v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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152 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2.13.4 Discretization of membership relation2.13.4.1 Dual halfspace-descriptionHalfspace-description of the dual cone is equally simple (and extensibleto an infinite number of generators) as vertex-description (252) for thecorresponding closed convex cone: By definition (258), for X ∈ R n×N as in(240), (confer (246))K ∗ = { y ∈ R n | z T y ≥ 0 for all z ∈ K }= { y ∈ R n | z T y ≥ 0 for all z = Xa , a ≽ 0 }= { y ∈ R n | a T X T y ≥ 0, a ≽ 0 }= { y ∈ R n | X T y ≽ 0 } (315)that follows from the generalized inequality and membership corollary (277).The semi-infinity of tests specified by all z ∈ K has been reduced to a setof generators for K constituting the columns of X ; id est, the test has beendiscretized.Whenever K is known to be closed and convex, then the converse mustalso hold; id est, given any set of generators for K ∗ arranged columnarin Y , then the consequent vertex-description of the dual cone connotes ahalfspace-description for K : [245,2.8]K ∗ = {Y a | a ≽ 0} ⇔ K ∗∗ = K = { z | Y T z ≽ 0 } (316) First dual-cone formulaFrom these two results (315) and (316) we deduce a general principle:From any given vertex-description of a convex cone K , ahalfspace-description of the dual cone K ∗ is immediate by matrixtransposition; conversely, from any given halfspace-description, a dualvertex-description is immediate.Various other converses are just a little trickier. (2.13.9)We deduce further: For any polyhedral cone K , the dual cone K ∗ is alsopolyhedral and K ∗∗ = K . [245,2.8]The generalized inequality and membership corollary is discretized in thefollowing theorem [18,1] 2.49 that follows directly from (315) and (316):2.49 Barker & Carlson state the theorem only for the pointed closed convex case.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 1532. Theorem. Discrete membership. (confer2. any set of generators ( denoted by G(K) for closed convexcone K ⊆ R n and any set of generators denoted G(K ∗ ) for its dual, let xand y belong to vector space R n . Then discretization of the generalizedinequality and membership corollary is necessary and sufficient for certifyingmembership:x ∈ K ⇔ 〈γ ∗ , x〉 ≥ 0 for all γ ∗ ∈ G(K ∗ ) (317)y ∈ K ∗ ⇔ 〈γ , y〉 ≥ 0 for all γ ∈ G(K) (318)⋄ Exercise. Test of discretized dual generalized inequalities.Test Theorem on Figure 43(a) using the extreme directions asgenerators.From the discrete membership theorem we may further deduce a moresurgical description of dual cone that prescribes only a finite number ofhalfspaces for its construction when polyhedral: (Figure 42(a))K ∗ = {y ∈ R n | 〈γ , y〉 ≥ 0 for all γ ∈ G(K)} (319) Exercise. Comparison with respect to orthant.When comparison is with respect to the nonnegative orthant K = R n + , thenfrom the discrete membership theorem it directly follows:x ≼ z ⇔ x i ≤ z i ∀i (320)Generate simple counterexamples demonstrating that this equivalence withentrywise inequality holds only when the underlying cone inducing partialorder is the nonnegative orthant.2.13.5 Dual PSD cone and generalized inequalityThe dual positive semidefinite cone K ∗ is confined to S M by convention;S M ∗+∆= {Y ∈ S M | 〈Y , X〉 ≥ 0 for all X ∈ S M + } = S M + (321)The positive semidefinite cone is self-dual in the ambient space of symmetricmatrices [46, exmp.2.24] [28] [144,II]; K = K ∗ .

152 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRY2.13.4 Discretization of membership relation2.13.4.1 Dual halfspace-descriptionHalfspace-description of the dual cone is equally simple (and extensibleto an infinite number of generators) as vertex-description (252) for thecorresponding closed convex cone: By definition (258), for X ∈ R n×N as in(240), (confer (246))K ∗ = { y ∈ R n | z T y ≥ 0 for all z ∈ K }= { y ∈ R n | z T y ≥ 0 for all z = Xa , a ≽ 0 }= { y ∈ R n | a T X T y ≥ 0, a ≽ 0 }= { y ∈ R n | X T y ≽ 0 } (315)that follows from the generalized inequality and membership corollary (277).The semi-infinity of tests specified by all z ∈ K has been reduced to a setof generators for K constituting the columns of X ; id est, the test has beendiscretized.Whenever K is known to be closed and convex, then the converse mustalso hold; id est, given any set of generators for K ∗ arranged columnarin Y , then the consequent vertex-description of the dual cone connotes ahalfspace-description for K : [245,2.8]K ∗ = {Y a | a ≽ 0} ⇔ K ∗∗ = K = { z | Y T z ≽ 0 } (316) First dual-cone formulaFrom these two results (315) and (316) we deduce a general principle:From any given vertex-description of a convex cone K , ahalfspace-description of the dual cone K ∗ is immediate by matrixtransposition; conversely, from any given halfspace-description, a dualvertex-description is immediate.Various other converses are just a little trickier. (2.13.9)We deduce further: For any polyhedral cone K , the dual cone K ∗ is alsopolyhedral and K ∗∗ = K . [245,2.8]The generalized inequality and membership corollary is discretized in thefollowing theorem [18,1] 2.49 that follows directly from (315) and (316):2.49 Barker & Carlson state the theorem only for the pointed closed convex case.

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