v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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46 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYand where ◦ denotes the Hadamard product 2.10 of matrices [149] [109,1.1.4].The adjoint operation A T on a matrix can therefore be defined in like manner:〈Y , A T Z〉 ∆ = 〈AY , Z〉 (33)For example, take any element C 1 from a matrix-valued set in R p×k ,and consider any particular dimensionally compatible real vectors v andw . Then vector inner-product of C 1 with vw T is〈vw T , C 1 〉 = v T C 1 w = tr(wv T C 1 ) = 1 T( (vw T )◦ C 1)1 (34) Example. Application of the image theorem.Suppose the set C ⊆ R p×k is convex. Then for any particular vectors v ∈R pand w ∈R k , the set of vector inner-productsY ∆ = v T Cw = 〈vw T , C〉 ⊆ R (35)is convex. This result is a consequence of the image theorem. Yet it is easyto show directly that convex combination of elements from Y remains anelement of Y . 2.11More generally, vw T in (35) may be replaced with any particular matrixZ ∈ R p×k while convexity of the set 〈Z , C〉⊆ R persists. Further, byreplacing v and w with any particular respective matrices U and W ofdimension compatible with all elements of convex set C , then set U T CWis convex by the image theorem because it is a linear mapping of C .2.10 The Hadamard product is a simple entrywise product of corresponding entries fromtwo matrices of like size; id est, not necessarily square.2.11 To verify that, take any two elements C 1 and C 2 from the convex matrix-valued setC , and then form the vector inner-products (35) that are two elements of Y by definition.Now make a convex combination of those inner products; videlicet, for 0≤µ≤1µ 〈vw T , C 1 〉 + (1 − µ) 〈vw T , C 2 〉 = 〈vw T , µ C 1 + (1 − µ)C 2 〉The two sides are equivalent by linearity of inner product. The right-hand side remainsa vector inner-product of vw T with an element µ C 1 + (1 − µ)C 2 from the convex set C ;hence it belongs to Y . Since that holds true for any two elements from Y , then it mustbe a convex set.

2.2. VECTORIZED-MATRIX INNER PRODUCT 472.2.1 Frobenius’ Definition. Isomorphic.An isomorphism of a vector space is a transformation equivalent to a linearbijective mapping. The image and inverse image under the transformationoperator are then called isomorphic vector spaces.△Isomorphic vector spaces are characterized by preservation of adjacency;id est, if v and w are points connected by a line segment in one vector space,then their images will also be connected by a line segment. Two Euclideanbodies may be considered isomorphic of there exists an isomorphism of theircorresponding ambient spaces. [274,I.1]When Z =Y ∈ R p×k in (31), Frobenius’ norm is resultant from vectorinner-product; (confer (1462))‖Y ‖ 2 F = ‖ vec Y ‖2 2 = 〈Y , Y 〉 = tr(Y T Y )= ∑ i,jY 2ij = ∑ iλ(Y T Y ) i = ∑ iσ(Y ) 2 i(36)where λ(Y T Y ) i is the i th eigenvalue of Y T Y , and σ(Y ) i the i th singularvalue of Y . Were Y a normal matrix (A.5.2), then σ(Y )= |λ(Y )|[298,8.1] thus‖Y ‖ 2 F = ∑ iλ(Y ) 2 i = ‖λ(Y )‖ 2 2 (37)The converse (37) ⇒ normal matrix Y also holds. [149,2.5.4]Because the metrics are equivalent‖ vec X −vec Y ‖ 2 = ‖X −Y ‖ F (38)and because vectorization (30) is a linear bijective map, then vector spaceR p×k is isometrically isomorphic with vector space R pk in the Euclidean senseand vec is an isometric isomorphism on R p×k . 2.12 Because of this Euclideanstructure, all the known results from convex analysis in Euclidean space R ncarry over directly to the space of real matrices R p×k .2.12 Given matrix A, its range R(A) (2.5) is isometrically isomorphic with its vectorizedrange vec R(A) but not with R(vec A).

2.2. VECTORIZED-MATRIX INNER PRODUCT 472.2.1 Frobenius’ Definition. Isomorphic.An isomorphism of a vector space is a transformation equivalent to a linearbijective mapping. The image and inverse image under the transformationoperator are then called isomorphic vector spaces.△Isomorphic vector spaces are characterized by preservation of adjacency;id est, if v and w are points connected by a line segment in one vector space,then their images will also be connected by a line segment. Two Euclideanbodies may be considered isomorphic of there exists an isomorphism of theircorresponding ambient spaces. [274,I.1]When Z =Y ∈ R p×k in (31), Frobenius’ norm is resultant from vectorinner-product; (confer (1462))‖Y ‖ 2 F = ‖ vec Y ‖2 2 = 〈Y , Y 〉 = tr(Y T Y )= ∑ i,jY 2ij = ∑ iλ(Y T Y ) i = ∑ iσ(Y ) 2 i(36)where λ(Y T Y ) i is the i th eigenvalue of Y T Y , and σ(Y ) i the i th singularvalue of Y . Were Y a normal matrix (A.5.2), then σ(Y )= |λ(Y )|[298,8.1] thus‖Y ‖ 2 F = ∑ iλ(Y ) 2 i = ‖λ(Y )‖ 2 2 (37)The converse (37) ⇒ normal matrix Y also holds. [149,2.5.4]Because the metrics are equivalent‖ vec X −vec Y ‖ 2 = ‖X −Y ‖ F (38)and because vectorization (30) is a linear bijective map, then vector spaceR p×k is isometrically isomorphic with vector space R pk in the Euclidean senseand vec is an isometric isomorphism on R p×k . 2.12 Because of this Euclideanstructure, all the known results from convex analysis in Euclidean space R ncarry over directly to the space of real matrices R p×k .2.12 Given matrix A, its range R(A) (2.5) is isometrically isomorphic with its vectorizedrange vec R(A) but not with R(vec A).

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