v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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366 CHAPTER 5. EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIX5.12 List reconstructionThe traditional term multidimensional scaling 5.50 [187] [71] [262] [69][190] [61] refers to any reconstruction of a list X ∈ R n×N in Euclideanspace from interpoint distance information, possibly incomplete (6.4),ordinal (5.13.2), or specified perhaps only by bounding-constraints( [263]. Techniques for reconstruction are essentially methodsfor optimally embedding an unknown list of points, corresponding togiven Euclidean distance data, in an affine subset of desired or minimumdimension. The oldest known precursor is called principal componentanalysis [114] which analyzes the correlation matrix (; [39,22]a.k.a, Karhunen−Loéve transform in the digital signal processing literature.Isometric reconstruction (5.5.3) of point list X is best performed by eigendecomposition of a Gram matrix; for then, numerical errors of factorizationare easily spotted in the eigenvalues.We now consider how rotation/reflection and translation invariance factorinto a reconstruction.5.12.1 x 1 at the origin. V NAt the stage of reconstruction, we have D ∈ EDM N and we wish to finda generating list (2.3.2) for P − α by factoring positive semidefinite−VN TDV N (893) as suggested in5. One way to factor −VN TDV Nis via diagonalization of symmetric matrices; [247,5.6] [149] (A.5.2,A.3)−VNDV T ∆ N = QΛQ T (931)QΛQ T ≽ 0 ⇔ Λ ≽ 0 (932)where Q∈ R N−1×N−1 is an orthogonal matrix containing eigenvectorswhile Λ∈ S N−1 is a diagonal matrix containing corresponding nonnegativeeigenvalues ordered by nonincreasing value. From the diagonalization,identify the list using (840);−V T NDV N = 2V T NX T XV N ∆ = Q √ ΛQ T pQ p√ΛQT(933)5.50 Scaling [260] means making a scale, i.e., a numerical representation of qualitative data.If the scale is multidimensional, it’s multidimensional scaling.−Jan de LeeuwWhen the metric is Euclidean distance, then reconstruction is termed metricmultidimensional scaling.

5.12. LIST RECONSTRUCTION 367where √ ΛQ T pQ p√Λ ∆ = Λ = √ Λ √ Λ and where Q p ∈ R n×N−1 is unknown asis its dimension n . Rotation/reflection is accounted for by Q p yet only itsfirst r columns are necessarily orthonormal. 5.51 Assuming membership tothe unit simplex y ∈ S (890), then point p = X √ 2V N y = Q p√ΛQ T y in R nbelongs to the translated polyhedronP − x 1 (934)whose generating list constitutes the columns of (834)[ √ ] [ √ ]0 X 2VN = 0 Q p ΛQT∈ R n×N= [0 x 2 −x 1 x 3 −x 1 · · · x N −x 1 ](935)The scaled auxiliary matrix V N represents that translation. A simple choicefor Q p has n set to N − 1; id est, Q p = I . Ideally, each member of thegenerating list has at most r nonzero entries; r being, affine dimensionrankV T NDV N = rankQ p√ΛQ T = rank Λ = r (936)Each member then has at least N −1 − r zeros in its higher-dimensionalcoordinates because r ≤ N −1. (846) To truncate those zeros, choose nequal to affine dimension which is the smallest n possible because XV N hasrank r ≤ n (842). 5.52 In that case, the simplest choice for Q p is [ I 0 ]having dimensions r ×N −1.We may wish to verify the list (935) found from the diagonalization of−VN TDV N . Because of rotation/reflection and translation invariance (5.5),EDM D can be uniquely made from that list by calculating: (705)5.51 Recall r signifies affine dimension. Q p is not necessarily an orthogonal matrix. Q p isconstrained such that only its first r columns are necessarily orthonormal because thereare only r nonzero eigenvalues in Λ when −VN TDV N has rank r ( Remainingcolumns of Q p are arbitrary.⎡⎤⎡q T1 ⎤λ 1 0. .. 5.52 If we write Q T = ⎣. .. ⎦ as rowwise eigenvectors, Λ = ⎢ λr ⎥qN−1T ⎣ 0 ... ⎦0 0in terms of eigenvalues, and Q p = [ ]q p1 · · · q pN−1 as column vectors, then√Q p Λ Q T ∑= r √λi q pi qiT is a sum of r linearly independent rank-one matrices (B.1.1).i=1Hence the summation has rank r .

5.12. LIST RECONSTRUCTION 367where √ ΛQ T pQ p√Λ ∆ = Λ = √ Λ √ Λ and where Q p ∈ R n×N−1 is unknown asis its dimension n . Rotation/reflection is accounted for by Q p yet only itsfirst r columns are necessarily orthonormal. 5.51 Assuming membership tothe unit simplex y ∈ S (890), then point p = X √ 2V N y = Q p√ΛQ T y in R nbelongs to the translated polyhedronP − x 1 (934)whose generating list constitutes the columns of (834)[ √ ] [ √ ]0 X 2VN = 0 Q p ΛQT∈ R n×N= [0 x 2 −x 1 x 3 −x 1 · · · x N −x 1 ](935)The scaled auxiliary matrix V N represents that translation. A simple choicefor Q p has n set to N − 1; id est, Q p = I . Ideally, each member of thegenerating list has at most r nonzero entries; r being, affine dimensionrankV T NDV N = rankQ p√ΛQ T = rank Λ = r (936)Each member then has at least N −1 − r zeros in its higher-dimensionalcoordinates because r ≤ N −1. (846) To truncate those zeros, choose nequal to affine dimension which is the smallest n possible because XV N hasrank r ≤ n (842). 5.52 In that case, the simplest choice for Q p is [ I 0 ]having dimensions r ×N −1.We may wish to verify the list (935) found from the diagonalization of−VN TDV N . Because of rotation/reflection and translation invariance (5.5),EDM D can be uniquely made from that list by calculating: (705)5.51 Recall r signifies affine dimension. Q p is not necessarily an orthogonal matrix. Q p isconstrained such that only its first r columns are necessarily orthonormal because thereare only r nonzero eigenvalues in Λ when −VN TDV N has rank r ( Remainingcolumns of Q p are arbitrary.⎡⎤⎡q T1 ⎤λ 1 0. .. 5.52 If we write Q T = ⎣. .. ⎦ as rowwise eigenvectors, Λ = ⎢ λr ⎥qN−1T ⎣ 0 ... ⎦0 0in terms of eigenvalues, and Q p = [ ]q p1 · · · q pN−1 as column vectors, then√Q p Λ Q T ∑= r √λi q pi qiT is a sum of r linearly independent rank-one matrices (B.1.1).i=1Hence the summation has rank r .

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