v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization


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672 APPENDIX G. NOTATION AND A FEW DEFINITIONSAF(C ∋A)G(K)A −1A †√some set (calligraphic ABCDEFGHIJ KLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ)smallest face (138) that contains element A of set Cgenerators ( of set K ; any collection of points and directionswhose hull constructs Kinverse of matrix AMoore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix Apositive square rootA 1/2 and √ A A 1/2 is any matrix √ such that A 1/2 A 1/2 =A .For A ∈ S n + , A ∈ Sn+ is unique and √ A √ A =A . [41,1.2] (A.5.2.1)◦√D = ∆ [ √ d ij ] . (1149) Hadamard positive square root: D = ◦√ D ◦ ◦√ D .EE ijA ijA iD iA(:,i)A(j,:)A i:j,k:le.g.no.a.i.c.i.elementary matrixmember of standard orthonormal basis for symmetric (50) or symmetrichollow (64) matricesij th entry of matrix Ai th matrix from a seti th principal submatrix or i th iterate of Di th column of matrix A [109,1.1.8]j th row of matrix Aor A(i:j, k:l) , submatrix taken from i th through j th row andk th through l th columnexempli gratia, from the Latin meaning for sake of examplenumber, from the Latin numeroaffinely independentconically independent

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