v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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List of Tables2 Convex geometryTable, rank versus dimension of S 3 + faces 106Table, maximum number of c.i. directions 121Cone Table 1 167Cone Table S 167Cone Table A 169Cone Table 1* 1724 Semidefinite programmingfaces of S 3 + correspond to faces of S 3 + 2315 Euclidean Distance Matrixaffine dimension in terms of rank Précis 5.7.2 338B Simple matricesAuxiliary V -matrix Table B.4.4 530D Matrix calculusTable D.2.1, algebraic gradients and derivatives 571Table D.2.2, trace Kronecker gradients 572Table D.2.3, trace gradients and derivatives 573Table D.2.4, log determinant gradients and derivatives 575Table D.2.5, determinant gradients and derivatives 576Table D.2.6, logarithmic derivatives 577Table D.2.7, exponential gradients and derivatives 5772001 Jon Dattorro. CO&EDG version 2007.09.13. All rights reserved.Citation: Jon Dattorro, Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry,Meboo Publishing USA, 2005.18

Chapter 1OverviewConvex OptimizationEuclidean Distance GeometryPeople are so afraid of convex analysis.−Claude Lemaréchal, 2003In layman’s terms, the mathematical science of Optimization is the studyof how to make a good choice when confronted with conflicting requirements.The qualifier convex means: when an optimal solution is found, then it isguaranteed to be a best solution; there is no better choice.Any convex optimization problem has geometric interpretation. If a givenoptimization problem can be transformed to a convex equivalent, then thisinterpretive benefit is acquired. That is a powerful attraction: the ability tovisualize geometry of an optimization problem. Conversely, recent advancesin geometry and in graph theory hold convex optimization within their proofs’core. [299] [238]This book is about convex optimization, convex geometry (withparticular attention to distance geometry), and nonconvex, combinatorial,and geometrical problems that can be relaxed or transformed into convexproblems. A virtual flood of new applications follow by epiphany that manyproblems, presumed nonconvex, can be so transformed. [8] [9] [44] [63] [99][101] [203] [220] [227] [269] [270] [296] [299] [27,4.3, p.316-322]2001 Jon Dattorro. CO&EDG version 2007.09.13. All rights reserved.Citation: Jon Dattorro, Convex Optimization & Euclidean Distance Geometry,Meboo Publishing USA, 2005.19

List of Tables2 <strong>Convex</strong> geometryTable, rank versus dimension of S 3 + faces 106Table, maximum number of c.i. directions 121Cone Table 1 167Cone Table S 167Cone Table A 169Cone Table 1* 1724 Semidefinite programmingfaces of S 3 + correspond to faces of S 3 + 2315 Euclidean Distance Matrixaffine dimension in terms of rank Précis 5.7.2 338B Simple matricesAuxiliary V -matrix Table B.4.4 530D Matrix calculusTable D.2.1, algebraic gradients and derivatives 571Table D.2.2, trace Kronecker gradients 572Table D.2.3, trace gradients and derivatives 573Table D.2.4, log determinant gradients and derivatives 575Table D.2.5, determinant gradients and derivatives 576Table D.2.6, logarithmic derivatives 577Table D.2.7, exponential gradients and derivatives 5772001 Jon Dattorro. CO&EDG version 2007.09.13. All rights reserved.Citation: Jon Dattorro, <strong>Convex</strong> <strong>Optimization</strong> & Euclidean Distance Geometry,Meboo Publishing USA, 2005.18

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