on the LED display while at the same time aflashing blue LED appears on the 8th LED. The cruise/GreenMode fuel can be set to turn OFF during high cruise rpms ata point selected by the user by adjusting the green LED inthis mode. The Green-Blue mode is RPM based only. EachLED position represents a specific RPM on your bike. In thiscase, LED 0.5 will turn OFF the cruise/Green Mode fuel at4,750 RPM and LED 8 will turn OFF the cruise/Green Modefuel at 6,750 RPM. Each LED setting in between 0.5 and 8will turn ON the cruise/Green Mode fuel in between theabove-mentioned RPM points. You can calculate what RPMcorresponds to what LED by interpolation. If during cruise,the Green LED is solid, then the Green Mode is active;Green Mode fuel is being added during cruise. If duringcruise, the Green LED is slowly flashing, then the GreenMode is NOT active; Green Mode fuel is NOT being addedduring cruise.V. The fifth mode (Yellow-Blue Mode) is an adjustmentto determine the time when the acceleration/Yellow Modefuel amount turns on. A flashing yellow LED appears onthe LED display while at the same time a flashing blue LEDappears on the 8th LED. To increase the sensitivity andtherefore cause the Yellow Mode fuel to turn on sooner,scroll the flashing yellow LED to the left using the (-) button.To decrease the sensitivity and therefore cause the YellowMode fuel to turn on later, scroll the flashing yellow LED tothe right using the (+) button.VI. The sixth mode (Red-Blue Mode) is an adjustmentto determine the time when the full throttle/Red Mode fuelamount turns on. A flashing red LED appears on the LEDdisplay while at the same time a flashing blue LED appearson the 8th LED. To increase the sensitivity and thereforecause the Red Mode fuel to turn on sooner, scroll theflashing red LED to the left using the (-) button. To decreasethe sensitivity and therefore cause the Red Mode fuel toturn on later, scroll the flashing red LED to the right usingthe (+) button.If the unit requires cleaning, use a cloth that is only lightly dampened with water or mild detergent.

Operation Manual - JUICE BOX SettingsPre-set Settings: <strong>CBR1000RR</strong> baseline settings. (G=2, Y=4, R=2.5, GB=5, YB=4, RB=4)Mode 1 - GreenMode 2 - YellowMode 3 - Red<strong>Two</strong> <strong>Brothers</strong> <strong>Racing</strong>Juice Box - Fuel Controller2006-07 Honda <strong>CBR1000RR</strong> Installation & Operation ManualPart # 008-181Mode 4 - Green/Blue Mode 5 - Yellow/Blue Mode 6 - Red/BlueFor Race Use OnlyThe Juice Box is legal ONLY for closed course race vehicles. The Juice Box is notapplicable, nor inteded for use on EMISSIONS CONTROLLED street, highway or off-roadvehicles. The Juice Box is not applicable, nor inteded for use on aircraft.For additional settings please visit our website at www.twobros.com.

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