v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization v2007.09.13 - Convex Optimization

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148 CHAPTER 2. CONVEX GEOMETRYBy alternative is meant: these two systems are incompatible; one system isfeasible while the other is not. Example. Theorem of the alternative for linear inequality.Myriad alternative systems of linear inequality can be explained in terms ofpointed closed convex cones and their duals.Beginning from the simplest Cartesian dual generalized inequalities (277)(with respect to the nonnegative orthant R m + ),y ≽ 0 ⇔ x T y ≥ 0 for all x ≽ 0 (293)Given A∈ R n×m , we make vector substitution A T y ← yA T y ≽ 0 ⇔ x T A T y ≥ 0 for all x ≽ 0 (294)Introducing a new vector by calculating b ∆ = Ax we getA T y ≽ 0 ⇔ b T y ≥ 0, b = Ax for all x ≽ 0 (295)By complementing sense of the scalar inequality:A T y ≽ 0or in the alternativeb T y < 0, ∃ b = Ax, x ≽ 0(296)If one system has a solution, then the other does not; define aconvex cone K={y ∆ | A T y ≽0} , then y ∈ K or in the alternative y /∈ K .Scalar inequality b T y

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 149For another example, from membership relation (275) with affinetransformation of dual variable we may write: Given A∈ R n×m and b∈R nb − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇔ x T (b − Ay)≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (300)A T x=0, b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇒ x T b ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (301)From membership relation (300), conversely, suppose we allow any y ∈ R m .Then because −x T Ay is unbounded below, x T (b −Ay)≥0 implies A T x=0:for y ∈ R mIn toto,A T x=0, b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇐ x T (b − Ay)≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (302)b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇔ x T b ≥ 0, A T x=0 ∀x ∈ K (303)Vector x belongs to cone K but is also constrained to lie in a subspaceof R n specified by an intersection of hyperplanes through the origin{x∈ R n |A T x=0}. From this, alternative systems of generalized inequalitywith respect to pointed closed convex cones K and K ∗Ay ≼K ∗or in the alternativeb(304)x T b < 0, A T x=0, x ≽K0derived from (303) simply by taking the complementary sense of theinequality in x T b . These two systems are alternatives; if one system hasa solution, then the other does not. 2.48 [228, p.201]By invoking a strict membership relation between proper cones (282),we can construct a more exotic alternative strengthened by demand for aninterior point;2.48 If solutions at ±∞ are disallowed, then the alternative systems become insteadmutually exclusive with respect to nonpolyhedral cones. Simultaneous infeasibility ofthe two systems is not precluded by mutual exclusivity; called a weak alternative.Ye provides an example illustrating simultaneous [ ] infeasibility[ with respect ] to the positivesemidefinite cone: x∈ S 2 1 00 1, y ∈ R , A = , and b = where x0 01 0T b means〈x , b〉 . A better strategy than disallowing solutions at ±∞ is to demand an interiorpoint as in (306) or Lemma Then question of simultaneous infeasibility is moot.

2.13. DUAL CONE & GENERALIZED INEQUALITY 149For another example, from membership relation (275) with affinetransformation of dual variable we may write: Given A∈ R n×m and b∈R nb − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇔ x T (b − Ay)≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (300)A T x=0, b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇒ x T b ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (301)From membership relation (300), conversely, suppose we allow any y ∈ R m .Then because −x T Ay is unbounded below, x T (b −Ay)≥0 implies A T x=0:for y ∈ R mIn toto,A T x=0, b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇐ x T (b − Ay)≥ 0 ∀x ∈ K (302)b − Ay ∈ K ∗ ⇔ x T b ≥ 0, A T x=0 ∀x ∈ K (303)Vector x belongs to cone K but is also constrained to lie in a subspaceof R n specified by an intersection of hyperplanes through the origin{x∈ R n |A T x=0}. From this, alternative systems of generalized inequalitywith respect to pointed closed convex cones K and K ∗Ay ≼K ∗or in the alternativeb(304)x T b < 0, A T x=0, x ≽K0derived from (303) simply by taking the complementary sense of theinequality in x T b . These two systems are alternatives; if one system hasa solution, then the other does not. 2.48 [228, p.201]By invoking a strict membership relation between proper cones (282),we can construct a more exotic alternative strengthened by demand for aninterior point;2.48 If solutions at ±∞ are disallowed, then the alternative systems become insteadmutually exclusive with respect to nonpolyhedral cones. Simultaneous infeasibility ofthe two systems is not precluded by mutual exclusivity; called a weak alternative.Ye provides an example illustrating simultaneous [ ] infeasibility[ with respect ] to the positivesemidefinite cone: x∈ S 2 1 00 1, y ∈ R , A = , and b = where x0 01 0T b means〈x , b〉 . A better strategy than disallowing solutions at ±∞ is to demand an interiorpoint as in (306) or Lemma Then question of simultaneous infeasibility is moot.

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