IV) Materials calculations with dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)

IV) Materials calculations with dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) IV) Materials calculations with dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)

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LDA+DMFT — overviewMetzner, Vollhardt PRL’89 — simplifications in d = ∞Georges, Kotliar PRB’89 — DMFTAnisimov et al. EPJ’97 — first LDA+DMFT calculation, LaTiO 3simplified DMFT solverKH, Keller, Eyert, Vollhardt, Anisimov PRL’01 — Mott-Hubbard transition in V2O 3KH, McMahan, Scalettar PRL’01 — Volume collapse in CeLichtenstein, Katsnelson PRL’01 — Ferromagnetism in Fe and NiSavrasov, Kotliar, Abrahams Nature’01 — δ-Pu... ∼ 300 publications by now ...P. W. Anderson, The future lies ahead in “Recent progress in many-body theories” (WorldScientific, 2006):In theory, the big news is the DMFT which gives us a systematic way todeal with the major effects of strong correlations. After nearly 50 years,we are finally able to understand the Mott transition, for instance, at leastin three dimensions, and to model the Kondo volume collapse in cerium.

Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)d dimensional quantum system ≡ d + 1 (+time) dimensional classical system

Dynamical <strong>mean</strong> <strong>field</strong> <strong>theory</strong> (<strong>DMFT</strong>)d dimensional quantum system ≡ d + 1 (+time) dimensional classical system

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