v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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210 CHAPTER 3. GEOMETRY OF CONVEX FUNCTIONSg is convex nonnegatively monotonic and h is convexg is convex nonpositively monotonic and h is concaveand composite function f is concave wheng is concave nonnegatively monotonic and h is concaveg is concave nonpositively monotonic and h is convexwhere ∞ (−∞) is assigned to convex (concave) g when evaluated outsideits domain. When functions are differentiable, these rules are consequent to(1559). Convexity (concavity) of any g is preserved when h is affine. 3.1.9 first-order convexity condition, real functionDiscretization of w ≽0 in (420) invites refocus to the real-valued function: Theorem. Necessary and sufficient convexity condition.[46,3.1.3] [87,I.5.2] [296,1.2.3] [30,1.2] [245,4.2] [227,3] For realdifferentiable function f(X) : R p×k →R with matrix argument on openconvex domain, the condition (conferD.1.7)f(Y ) ≥ f(X) + 〈∇f(X) , Y − X〉 for each and every X,Y ∈ domf (509)is necessary and sufficient for convexity of f .⋄When f(X) : R p →R is a real differentiable convex function with vectorargument on open convex domain, there is simplification of the first-ordercondition (509); for each and every X,Y ∈ domff(Y ) ≥ f(X) + ∇f(X) T (Y − X) (510)From this we can find a unique [277,5.5.4] nonvertical [147,B.1.2]hyperplane ∂H − (2.4), [ expressed ] in terms of the function gradient,Xsupporting epif at : videlicet, defining f(Y /∈ domf) = ∆ ∞f(X)[46,3.1.7]

3.1. CONVEX FUNCTION 211[ Yt]∈ epif ⇔ t ≥ f(Y ) ⇒ [ ∇f(X) T−1 ]([ Yt] [−Xf(X)])≤ 0(511)This means, for each and every point X in the domain of a real convexfunction [ f(X) ] , there exists a hyperplane ∂H − [ in R p × ] R having normal∇f(X)Xsupporting the function epigraph at ∈ ∂H−1f(X)−{[ Y∂H − =t] [ Rp∈R][∇f(X)T−1 ]([ Yt] [−Xf(X)]) }= 0(512)One such supporting hyperplane (confer Figure 20(a)) is illustrated inFigure 59 for a convex quadratic.From (510) we deduce, for each and every X,Y ∈ domf∇f(X) T (Y − X) ≥ 0 ⇒ f(Y ) ≥ f(X) (513)meaning, the gradient at X identifies a supporting hyperplane there in R p{Y ∈ R p | ∇f(X) T (Y − X) = 0} (514)to the convex sublevel sets of convex function f (confer (462))L f(X) f ∆ = {Y ∈ domf | f(Y ) ≤ f(X)} ⊆ R p (515)illustrated for an arbitrary real convex function in Figure first-order convexity condition, vector functionNow consider the first-order necessary and sufficient condition for convexityof a vector-valued function: Differentiable function f(X) : R p×k →R M isconvex if and only if domf is open, convex, and for each and everyX,Y ∈ domff(Y ) ≽R M +f(X) +→Y −Xdf(X)= f(X) + d dt∣ f(X+ t (Y − X)) (516)t=0

3.1. CONVEX FUNCTION 211[ Yt]∈ epif ⇔ t ≥ f(Y ) ⇒ [ ∇f(X) T−1 ]([ Yt] [−Xf(X)])≤ 0(511)This means, for each and every point X in the domain of a real convexfunction [ f(X) ] , there exists a hyperplane ∂H − [ in R p × ] R having normal∇f(X)Xsupporting the function epigraph at ∈ ∂H−1f(X)−{[ Y∂H − =t] [ Rp∈R][∇f(X)T−1 ]([ Yt] [−Xf(X)]) }= 0(512)One such supporting hyperplane (confer Figure 20(a)) is illustrated inFigure 59 for a convex quadratic.From (510) we deduce, for each and every X,Y ∈ domf∇f(X) T (Y − X) ≥ 0 ⇒ f(Y ) ≥ f(X) (513)meaning, the gradient at X identifies a supporting hyperplane there in R p{Y ∈ R p | ∇f(X) T (Y − X) = 0} (514)to the convex sublevel sets of convex function f (confer (462))L f(X) f ∆ = {Y ∈ domf | f(Y ) ≤ f(X)} ⊆ R p (515)illustrated for an arbitrary real convex function in Figure first-order convexity condition, vector functionNow consider the first-order necessary and sufficient condition for convexityof a vector-valued function: Differentiable function f(X) : R p×k →R M isconvex if and only if domf is open, convex, and for each and everyX,Y ∈ domff(Y ) ≽R M +f(X) +→Y −Xdf(X)= f(X) + d dt∣ f(X+ t (Y − X)) (516)t=0

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