v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization


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BIBLIOGRAPHY 689[16] Keith Ball. An elementary introduction to modern convex geometry.In Silvio Levy, editor, Flavors of Geometry, volume 31, chapter 1,pages 1–58. MSRI Publications, 1997.www.msri.org/publications/books/Book31/files/ball.pdf[17] George Phillip Barker. Theory of cones. Linear Algebra and itsApplications, 39:263–291, 1981.[18] George Phillip Barker and David Carlson. Cones of diagonallydominant matrices. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 57(1):15–32, 1975.[19] George Phillip Barker and James Foran. Self-dual cones in Euclideanspaces. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 13:147–155, 1976.[20] Alexander Barvinok. A Course in <strong>Convex</strong>ity. American MathematicalSociety, 2002.[21] Alexander I. Barvinok. Problems of distance geometry and convexproperties of quadratic maps. Discrete & Computational Geometry,13(2):189–202, 1995.[22] Alexander I. Barvinok. A remark on the rank of positive semidefinitematrices subject to affine constraints. Discrete & ComputationalGeometry, 25(1):23–31, 2001.http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/304448.html[23] Heinz H. Bauschke and Jonathan M. Borwein. On projectionalgorithms for solving convex feasibility problems. SIAM Review,38(3):367–426, September 1996.[24] Steven R. Bell. The Cauchy Transform, Potential Theory, andConformal Mapping. CRC Press, 1992.[25] Jean Bellissard and Bruno Iochum. Homogeneous and faciallyhomogeneous self-dual cones. Linear Algebra and its Applications,19:1–16, 1978.[26] Adi Ben-Israel. Linear equations and inequalities on finite dimensional,real or complex, vector spaces: A unified theory. Journal ofMathematical Analysis and Applications, 27:367–389, 1969.

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