v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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158 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Definition. Pointed polyhedral cone, vertex-description.(encore) (confer (252) (157)) Given pointed polyhedral cone K in a subspaceof R n , denoting its i th extreme direction by Γ i ∈ R n arranged in a matrix Xas in (240), then that cone may be described: (75) (confer (253))K = { [0 X ] aζ | a T 1 = 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{= Xaζ | a T 1 ≤ 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{ } (333)= Xb | b ≽ 0 ⊆ Rnthat is simply a conic hull (like (83)) of a finite number N of directions.△Whenever cone K is pointed closed and convex (not only polyhedral), thendual cone K ∗ has a halfspace-description in terms of the extreme directionsΓ i of K :K ∗ = { y | γ T y ≥ 0 for all γ ∈ {Γ i , i=1... N} ⊆ rel ∂K } (334)because when {Γ i } constitutes any set of generators for K , the discretizationresult in2.13.4.1 allows relaxation of the requirement ∀x∈ K in (258) to∀γ∈{Γ i } directly. 2.50 That dual cone so defined is unique, identical to (258),polyhedral whenever the number of generators N is finiteK ∗ = { y | X T y ≽ 0 } ⊆ R n (315)and has nonempty interior because K is assumed pointed (but K ∗ is notnecessarily pointed unless K has nonempty interior ( Facet normal & extreme directionWe see from (315) that the conically independent generators of cone K(namely, the extreme directions of pointed closed convex cone K constitutingthe columns of X) each define an inward-normal to a hyperplane supportingK ∗ ( and exposing a dual facet when N is finite. Were K ∗pointed and finitely generated, then by conjugation the dual statementwould also hold; id est, the extreme directions of pointed K ∗ each definean inward-normal to a hyperplane supporting K and exposing a facet whenN is finite. Examine Figure 43 or Figure 48, for example.2.50 The extreme directions of K constitute a minimal set of generators.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 159We may conclude the extreme directions of polyhedral proper K arerespectively orthogonal to the facets of K ∗ ; likewise, the extreme directionsof polyhedral proper K ∗ are respectively orthogonal to the facets of K .2.13.7 Biorthogonal expansion by example2. Example. Relationship to dual polyhedral cone.Simplicial cone K illustrated in Figure 49 induces a partial order on R 2 . Allpoints greater than x with respect to K , for example, are contained in thetranslated cone x + K . The extreme directions Γ 1 and Γ 2 of K do notmake an orthogonal set; neither do extreme directions Γ 3 and Γ 4 of dualcone K ∗ ; rather, we have the biorthogonality condition, [273]Γ T 4 Γ 1 = Γ T 3 Γ 2 = 0Γ T 3 Γ 1 ≠ 0, Γ T 4 Γ 2 ≠ 0(335)Biorthogonal expansion of x ∈ K is thenx = Γ 1Γ T 3 xΓ T 3 Γ 1+ Γ 2Γ T 4 xΓ T 4 Γ 2(336)where Γ T 3 x/(Γ T 3 Γ 1 ) is the nonnegative coefficient of nonorthogonal projection(E.6.1) of x on Γ 1 in the direction orthogonal to Γ 3 , and whereΓ T 4 x/(Γ T 4 Γ 2 ) is the nonnegative coefficient of nonorthogonal projection ofx on Γ 2 in the direction orthogonal to Γ 4 ; they are coordinates in thisnonorthogonal system. Those coefficients must be nonnegative x ≽ K0because x ∈ K (281) and K is simplicial.If we ascribe the extreme directions of K to the columns of a matrixX ∆ = [ Γ 1 Γ 2 ] (337)then we find that the pseudoinverse transpose matrix[]X †T 1 1= Γ 3 ΓΓ T 43 Γ 1 Γ T 4 Γ 2(338)holds the extreme directions of the dual cone. Therefore,x = XX † x (344)

158 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2. Definition. Pointed polyhedral cone, vertex-description.(encore) (confer (252) (157)) Given pointed polyhedral cone K in a subspaceof R n , denoting its i th extreme direction by Γ i ∈ R n arranged in a matrix Xas in (240), then that cone may be described: (75) (confer (253))K = { [0 X ] aζ | a T 1 = 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{= Xaζ | a T 1 ≤ 1, a ≽ 0, ζ ≥ 0 }{ } (333)= Xb | b ≽ 0 ⊆ Rnthat is simply a conic hull (like (83)) of a finite number N of directions.△Whenever cone K is pointed closed and convex (not only polyhedral), thendual cone K ∗ has a halfspace-description in terms of the extreme directionsΓ i of K :K ∗ = { y | γ T y ≥ 0 for all γ ∈ {Γ i , i=1... N} ⊆ rel ∂K } (334)because when {Γ i } constitutes any set of generators for K , the discretizationresult in2.13.4.1 allows relaxation of the requirement ∀x∈ K in (258) to∀γ∈{Γ i } directly. 2.50 That dual cone so defined is unique, identical to (258),polyhedral whenever the number of generators N is finiteK ∗ = { y | X T y ≽ 0 } ⊆ R n (315)and has nonempty interior because K is assumed pointed (but K ∗ is notnecessarily pointed unless K has nonempty interior ( Facet normal & extreme directionWe see from (315) that the conically independent generators of cone K(namely, the extreme directions of pointed closed convex cone K constitutingthe columns of X) each define an inward-normal to a hyperplane supportingK ∗ ( and exposing a dual facet when N is finite. Were K ∗pointed and finitely generated, then by conjugation the dual statementwould also hold; id est, the extreme directions of pointed K ∗ each definean inward-normal to a hyperplane supporting K and exposing a facet whenN is finite. Examine Figure 43 or Figure 48, for example.2.50 The extreme directions of K constitute a minimal set of generators.

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