Lecture 2 - Center for Biomedical Optics and New Laser Systems

Lecture 2 - Center for Biomedical Optics and New Laser Systems Lecture 2 - Center for Biomedical Optics and New Laser Systems


Consider a rCLSM or OCT image…R(z) @x=1mm

ρ 1e −µ 1 z€E 1ρ 2e −µ 2 z€z1− ∫0E 1= e€µ 1 dzE 2= E€ 1e−z 2∫z1µ 2 dzE 2ρ 1e −µ 1 z€

ρ 1e −µ 1 z€E 1ρ 2e −µ 2 z€z1− ∫0E 1= e€µ 1 dzE 2= E€ 1e−z 2∫z1µ 2 dzE 2ρ 1e −µ 1 z€

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