v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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280 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING4. Example. Variable-vector normalization.Suppose, within some convex optimization problem, we want vector variablesx, y ∈ R N constrained by a nonconvex equality:x‖y‖ = y (669)id est, ‖x‖ = 1 and x points in the same direction as y ; e.g.,minimize f(x, y)x , ysubject to (x, y) ∈ Cx‖y‖ = y(670)where f is some convex function and C is some convex set. We can realizethe nonconvex equality by constraining rank and adding a regularizationterm to the objective. Make the assignment:⎡ ⎤x [x T y T 1]⎡G = ⎣ y ⎦ = ⎣1X Z xZ Y yx T y T 1⎤⎡⎦=∆ ⎣xx T xy T xyx T yy T yx T y T 1⎤⎦∈ S 2N+1 (671)where X , Y ∈ S N , also Z ∈ S N [sic] . Any rank-1 solution must take theform of (671). (B.1) The problem statement equivalent to (670) is thenwrittenminimizeX , Y , Z , x , ysubject to (x, y) ∈ C⎡f(x, y) + ‖X − Y ‖ FG = ⎣rankG = 1(G ≽ 0)tr(X) = 1δ(Z) ≽ 0X Z xZ Y yx T y T 1⎤⎦(672)The trace constraint on X normalizes vector x while the diagonal constrainton Z maintains sign between respective entries of x and y . Regularizationterm ‖X −Y ‖ F then makes x equal to y to within a real scalar. (C. make this program solvable by convex iteration, as explained before, we

4.4. RANK-CONSTRAINED SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAM 281move the rank constraint to the objectiveminimizeX , Y , Z , x , ysubject to (x, y) ∈ C⎡f(x, y) + ‖X − Y ‖ F + 〈G, Y 〉G = ⎣tr(X) = 1δ(Z) ≽ 0X Z xZ Y yx T y T 1⎤⎦≽ 0(673)by introducing a direction matrix Y found from (1475a)minimizeY ∈ S 2N+1 〈G ⋆ , Y 〉subject to 0 ≼ Y ≼ ItrY = 2N(674)whose optimal solution has closed form. Iteration (673) (674) terminateswhen rankG = 1 and regularization 〈G, Y 〉 vanishes to within somenumerical tolerance in (673); typically, in two iterations. If function fcompetes too much with the regularization, positively weighting eachregularization term will become required. At convergence, problem (673)becomes a convex equivalent to the original nonconvex problem (670). Example. fast max cut. [77]Let Γ be an n-node graph, and let the arcs (i , j) of the graph beassociated with [ ] weights a ij . The problem is to find a cut of thelargest possible weight, i.e., to partition the set of nodes into twoparts S, S ′ in such a way that the total weight of all arcs linkingS and S ′ (i.e., with one incident node in S and the other onein S ′ ) is as large as possible. [27,4.3.3]Literature on the max cut problem is vast because this problem has elegantprimal and dual formulation, its solution is very difficult, and there existmany commercial applications; e.g., semiconductor design [82], quantumcomputing [292].

280 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING4. Example. Variable-vector normalization.Suppose, within some convex optimization problem, we want vector variablesx, y ∈ R N constrained by a nonconvex equality:x‖y‖ = y (669)id est, ‖x‖ = 1 and x points in the same direction as y ; e.g.,minimize f(x, y)x , ysubject to (x, y) ∈ Cx‖y‖ = y(670)where f is some convex function and C is some convex set. We can realizethe nonconvex equality by constraining rank and adding a regularizationterm to the objective. Make the assignment:⎡ ⎤x [x T y T 1]⎡G = ⎣ y ⎦ = ⎣1X Z xZ Y yx T y T 1⎤⎡⎦=∆ ⎣xx T xy T xyx T yy T yx T y T 1⎤⎦∈ S 2N+1 (671)where X , Y ∈ S N , also Z ∈ S N [sic] . Any rank-1 solution must take theform of (671). (B.1) The problem statement equivalent to (670) is thenwrittenminimizeX , Y , Z , x , ysubject to (x, y) ∈ C⎡f(x, y) + ‖X − Y ‖ FG = ⎣rankG = 1(G ≽ 0)tr(X) = 1δ(Z) ≽ 0X Z xZ Y yx T y T 1⎤⎦(672)The trace constraint on X normalizes vector x while the diagonal constrainton Z maintains sign between respective entries of x and y . Regularizationterm ‖X −Y ‖ F then makes x equal to y to within a real scalar. (C. make this program solvable by convex iteration, as explained before, we

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