v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization


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490 APPENDIX A. LINEAR ALGEBRAFor A diagonalizable (A.5), A = SΛS −1 , (confer [247, p.255])rankA = rankδ(λ(A)) = rank Λ (1260)meaning, rank is equal to the number of nonzero eigenvalues in vectorby the 0 eigenvalues theorem (A. For A,B∈ S n [41,1.2] (confer (1515))λ(A) ∆ = δ(Λ) (1261)tr(AB) ≤ λ(A) T λ(B) (1262)with equality (Theobald) when A and B are simultaneouslydiagonalizable [149] with the same ordering of eigenvalues.For A∈ R m×n and B ∈ R n×mtr(AB) = tr(BA) (1263)and η eigenvalues of the product and commuted product are identical,including their multiplicity; [149,1.3.20] id est,λ(AB) 1:η = λ(BA) 1:η , η ∆ =min{m , n} (1264)Any eigenvalues remaining are zero. By the 0 eigenvalues theorem(A.,rank(AB) = rank(BA), AB and BA diagonalizable (1265)For any compatible matrices A,B [149,0.4]For A,B ∈ S n + (218)min{rankA, rankB} ≥ rank(AB) (1266)rankA + rankB ≥ rank(A + B) ≥ min{rankA, rankB} ≥ rank(AB)(1267)For A,B ∈ S n + linearly independent (B.1.1),rankA + rankB = rank(A + B) > min{rankA, rankB} ≥ rank(AB)(1268)

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