v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization


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B.3. ELEMENTARY MATRIX 525If λ ≠ 0 then E is invertible; [102]E −1 = I + ζ λ uvT (1418)Eigenvectors corresponding to 0 eigenvalues belong to N(E) , andthe number of 0 eigenvalues must be at least dim N(E) which, here,can be at most one. (A. The nullspace exists, therefore, whenλ=0; id est, when v T u=1/ζ , rather, whenever u belongs to thehyperplane {z ∈R N | v T z=1/ζ}. Then (when λ=0) elementary matrixE is a nonorthogonal projector projecting on its range (E 2 =E ,E.1)and N(E)= R(u) ; eigenvector u spans the nullspace when it exists. Byconservation of dimension, dim R(E)=N −dim N(E). It is apparent from(1415) that v ⊥ ⊆ R(E) , but dimv ⊥ =N −1. Hence R(E)≡v ⊥ when thenullspace exists, and the remaining eigenvectors span it.In summary, when a nontrivial nullspace of E exists,R(E) = N(v T ), N(E) = R(u), v T u = 1/ζ (1419)illustrated in Figure 114, which is opposite to the assignment of subspacesfor a dyad (Figure 112). Otherwise, R(E)= R N .When E =E T , the spectral norm isB.3.1Householder matrix‖E‖ 2 = max{1, |λ|} (1420)An elementary matrix is called a Householder matrix when it has the definingform, for nonzero vector u [109,5.1.2] [102,4.10.1] [247,7.3] [149,2.2]H = I − 2 uuTu T u ∈ SN (1421)which is a symmetric orthogonal (reflection) matrix (H −1 =H T =H(B.5.2)). Vector u is normal to an N−1-dimensional subspace u ⊥ throughwhich this particular H effects pointwise reflection; e.g., Hu ⊥ = u ⊥ whileHu = −u .Matrix H has N −1 orthonormal eigenvectors spanning that reflectingsubspace u ⊥ with corresponding eigenvalues equal to 1. The remainingeigenvector u has corresponding eigenvalue −1 ; sodetH = −1 (1422)

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