v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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694 BIBLIOGRAPHY[67] Joel Dawson, Stephen Boyd, Mar Hershenson, and Thomas Lee.Optimal allocation of local feedback in multistage amplifiers viageometric programming. IEEE Circuits and Systems I: FundamentalTheory and Applications, 2001.[68] Jan de Leeuw. Fitting distances by least squares. UCLA StatisticsSeries Technical Report No. 130, Interdivisional Program in Statistics,UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 1993.http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/deleeuw93fitting.html[69] Jan de Leeuw. Multidimensional scaling. In International Encyclopediaof the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier, 2001.http://preprints.stat.ucla.edu/274/274.pdf[70] Jan de Leeuw. Unidimensional scaling. In Brian S. Everitt andDavid C. Howell, editors, Encyclopedia of Statistics in BehavioralScience, volume 4, pages 2095–2097. Wiley, 2005.http://repositories.cdlib.org/uclastat/papers/2004032701[71] Jan de Leeuw and Willem Heiser. Theory of multidimensional scaling.In P. R. Krishnaiah and L. N. Kanal, editors, Handbook of Statistics,volume 2, chapter 13, pages 285–316. North-Holland Publishing,Amsterdam, 1982.[72] Erik D. Demaine, Francisco Gomez-Martin, Henk Meijer, DavidRappaport, Perouz Taslakian, Godfried T. Toussaint, Terry Winograd,and David R. Wood. The distance geometry of music, 2007.http://arxiv.org/abs/0705.4085[73] Frank Deutsch. Best Approximation in Inner Product Spaces.Springer-Verlag, 2001.[74] Frank Deutsch and Hein Hundal. The rate of convergence ofDykstra’s cyclic projections algorithm: The polyhedral case. NumericalFunctional Analysis and Optimization, 15:537–565, 1994.[75] Frank Deutsch, John H. McCabe, and George M. Phillips. Somealgorithms for computing best approximations from convex cones.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 12(3):390–403, June 1975.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 695[76] Frank R. Deutsch and Peter H. Maserick. Applications of theHahn-Banach theorem in approximation theory. SIAM Review,9(3):516–530, July 1967.[77] Michel Marie Deza and Monique Laurent. Geometry of Cuts andMetrics. Springer-Verlag, 1997.[78] Carolyn Pillers Dobler. A matrix approach to finding a set of generatorsand finding the polar (dual) of a class of polyhedral cones. SIAMJournal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 15(3):796–803, July1994. Erratum: p.182 herein.[79] Elizabeth D. Dolan, Robert Fourer, Jorge J. Moré, and Todd S.Munson. Optimization on the NEOS server. SIAM News, 35(6):4,8,9,August 2002.[80] Bruce Randall Donald. 3-D structure in chemistry and molecularbiology, 1998.http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/∼brd/Teaching/Bio[81] David L. Donoho, Michael Elad, and Vladimir Temlyakov. Stablerecovery of sparse overcomplete representations in the presence ofnoise, February 2004.www-stat.stanford.edu/∼donoho/Reports/2004/StableSparse-Donoho-etal.pdf[82] Miguel Nuno Ferreira Fialho dos Anjos. New Convex Relaxations forthe Maximum Cut and VLSI Layout Problems. PhD thesis, Universityof Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Department of Combinatorics andOptimization, 2001.cheetah.vlsi.uwaterloo.ca/∼anjos/MFAnjosPhDThesis.pdf[83] Richard L. Dykstra. An algorithm for restricted least squaresregression. Journal of the American Statistical Association,78(384):837–842, 1983.[84] Carl Eckart and Gale Young. The approximation of one matrix byanother of lower rank. Psychometrika, 1(3):211–218, September 1936.http://www.stanford.edu/∼dattorro/eckart&young.1936.pdf

BIBLIOGRAPHY 695[76] Frank R. Deutsch and Peter H. Maserick. Applications of theHahn-Banach theorem in approximation theory. SIAM Review,9(3):516–530, July 1967.[77] Michel Marie Deza and Monique Laurent. Geometry of Cuts andMetrics. Springer-Verlag, 1997.[78] Carolyn Pillers Dobler. A matrix approach to finding a set of generatorsand finding the polar (dual) of a class of polyhedral cones. SIAMJournal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 15(3):796–803, July1994. Erratum: p.182 herein.[79] Elizabeth D. Dolan, Robert Fourer, Jorge J. Moré, and Todd S.Munson. <strong>Optimization</strong> on the NEOS server. SIAM News, 35(6):4,8,9,August 2002.[80] Bruce Randall Donald. 3-D structure in chemistry and molecularbiology, 1998.http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/∼brd/Teaching/Bio[81] David L. Donoho, Michael Elad, and Vladimir Temlyakov. Stablerecovery of sparse overcomplete representations in the presence ofnoise, February 2004.www-stat.stanford.edu/∼donoho/Reports/2004/StableSparse-Donoho-etal.pdf[82] Miguel Nuno Ferreira Fialho dos Anjos. New <strong>Convex</strong> Relaxations forthe Maximum Cut and VLSI Layout Problems. PhD thesis, Universityof Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Department of Combinatorics and<strong>Optimization</strong>, 2001.cheetah.vlsi.uwaterloo.ca/∼anjos/MFAnjosPhDThesis.pdf[83] Richard L. Dykstra. An algorithm for restricted least squaresregression. Journal of the American Statistical Association,78(384):837–842, 1983.[84] Carl Eckart and Gale Young. The approximation of one matrix byanother of lower rank. Psychometrika, 1(3):211–218, September 1936.http://www.stanford.edu/∼dattorro/eckart&young.1936.pdf

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