v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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582 APPENDIX E. PROJECTIONFor matrix A of arbitrary rank and shape, on the other hand, A T A mightnot be invertible. Yet the normal equation can always be solved exactly by:(1633)x ⋆ = lim A + t I) −1 A T b = A † b (1646)t→0 +(ATinvertible for any positive value of t by (1251). The exact inversion (1645)and this pseudoinverse solution (1646) each solvelim minimizet→0 + x‖Ax − b‖ 2 + t ‖x‖ 2 (1647)simultaneously providing least squares solution to (1643) and the classicalleast norm solution E.1 [247, App.A.4] (conferE. minimize ‖x‖ 2xsubject to Ax = AA † bwhere AA † b is the orthogonal projection of vector b on R(A).(1648)E.1 Idempotent matricesProjection matrices are square and defined by idempotence, P 2 =P ;[247,2.6] [151,1.3] equivalent to the condition, P be diagonalizable[149,3.3, prob.3] with eigenvalues φ i ∈ {0, 1}. [298,4.1, thm.4.1]Idempotent matrices are not necessarily symmetric. The transpose of anidempotent matrix remains idempotent; P T P T = P T . Solely exceptingP = I , all projection matrices are neither orthogonal (B.5) or invertible.[247,3.4] The collection of all projection matrices of particular dimensiondoes not form a convex set.Suppose we wish to project nonorthogonally (obliquely) on the rangeof any particular matrix A∈ R m×n . All idempotent matrices projectingnonorthogonally on R(A) may be expressed:P = A(A † + BZ T ) ∈ R m×m (1649)E.1 This means: optimal solutions of lesser norm than the so-called least norm solution(1648) can be obtained (at expense of approximation Ax ≈ b hence, of perpendicularity)by ignoring the limiting operation and introducing finite positive values of t into (1647).

E.1. IDEMPOTENT MATRICES 583where R(P )= R(A) , E.2 B ∈ R n×k for k ∈{1... m} is otherwise arbitrary,and Z ∈ R m×k is any matrix whose range is in N(A T ) ; id est,A T Z = A † Z = 0 (1650)Evidently, the collection of nonorthogonal projectors projecting on R(A) isan affine subsetP k = { A(A † + BZ T ) | B ∈ R n×k} (1651)When matrix A in (1649) is skinny full-rank (A † A = I) or has orthonormalcolumns (A T A = I), either property leads to a biorthogonal characterizationof nonorthogonal projection:E.1.1Biorthogonal characterizationAny nonorthogonal projector P 2 =P ∈ R m×m projecting on nontrivial R(U)can be defined by a biorthogonality condition Q T U =I ; the biorthogonaldecomposition of P being (confer (1649))where E.3 (B.1.1.1)and where generally (confer (1678)) E.4P = UQ T , Q T U = I (1652)R(P )= R(U) , N(P )= N(Q T ) (1653)P T ≠ P , P † ≠ P , ‖P ‖ 2 ≠ 1, P 0 (1654)and P is not nonexpansive (1679).E.2 Proof. R(P )⊆ R(A) is obvious [247,3.6]. By (119) and (120),R(A † + BZ T ) = {(A † + BZ T )y | y ∈ R m }⊇ {(A † + BZ T )y | y ∈ R(A)} = R(A T )R(P ) = {A(A † + BZ T )y | y ∈ R m }⊇ {A(A † + BZ T )y | (A † + BZ T )y ∈ R(A T )} = R(A)E.3 Proof. Obviously, R(P ) ⊆ R(U). Because Q T U = IR(P ) = {UQ T x | x ∈ R m }⊇ {UQ T Uy | y ∈ R k } = R(U)E.4 Orthonormal decomposition (1675) (conferE.3.4) is a special case of biorthogonaldecomposition (1652) characterized by (1678). So, these characteristics (1654) are notnecessary conditions for biorthogonality.

E.1. IDEMPOTENT MATRICES 583where R(P )= R(A) , E.2 B ∈ R n×k for k ∈{1... m} is otherwise arbitrary,and Z ∈ R m×k is any matrix whose range is in N(A T ) ; id est,A T Z = A † Z = 0 (1650)Evidently, the collection of nonorthogonal projectors projecting on R(A) isan affine subsetP k = { A(A † + BZ T ) | B ∈ R n×k} (1651)When matrix A in (1649) is skinny full-rank (A † A = I) or has orthonormalcolumns (A T A = I), either property leads to a biorthogonal characterizationof nonorthogonal projection:E.1.1Biorthogonal characterizationAny nonorthogonal projector P 2 =P ∈ R m×m projecting on nontrivial R(U)can be defined by a biorthogonality condition Q T U =I ; the biorthogonaldecomposition of P being (confer (1649))where E.3 (B.1.1.1)and where generally (confer (1678)) E.4P = UQ T , Q T U = I (1652)R(P )= R(U) , N(P )= N(Q T ) (1653)P T ≠ P , P † ≠ P , ‖P ‖ 2 ≠ 1, P 0 (1654)and P is not nonexpansive (1679).E.2 Proof. R(P )⊆ R(A) is obvious [247,3.6]. By (119) and (120),R(A † + BZ T ) = {(A † + BZ T )y | y ∈ R m }⊇ {(A † + BZ T )y | y ∈ R(A)} = R(A T )R(P ) = {A(A † + BZ T )y | y ∈ R m }⊇ {A(A † + BZ T )y | (A † + BZ T )y ∈ R(A T )} = R(A)E.3 Proof. Obviously, R(P ) ⊆ R(U). Because Q T U = IR(P ) = {UQ T x | x ∈ R m }⊇ {UQ T Uy | y ∈ R k } = R(U)E.4 Orthonormal decomposition (1675) (conferE.3.4) is a special case of biorthogonaldecomposition (1652) characterized by (1678). So, these characteristics (1654) are notnecessary conditions for biorthogonality.

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