v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization


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4.3. RANK REDUCTION 2534. Example. Aδ(X) = b .This academic example demonstrates that a solution found by rank reductioncan certainly have rank less than Barvinok’s upper bound (232): Assume agiven vector b∈ R m belongs to the conic hull of the columns of a given matrixA∈ R m×n ;⎡⎤ ⎡ ⎤A =⎢⎣−1 1 8 1 1−3 2 812−9 4 8141319Consider the convex optimization problem⎥⎦ , b =⎢⎣11214⎥⎦ (620)minimize trXX∈ S 5subject to X ≽ 0Aδ(X) = b(621)that minimizes the 1-norm of the main diagonal; id est, problem (621) is thesame asminimizeX∈ S 5 ‖δ(X)‖ 1subject to X ≽ 0Aδ(X) = b(622)that finds a solution to Aδ(X)=b. Rank-3 solution X ⋆ = δ(x M) is optimal,where (confer (580))⎡ 2 ⎤1280x M=5⎢ 128 ⎥(623)⎣ 0 ⎦90128Yet upper bound (232) predicts existence of at most a(⌊√ ⌋ )8m + 1 − 1rank-= 22(624)feasible solution from m = 3 equality constraints. To find a lowerrank ρ optimal solution to (621) (barring combinatorics), we invokeProcedure

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