v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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236 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGe.g., Figure 33. Then given A∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 having rank m , we wish todetect existence of a nonempty relative interior of the primal feasible set; 4.7b ∈ int K ⇔ 〈y, b〉 > 0 ∀y ∈ K ∗ , y ≠ 0 ⇔ A∩int S n + ≠ ∅ (561)A positive definite Farkas’ lemma can easily be constructed from thismembership relation (282) and these proper convex cones K (324) andK ∗ (330): Lemma. Positive definite Farkas’ lemma.Given a linearly independent set {A i ∈ S n , i=1... m}b = [b i ]∈ R m , define the affine subsetand a vectorA = {X ∈ S n | 〈A i , X〉 = b i , i=1... m} (549)Primal feasible set relative interior A ∩ int S n + is nonempty if and only if∑y T b > 0 holds for each and every vector y = [y i ]≠ 0 such that m y i A i ≽ 0.Equivalently, primal feasible set relative interior A ∩ int S n + is nonemptyif and only if y T b > 0 holds for each and every norm-1 vector ‖y‖= 1 such∑that m y i A i ≽ 0.⋄i=1i= Example. “New” Farkas’ lemma.In 1995, Lasserre [166,III] presented an example originally offered byBen-Israel in 1969 [26, p.378] as evidence of failure in semidefinite Farkas’Lemma[ ]A =∆ svec(A1 ) Tsvec(A 2 ) T =[ 0 1 00 0 1] [ 1, b =0](562)The intersection A ∩ S n + is practically empty because the solution set{X ≽ 0 | A svec X = b} ={[α1 √2√120]≽ 0 | α∈ R}(563)4.7 Detection of A ∩ int S n + by examining K interior is a trick need not be lost.

4.2. FRAMEWORK 237is positive semidefinite only asymptotically (α→∞). Yet the dual systemm∑y i A i ≽0 ⇒ y T b≥0 indicates nonempty intersection; videlicet, for ‖y‖= 1i=1y 1[01 √21 √20]+ y 2[ 0 00 1][ ] 0≽ 0 ⇔ y =1⇒ y T b = 0 (564)On the other hand, positive definite Farkas’ Lemma showsA ∩ int S n + is empty; what we need to know for semidefinite programming.Based on Ben-Israel’s example, Lasserre suggested addition of anothercondition to semidefinite Farkas’ Lemma to make a “new” lemma.Ye recommends positive definite Farkas’ Lemma instead; which issimpler and obviates Lasserre’s proposed additional condition. Theorem of the alternative for semidefinite programmingBecause these Farkas’ lemmas follow from membership relations, we mayconstruct alternative systems from them. Applying the method of2.,then from positive definite Farkas’ lemma, for example, we getA ∩ int S n + ≠ ∅or in the alternativem∑y T b ≤ 0, y i A i ≽ 0, y ≠ 0i=1(565)Any single vector y satisfying the alternative certifies A ∩ int S n + is empty.Such a vector can be found as a solution to another semidefinite program:for linearly independent set {A i ∈ S n , i=1... m}minimizeysubject toy T bm∑y i A i ≽ 0i=1‖y‖ 2 ≤ 1(566)If an optimal vector y ⋆ ≠ 0 can be found such that y ⋆T b ≤ 0, then relativeinterior of the primal feasible set A ∩ int S n + from (558) is empty.

236 CHAPTER 4. SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMINGe.g., Figure 33. Then given A∈ R m×n(n+1)/2 having rank m , we wish todetect existence of a nonempty relative interior of the primal feasible set; 4.7b ∈ int K ⇔ 〈y, b〉 > 0 ∀y ∈ K ∗ , y ≠ 0 ⇔ A∩int S n + ≠ ∅ (561)A positive definite Farkas’ lemma can easily be constructed from thismembership relation (282) and these proper convex cones K (324) andK ∗ (330): Lemma. Positive definite Farkas’ lemma.Given a linearly independent set {A i ∈ S n , i=1... m}b = [b i ]∈ R m , define the affine subsetand a vectorA = {X ∈ S n | 〈A i , X〉 = b i , i=1... m} (549)Primal feasible set relative interior A ∩ int S n + is nonempty if and only if∑y T b > 0 holds for each and every vector y = [y i ]≠ 0 such that m y i A i ≽ 0.Equivalently, primal feasible set relative interior A ∩ int S n + is nonemptyif and only if y T b > 0 holds for each and every norm-1 vector ‖y‖= 1 such∑that m y i A i ≽ 0.⋄i=1i= Example. “New” Farkas’ lemma.In 1995, Lasserre [166,III] presented an example originally offered byBen-Israel in 1969 [26, p.378] as evidence of failure in semidefinite Farkas’Lemma[ ]A =∆ svec(A1 ) Tsvec(A 2 ) T =[ 0 1 00 0 1] [ 1, b =0](562)The intersection A ∩ S n + is practically empty because the solution set{X ≽ 0 | A svec X = b} ={[α1 √2√120]≽ 0 | α∈ R}(563)4.7 Detection of A ∩ int S n + by examining K interior is a trick need not be lost.

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