Fire destroys Compounce ride - Southington Library and Museum

Fire destroys Compounce ride - Southington Library and Museum Fire destroys Compounce ride - Southington Library and Museum
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PAGE 4 Victor J. Lugli Victor J LugLi, of New Britain, died Tuesday. Au . 15 at New Britain General I lospltal The brother of Michael Lugli of Southington was 79 years old. Born m New Britain, he lived most of his life there, also Living in Platnville for several years He was employed at Fafr r Bearing Co. for 10 years and p 0usly owned the V&M Market on Broad Street in New Britain. He was a member of Holy Cross Church, the YMCA and its Health Club. He was a Red Cross instructor m first ud and lde saving techniques and was one of the original members of the Plmnvdle Planning and Zoning Board. In addxtlon to his brother. Lugll is survived by his wife, Shirley Maczko Lugll; a son. bhchard Lugli of Farmington. another brother. Joseph Lugli of New Britain; uhree g, andchddrcn, a great granddaughter, and several nieces and nephews. New Britain Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of the arrm ements. Burial was at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Meriden. Memorial donations may be made to the American liean Asso aUon, 3i0 Collins St.. Haled'oral. 06105. or the A1zheimer's Disease and Related D,.sorders Foundation, 800 Cottage Grove RJ ad. Bloomfldd, O6O02 Helen Z. Mokulis ttelen Z Mokuhs, of Manchester, died Tuesday, Aug. 15 at Manchester Memorial Hospital The mother of Robert Moku]is of Southington was 78 years old, In addinon to her son. Mokulis is survived by two daughters, two sisters, a brother and I0 grandchfldrcn. Holmes Funeral Home in Manchester was in of the an'angememts. Burlal was at St Mary Cemetery, New Britain. Mary Tomcik Hubeny Mary Tomeik Hubeny, of Plantsvflle, died Aug. 19at Bradley Memovisl Hospital. The widow of Edward Hube y was 69 years old. Born in Southington. the daughter of the late John and Mary Stahotn Tomczyk, she was a lifelong resident of Southington. Before her reth' nenL she was employed by ALlied Control Co. in PlantsviIle as a supervisor. She was a member of lloly Trinity PoLish National Catholic Church of Plantsville, the .church's Ladies' Adoration Society and the Fr derick Chopin Choir. and Calendar House. Hubeny is survived by two brothers. Joseph Tomcik of Plantm e and Frank Tomcik of New Britain; a sister. Anna Muszy'nski of Southington; and several meecs and nephews. Plantsvfllc Memorial Funeral Home was in cha e of the arrangements. Burial w'as ab-Holy Trinity cemetery Memorial donaUorm may be made to the Holy Trinity Church Building Fund. Nancy M. Smith Nancy M Smith. of Southington. died Saturday, Aug. 19. Born m Meriden, she was the daughter of the late Dr. Louis S. and EILzabeth Sarro Molon. She had lived m Southington for the past 41 years. A 1942 graduate of the Meriden Hospital School of Nurstr she had worked in various departments of the hospital She retired seven years ago from the position of director of the . )uthington VisiLmg Nurses' AssociaUon afler-workh there for 28 years. She ts survived by her husband. Charles R. Smith; a son. Louis M. Smith of Southington. a daughter. Charlotte E. Damiano of Sou on; and four grandchddren. She was predeceased by a sl ster.. Betty Lambeth. , D.ella Vecchia Funeral Home was in chmge of the arrangements. Burial w m at St Thomas Cemetery Memorial contribuUons may be made to the Southtngton Vtsmng Nurse AssoctaUon. 80 Meriden Ave. Southington, 06489. Anthony J. Sevarino Anthony J Sevarino. of Enfleld, died Sunday. Aug. 20 at his home. The f ther [-'rank Secondo of Southington was 68 years old. In add Lton to his son. he is survived by his wife, two other sons, tw daughtt'r tour brothers, four sisters and four grandchildren. Leete Stevens Enfleld Chapels in Enfleld was in charge of the arrangements. Burial was at St Patrick's King Street Cemetery. John J. Romano ,John J Romano, of Southington, died Saturday, Aug. 19. He 52 old. Born tn New Britain, he Lived in Southington for 20 years. A U.S. Army v teran of the Korean conflict, he operated heavy equipment at Pratt & Whitney He is survived by his mother. Susan Romano of Southington; tw brothex , Patrick Romano of California. and Joseph Rmnano of New BritaL a sister. Mary Ann Romano of Plainvflle; two nieces; tw nephews; and several aunts and uncles. Fan-ell Funeral Home in New Britain wa in charge of the arrangements. Burial was at St. Mary Cemetery. Adeline L. Savago Adellne L. Savago. of Meriden, died Sunday. Aug. 20 at Meriden-Wallir ford llospital after a brief illness The wife of the late Dominick J. Savago and sister of Josephine Varies of Southington 73 y Lrs old. Born in WaIIingford. a daughter of the late Michael and Agnes Hsen Michonaki, she had been a resident of Merlden for the pa t 50 years. In addition to her sister, she is survived by two sorm. Dominick M. Savago of Mer4den and David R. Savago St. of Prospect; a daughter, Bruerm of Merlden; I0 grandchildren, a brother, Theodore Michonslti of Meriden; and several nlece and nephews Smith Ruzzo Funeral Home in Merlden was in charge of the aITan ements. Burial was at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Mertden. Elsie Reisch Plagemann Elsie ReLseh Plagemann. formerly of PlantsvIHe, died Moil., Aug. 21 at the l.utheran llome m Southbury The widow of the Rev. Otto W. Plagemann was 87 years old Born in Southington, a daughter of the late Com-ad and F mlne Walker Relseh she had lived most of her life in Plantsville. For many years she operated Elsie's Heauty Shop in Plantsville. Plagemann was a member of the First Lutheran Church of Sauti'dngton. where for many years she taught Sunday Sc.hool. She a member of the Lutheran Church Women's Am ociatlon on the local and state level. was a member and past president of the Amerlean Legion Auxiliary of Southiz - ton She is survived by a brother, the Rev. Dr. Harold I flsch of North Wale . Pa., and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by flv brothers. W lam walter. Otto, Edward and Conrad Reisch, and a sister, Ruth LacheIL Plantsville Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangement& Burial was at the family plot at South End Cemetery. Rosabell Shannon Gray Rosabell Shannon Gray. formerly of New Britain. died Sunday, Aug. 20 at Bortz Ilealth Care Center in Oakland, Mich. The mother of Robert Gray of PlantmrLlle was 87 years old. Bern in FYedrlcksburg. Va., she had llved in New Britain for 45 years before mov- Ing to Michigan six months ago. She was a member of the Orde - f the Star. In addition to her son, she is survived by a daughter, Dorothy D zata of Drat i Plains, Mich.; another son, Charles W. Gray of Glendale, Ariz.; nine grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren al was at Rose Hill Memorial Park. Me orial donations may be made to the AIzhelmer's Disease and Related Disorders Association of Greater Hartford, 800 Cottage Grove l md. Bloomfield. 06002. THE OBSERVER THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1989 Zion L theran Church II Religious Serv'ces Directory BAPTIST Faith Baptist Church of Southington Pastor:. The Bay. Bonaid Hardy 621-4013 Sunday t chool............ 9" 0 &m. Care ts p vided for duldren up. through the sound grade. Morning Worship ........._11 Evening Borv ce ..........6 p.m. Prayer Serv ........... 7:15 p.m. Youth Meeting......Wed. 7"15 p m Home Bxble Classes avmlable Central Baptist Church Pastor. The Rev. Jim Townsley 1505 West Street 821-8701 Sunday Sehsol ....... '....10:.15 a.m. Momin Wor ip ........11 am. Evoning Servi ...........7 p.m. Wed. Bible Study .........7 p.m Pr Bus Transportation in ........ ._P mnville, Bnstoi, Bouthingten. ............. .Also Cluld Caro. First Baptist Church Paster" The Roy. Davzd C. Strosshl 581 Meriden Avenue 628-8121 Bun. Worahip Service ..._10:30 &m. Car is provided for childcen up throu the ond music i part of the , ice. You Fellowship .......... 8 p.m. Thnr Bible Study.. -10:30 m. Thurs. Youth Chmr .......5: K p.m. Thurs. Boaior Chmr..... T. p.n Ovor ) Adult Fellowship............ .................... 3 t Even ....................... ls ce Noon ..................... 4th T 7: 0 p.m. JEWISH Jewish Congregation RO Box 777 For information on wo hip service , call the abOVe phone number. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Calvary .A sembly of God Pastor:. The I v. Robert A. Mousou 56 Dunham Reed 74'/-69S1, 621,6214 und y ch0ol ..................I0 a.m. Morning Worship ..........11 a.m. Evening ervice ............... 7 p.m. Prayer & Praise Service ............. ............................ Wed. 7:30 p.m. Youth 8ervlce.........., un. 8 p.m. All N' gh Prayer Service .......... .................... I1.30 p.m.-3 a.m. Calvary Assembly of God s a charlsmat c church dedicated to the prsaching of the Full Gospel of Jesus Christ. CATHOLIC St, Aloyalus Church P sto . The Rev. Joseph Gorman Bumtt l nt tlle Vigil Mass ...Sat 5 p m. Sun. Masses. 8, 9 30 & II a.m. Daily Mass ..... 7 a m. Confesmous. Sat 4-5 p.m. St. Dominic Church Pastor" The Rev Walter F. Geraghty I050 F]anders Road 628-0349 V' gil Mass...... Sat. 5 p.m. Sun Mass . 8.30,10 & 11 Dmly Mas&. 7 & 9 a.m m chapel Confesmous ....... Sat. 4-4:30 p (Confessmns any tame by request. Mary Our Queen Churc The Roy Arthur J Dupont Savage Stroet 628-4901(Rectory) Daily Mass Mort., Tuca, Wed. & Fn .. 9 a.m Vigil Mass . . Sat 5pro Sun,Mass 8 s. ., 9:30 a.m & 11 a. . Confesmous Sat 3 45-4.30 p.m. Baptisms by Appointment Call Be€tory St. Thomas Church Pastor- The Rev Thomas Bennett ParocMal Vicar The Rev Thomus C eshkowsk Parochial Vicar The Bey Daniel S. In Re,donee' The Roy. Joseph Pettit 99 Bristol Street 628-4713 Dady masses.............................. ......7 s.m. & 12:10 p.m. in chapel Sat. Mass ....................5 (Sunday's Liturgy) Sun. Masses.......... 7, 8:15, 9:30, ..... 10:45, 12. 0 neon, 5 p.m. Saturdays .....................8 a.m. Confesmons.._Sat. 3:30-4.30 p.m. Canfess|ons for Fwst Friday ........ The previous Thursday, 4 p.m. un l fimshed. Good Shepherd Prayer Group ..... .....................Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Miraculous Medal Novena.......... ............................Tussday 7 p.m. St. Thomas School Bingo ............. ............................Tues., 7. 0 p.m. Baptisms...................Sun. 1 p.m. ( By special appointment). .Immaculate Conception Church Paster The Roy. Thoodors P. Gubala 130 Summer Street 628-2181 Sat. Mass .....................5"30 p.m. Sun Masses............................... ........7'30, 9"15 & 10:30 a.m. Daily Mass......................8 &m. CONGREGATIONAL First Congregational Church United Church of Christ Estabhshed m 1724 Roy. Sherry Taylor, Interim Mhuster 37 Main Street Sunday 8ehedule Confirmation Class.....8:46 s n. Service 0fM W0r 10 a.m. ( en on f fl y of n ) d C d Church School Classes .. 10 a.m. Coffee-Fellowship Hour II a.m. Plantsville Congregational Church Paster The Bev. John van Lenkhuyzen, Mimster West Mare and Church Stroet , Plantsville 628-5595 Moromg Wors' up..... Sun. 10&m. C Sch ] & Chdd Ca ..S , 10 FULL GOSPEL Tabernacle Christian Church Pastor Mark Castro Ass Paster Rick Tancam 135 Knowles Avenue, Southing n (Grange Hall) ' 278-0400 Bun. %hcel Bor ce..9 45-10 0a Sun. Mormng Worship 1020 Sun. Eve Worship. . 7pro. Wed. Mid-Wook Sar ce7:30 p.m. Fri. Christian Fellowship Center. ............7"30 pm. Fn. Home Meetings ..7.30 pm. LATrER-DAY SAINTS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Paster. Bishop John Lamb Meriden-Waterbury Road (Stilhnan's Hill) 628-0617 Pnusthoed Meeting...11:00 a.m. Sun. School .............10.15 a.m. Sacrament Meeting.....9:00 a.m. Aaroni¢ Priesthood & Young ....... Women.......... Sum, 11:00 a . Primary ...........Sun. 10:15 a.m. Ruliefsa¢iety ..Sun., II:00 a.m. BAHAI Baha'i Faith 836 Marion Avenue, Plant nlie 628-7831 DENOMINATIONAL Faith Living Church Pasters: Romdd & Susan Thomas 20 Grove Street, Plantsville 621-6452 Sur Morning Worship8 & I0 .m. Sun. ChiMcen's Church I0 a.m. Thurs. Evening .......... 7:30 p.m. Tues. Youth Group ...........7 p.m. Fn Intercessory PraysrT:30 p.m 2nd Tues. Women of Worth7 p.m. 3rd Sat. Men of Valor.......8 a.m. Bible Classos Available Services Interpreted for the Deaf NON- DENOMINATIONAL Bethel Church Pastor. The Rev. Ken Gray Full Gospel 594 West Center Street Ext. - Sunday 8ehod ................I0 a.m. Mor Worship............11 Pr'aym"...............................6 p.m. Praise & Worship ........6:30 p.m. Monday Prayer.................7 p.m. Wed.: Pra outh Qreup p.m. Bible Study..................7:80 p.m. LUTHERAN First Lutheran Church R. Lohmann 232 Bnstul Street 628-90@1 Sup_ Worohip Sarvice..9:00 a.m. (Nursery care prsv|ded during 9:00 service.) Holy Commumon.....let, 3ed & .....................5th Sundays Zion Lutheran Church Paster The Roy. Jerome E. Burce 531 Woodruff Street Church Office Church Hall & Nursery chooi Sun. Word p Service.......9 a.m. Nursery cexe available Sunday Worship ..........9 a.m. Sunday School .......... 10:30 a.m. COMMUNION I rERY SUNDAY ............................7:30 p.m. CATHOLIC NATIONAL Holy Trinity PoHsh National Catholic Church Pastor. The Roy Joseph R. Krosieuski 200 Summer Street, Plantsvflle 628-O738 School of Christian Living ............ ...........................Sun., 8:45 a.m. Holy Mass...................9:.30 a.m. Wed. Catechism Class .....4 p.m. Parish Mooting........................... .....Se¢oud Sunday of the Month Ladies Adoration Sooiety .............. .......First Tuesday of the Month Men's MeeUng ............................. .....Fourth Sunday of the Month EPISCOPAL St. Paul's Church Rector. The Key. John E. McGinn 145 Main Street 628-848 Sundays: Early Eucharist...........8:00 a.m. Adult Christian Education......... ....................9"00 a.m. Sunday School .............9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist with Nursery. Available ....................10:30 a.m. (Healing 4th Sunday of the Month.) METHODIST Grace United Methodist Church Pastor. The Roy. Rulland French 121 Pleasant Street Sun. Worship Service.9:30 a.m. (With Nursery for pre-schoulera) Church Sshooi ...........10:15 a.m. Junior & 8onior High United Methodist Youth Fellowshipe ....... ....................................6:30 p.m. Choir..................Wed., 7:15 p.m. Communicm...Ist Sun. of Month Pastoral counseling thr gh o/ ce at 028-6996

The Observer, Thursday, August 31, 1989 Chicken on the grill, bingo and crafts mark 39th Grange Fair The 39th Annual Southington Fair sponsored by the Southington Grange was held over the weekend. The event took over the grounds of the Summit Street Grange. and offered an eclectic blend of homemade cooking, crafts. things from the garden and some late afternoon fiddling around. The clear sides and warm l te si mmer sun set the the stage for a tag sale and craft show. bingo and the Old "I llne Fiddlers from Bristol to cap off the weekend. Small pets and livestock were not part the fair this year yet the seve d hundred entries from kitchens and gardens in town filled the grange hall. The traditional children's activities were conducted by this year's Apple Harvest Festival Hostesses. There was face painting, finger print doodles and the ever-popular fishing Under a tent, authentic lemonade was made to order, while Joe Bell, with the aid of son Wmiam and five voh.mteers, produced hundreds of chicken dinners. Bell, who said he'd been in the chicken-baking business for 38 years was prepared to bake 300 chicken halves on Saturday. His self-constructed, outdoor barbecue equipment held 200 portions at 11 "I saw an outdoor barbeque in 1951. [ was really impressed with it. Ifl could get someone to build the equipment. It would be great." he said. Until five years ago. Bell and his wife traveled from fair to fair in ew England maldng their famous r .-'lpe. "We never advertised. We were well known all over the state." he said. The Polish National Alliance. a benefit fraternal organization had a booth with several free-bees. Their coloring book, ideal for young readers, stressed many aspects of Polish culture. Thomas Goclowski. officer of the group discussed the rapidly changing political scene in Poland. He said his local group Joins with offices of the Polish American Congress all over the world and with the United States government to help the Polish people. The group meets every third Sunday at the Falcon Hall in Southington. "We ar open to new members, a flre welcome." he said. Locally, the P.N,A. offers sct olarships and holds social activities for its members. • Sandy Schaupp and Shelly Ca tiola manned their first Grange flee market booth. The girls set out vihtage glass and collectibles for sale Capture Buddy -lac and fire fighters Dough Fransen and Petee Kuriz brought engine 11 for people to inspect. They displayed a haligan bar used to pry and ax doors during fires. They had their "turn-out" gear and helmets. There were fire prevention materials and stickers for children. The engine was available to cllmb Clark said. Southington's substitute teacher pay boosted by Lit H ey Southington school offldals, offers $55 called in. few substitute teachers staff writer for the first I0 days. $70 for I0 days at reach the tenth-day marker. Saloo the same position, and $140.30 for 40 said. Citing competition from area towns for substitute teachers, the board of education unanimously approved raising thelr pay by $5 per day. days at same position certified. With the boost to $50 for the first I0 days of substitute work. Southington now stands over Bristol. Cheshire Board plans appea r windfall to cover anticipipated shortfall The raise applies to substitutes and New Britain for pay rate. Bristol working up to 40 days in th school offers $45 for one to 20 days. Cheshire The board of finance has asked the system. The measure was approved by offers $45 for up to I0 days work. and school board to wait until Januany before "I dan't want to spring a big deficit on the board at its Aug. 17 mecting. New Britain offers $45 for the first I0 The Southington Board of Education is making any reques ac ording to Superin- them." beard member Patricia dchmon mld. "We have done well with the substi- days for elementary and high school. hoping to obtain some of the $297.000 in unttmd t d Schods Dr. Lonis Salocx The fltute program, but we're falling toward and $48 for first I0 days for middle extx-cted state funds that recently arrived tn the bottom end." Superintendent of school and special education. the town's coffers. And they will soon be rimce is for the first half of the fiscal y ar bc- Board member David F sa d he feR Schools Dr. Louis Saloom told the Berlin offers substitutes $50 for 20 making these hopes quite dear to the board fcx'e making any decisions on where the mco- Items cot from the bodget due to reduci ms board. "If we move up to $50 a day we days. Farmington offers $50 for one to d finance. would be about where everybody else 14 days. Plainvilie offers $50 for one to The school board decided at their meet- "l see no harm in waiting un Janua. ," 20 days. and Newington $50 per day. ing on Aug. 17 to send a letter to the finance Despite the fact that Southington The Southington Public School board with a llst of items for which the addi- , me school board members feli diffusely. was among the lower paying school System has about 490 teachers. Of tlonal state educatitm funds could be used systems, it had managed to fLU its sub- these, about four percent are absent After losing $1.5 mflllon to budget cots ment at the local level the dect the stitute posts. "We've done well and I'd per day due to sickness, or personal or this spring, board of education members schod baard should make it known n , that an Cheqd Wsaek mid. alle all. the original llke to keep it that way." Saioom said. professional days. Saloom said. That w re happy to learn d an unexpected wind- there are some budgetary restrictions on Southington had been offering $45 amounts to about 20 substitutes a day fall of $402.964 from t ate due to a re- a day for one td I0 days of substitute except in the late winter months, when bate and additional special ed cgtion relm- ta . teaching, and for 11-40 days in the ntunber runs as high as the mid- bursement. The town of Southington has so "We could have scions defldt prd ma," the same position. Meriden. the higheat paying school system surveyed by 30s. As often as substitutes may be far used $I05.240 of this mount to compensate for a reduction in the Revenue Sharing them." He suggesied telling the finance baa l A harvest of winners from the Southington Grange Fair Adult entries with ve e bles: First pM , K . t pM - rots, C lo e Els ger. st place cucumin. D sco d s ond place J Fe t p m, P. M n. t p L J Jr.. p D , p t . t p o o . . d p . t p t p t r - . nd p Jm . p ton Gr . first place hot p . James di. s ond place Dan Fusco. p u n nL t p p s D . s nd K b t p D o. t plave po t D sco. second place ton Groc and third p J F t p h . nd p S d p D s . t p ce cc squash D . d J e d place Stephen Ryc . bi eat ec i h t p S h nd Canned good aw /t Judges on Saturday at the Southlngton place the Wieczorek Family and third place Alice Andelin. first place cherry tomatoes Ray Brodeur. frisat place basket tomatoes the Southington Fire Department. first place tomatoes James Aldi. secon place Dan Fusco. first place plum tomatoes Dan Fusco. first place small plum tomatoes James AIdi. first place miscellaneous Dan Fuseo. second place Mickey Kurtz and third place Alice Fusco. First place commercial apples Ragers Orchard, first place commercial peaches Rogers Orchard, second place Lewis Farms, first place commercial mis- dred and Joe Bell. second place Alice Andelin. •lon: First place beans Chrissy Vassar. first place eggplant Mike Castiola. second place Bill Wiggins and third place Shelly Casuola, first place peppers Matthew Vassar. first place pumpkin Chrissy and Matthew Vassar. fl t place squash Chrissy Vassar. second place Pamela Scheck and third place Chrisay Vassar. first place inmatmm Matthew Vassar. Canning awards in the adult divislon: Strawberry Jam first place Charolette Elsinger. second place Elaine Webster, first place Jam choice Elaine Webster. first place bread and butter pickles Elaine Webster, first place dill pickles Charolette Elsinger, second place Elaine Webster. watermelon pickles first place Florence Atashar. second place Florence Atashar. first place chili sauce Kathy McLaugh]In. second place Elaine Webster. first place relish Alice Andelln. first place beans Alice Andelln. second place Alice Andelln. first and second place squash .Mice Andelln. Hobbies in the adult dDt in : llr t place shell collection Rachel Adams, first place animal collection Helen Sheppard, first place cemmies Helen Sheppsrd, first and second place glass collection and best in show won b Sal Mazzaccaro, first place hats Jack McLaughlln, first place homemade items Dolores Gelger, second place at Donae y. Hordes in tl junin di Islen: first place baseball cards and best in show won by Chris McLaughlin, first place stamp collection Alison Masuongoli. second place Kevin Belcher, first place mls- cellaneous Sean McLaughlin and Nicholas Wieczorek. second place Chris McLaughlin. first place stuffed animals Chris Met aughlln Flowvr arrangements in the adult division: arrangements of your choice first place Anton Grocki. first place Dahlias Thelma Bowers. first place Marigold. Joan Fenn. second place Thelma Bowers and third place Anton OreckL first place Zinnias Thelma Bowers. first place unusual container Thelma Bowers. second place Anion Grecid. first place dried flowers Rita Br0deur. first place wild flowers and best in show Julia Navarette. second place Anton Grocki and third place Joan Fenn. first place miniature bouquet Elaine Webster. Flower collecflon in the adult dlvll m: first place Asters Anton Grocki, second place Joan Fenn. first place Dahlias Aninn Groeid. first plaec large Marigolds George Baron. second place Joan Fenn and third place Anion GrockL fimt place smart Marigolds Joshua Grocid. second place Joan Fenn and third place Ruth Grocid. first place raiscellaneous George Baron. Single flower spec ens In the adult div ion: Ftrst place Dalflia Anton Grockl. flrsl place Gladtolas Mildred Bell. second place Thelma Bowers and third place Flynm first place r e C. Hoffman. second-place T. Rose. first place Sunflower Joshua Wieczorek. second place Nicholas Wleczor k and thh-d placeAshley Wieczorek, first and second place miscellaneous Joan Fenn. third place Anton Grecid. singla flow*r spe mens in the Junior division: First place Marigold Joshua Groeid. first place C y V . nd pla Ma V . t p choi J hua F . nd pla J h G . Homemade c dy ad t dillon: t p c M un, t pla dge M u n. t show s t w- . m y Mc . Hom de : t p $ cm C Mc - , nd place Mc . t p dge C Mc . t mold dy C M . nd p Mc u . Home Bakery: Fair Association Vegetable entries are examined by visitors to Hall on St. Adult Baking first place Patty Hooper, Fair . .., seciation Junior Baking first place Pam Seheck. banana bread first place Thelma Bowers. second piaec Carolyn Magnuson. apple pie best in show and first place Elaine Webster. first place blueberry pie Alice Andelin. first place lemon meringue pie Hel(m Sheppard. first pace applesauce cake Thelma Bowers. first place pound cake Mary Gentile. first pale muffins Thelma Bowers. second place Alice Andelin. first place bran mu Rita Brodeur. fist place angle cake Carolyn Magnuson. first place bundt cake Helen Sheppard. second place Kathy McLaughfin. first place white cake Carolyn Magnuson. first place cookies-peanut butter Alice Anddln. second place Elaine Webster. Cupcakes first place Diedra Brodeur. first place tollhouse cookies Eric Magnuao Piece cro stitch first place RRa Lules. second place Lea Lules and tinord place Sara Carts. first place sampler Rits Lules. first place creative stitchety Sharon Fusco. second place Rita Brodeur. first place needlepoint pillow/dice Fusco. first place needlepoint miscellaneous Alice Fusco. first place sewing- fancy aprma - Marcella McLaughlin. first place saving miscellaneous Kathy McLaughllm first place cheted afgan Alice Fusco. first place crocheted centerpiece 14 inehe or ov Peg Aldi. first place crocheted dolly under 14 inches Peg Aid1, first place and best in show for erewi embroidery - plcttu-e- Gloria Booth. first place knitted stole RRa Brodeur. first place knitted child's sweater Rita Brodeur. first place knitted mlttena Rita Brodeur. first place knitted three-plece tmby set Rita Brodeur. first place Imifted vest Rita Brodeur. second place Margaret Sousa. first place qttllt to Dolores Geiger. second place Barbars MacDowell and third place Rita Brodeur. miscellaneous Chrlatmaa Item first place Rita Brodeur. F st place sewin v nt to D 'dm Donnelly. Fi t place embroidery Colleen Plcone, first place pothold rs D dra Donnelly, first place knit l amcl De dra Donnel , first place latch hook D dra Dormeh'y, and first place mf .flanemm Audm BamnL

PAGE 4<br />

Victor J. Lugli<br />

Victor J LugLi, of New Britain, died Tuesday. Au . 15 at New Britain General<br />

I lospltal The brother of Michael Lugli of <strong>Southington</strong> was 79 years old.<br />

Born m New Britain, he lived most of his life there, also Living in Platnville for<br />

several years He was employed at Fafr r Bearing Co. for 10 years <strong>and</strong> p 0usly<br />

owned the V&M Market on Broad Street in New Britain. He was a member of Holy<br />

Cross Church, the YMCA <strong>and</strong> its Health Club. He was a Red Cross instructor m<br />

first ud <strong>and</strong> lde saving techniques <strong>and</strong> was one of the original members of the<br />

Plmnvdle Planning <strong>and</strong> Zoning Board.<br />

In addxtlon to his brother. Lugll is survived by his wife, Shirley Maczko Lugll; a<br />

son. bhchard Lugli of Farmington. another brother. Joseph Lugli of New Britain;<br />

uhree g, <strong>and</strong>chddrcn, a great gr<strong>and</strong>daughter, <strong>and</strong> several nieces <strong>and</strong> nephews.<br />

New Britain Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of the arrm ements. Burial<br />

was at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Me<strong>ride</strong>n. Memorial donations may be made to the<br />

American liean Asso aUon, 3i0 Collins St.. Haled'oral. 06105. or the A1zheimer's<br />

Disease <strong>and</strong> Related D,.sorders Foundation, 800 Cottage Grove RJ ad. Bloomfldd,<br />

O6O02<br />

Helen Z. Mokulis<br />

ttelen Z Mokuhs, of Manchester, died Tuesday, Aug. 15 at Manchester Memorial<br />

Hospital The mother of Robert Moku]is of <strong>Southington</strong> was 78 years old,<br />

In addinon to her son. Mokulis is survived by two daughters, two sisters, a<br />

brother <strong>and</strong> I0 gr<strong>and</strong>chfldrcn.<br />

Holmes Funeral Home in Manchester was in of the an'angememts. Burlal<br />

was at St Mary Cemetery, New Britain.<br />

Mary Tomcik Hubeny<br />

Mary Tomeik Hubeny, of Plantsvflle, died Aug. 19at Bradley Memovisl Hospital.<br />

The widow of Edward Hube y was 69 years old.<br />

Born in <strong>Southington</strong>. the daughter of the late John <strong>and</strong> Mary Stahotn Tomczyk,<br />

she was a lifelong resident of <strong>Southington</strong>. Before her reth' nenL she was<br />

employed by ALlied Control Co. in PlantsviIle as a supervisor. She was a member of<br />

lloly Trinity PoLish National Catholic Church of Plantsville, the .church's Ladies'<br />

Adoration Society <strong>and</strong> the Fr derick Chopin Choir. <strong>and</strong> Calendar House.<br />

Hubeny is survived by two brothers. Joseph Tomcik of Plantm e <strong>and</strong> Frank<br />

Tomcik of New Britain; a sister. Anna Muszy'nski of <strong>Southington</strong>; <strong>and</strong> several<br />

meecs <strong>and</strong> nephews.<br />

Plantsvfllc Memorial Funeral Home was in cha e of the arrangements. Burial<br />

w'as ab-Holy Trinity cemetery Memorial donaUorm may be made to the Holy Trinity<br />

Church Building Fund.<br />

Nancy M. Smith<br />

Nancy M Smith. of <strong>Southington</strong>. died Saturday, Aug. 19.<br />

Born m Me<strong>ride</strong>n, she was the daughter of the late Dr. Louis S. <strong>and</strong> EILzabeth<br />

Sarro Molon. She had lived m <strong>Southington</strong> for the past 41 years. A 1942 graduate<br />

of the Me<strong>ride</strong>n Hospital School of Nurstr she had worked in various departments<br />

of the hospital She retired seven years ago from the position of director of the<br />

. )uthington VisiLmg Nurses' AssociaUon afler-workh there for 28 years.<br />

She ts survived by her husb<strong>and</strong>. Charles R. Smith; a son. Louis M. Smith of<br />

<strong>Southington</strong>. a daughter. Charlotte E. Damiano of Sou on; <strong>and</strong> four gr<strong>and</strong>chddren.<br />

She was predeceased by a sl ster.. Betty Lambeth.<br />

, D.ella Vecchia Funeral Home was in chmge of the arrangements. Burial w m at<br />

St Thomas Cemetery Memorial contribuUons may be made to the Southtngton<br />

Vtsmng Nurse AssoctaUon. 80 Me<strong>ride</strong>n Ave. <strong>Southington</strong>, 06489.<br />

Anthony J. Sevarino<br />

Anthony J Sevarino. of Enfleld, died Sunday. Aug. 20 at his home. The f ther<br />

[-'rank Secondo of <strong>Southington</strong> was 68 years old.<br />

In add Lton to his son. he is survived by his wife, two other sons, tw daughtt'r<br />

tour brothers, four sisters <strong>and</strong> four gr<strong>and</strong>children.<br />

Leete Stevens Enfleld Chapels in Enfleld was in charge of the arrangements.<br />

Burial was at St Patrick's King Street Cemetery.<br />

John J. Romano<br />

,John J Romano, of <strong>Southington</strong>, died Saturday, Aug. 19. He 52 old.<br />

Born tn New Britain, he Lived in <strong>Southington</strong> for 20 years. A U.S. Army v teran<br />

of the Korean conflict, he operated heavy equipment at Pratt & Whitney<br />

He is survived by his mother. Susan Romano of <strong>Southington</strong>; tw brothex ,<br />

Patrick Romano of California. <strong>and</strong> Joseph Rmnano of New BritaL a sister. Mary<br />

Ann Romano of Plainvflle; two nieces; tw nephews; <strong>and</strong> several aunts <strong>and</strong> uncles.<br />

Fan-ell Funeral Home in New Britain wa in charge of the arrangements. Burial<br />

was at St. Mary Cemetery.<br />

Adeline L. Savago<br />

Adellne L. Savago. of Me<strong>ride</strong>n, died Sunday. Aug. 20 at Me<strong>ride</strong>n-Wallir ford<br />

llospital after a brief illness The wife of the late Dominick J. Savago <strong>and</strong> sister of<br />

Josephine Varies of <strong>Southington</strong> 73 y Lrs old.<br />

Born in WaIIingford. a daughter of the late Michael <strong>and</strong> Agnes Hsen Michonaki,<br />

she had been a resident of Merlden for the pa t 50 years.<br />

In addition to her sister, she is survived by two sorm. Dominick M. Savago of<br />

Mer4den <strong>and</strong> David R. Savago St. of Prospect; a daughter, Bruerm of Merlden;<br />

I0 gr<strong>and</strong>children, a brother, Theodore Michonslti of Me<strong>ride</strong>n; <strong>and</strong> several nlece<br />

<strong>and</strong> nephews<br />

Smith Ruzzo Funeral Home in Merlden was in charge of the aITan ements.<br />

Burial was at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Mertden.<br />

Elsie Reisch Plagemann<br />

Elsie ReLseh Plagemann. formerly of PlantsvIHe, died Moil., Aug. 21 at the<br />

l.utheran llome m Southbury The widow of the Rev. Otto W. Plagemann was 87<br />

years old<br />

Born in <strong>Southington</strong>, a daughter of the late Com-ad <strong>and</strong> F mlne Walker Relseh<br />

she had lived most of her life in Plantsville. For many years she operated Elsie's<br />

Heauty Shop in Plantsville. Plagemann was a member of the First Lutheran<br />

Church of Sauti'dngton. where for many years she taught Sunday Sc.hool. She<br />

a member of the Lutheran Church Women's Am ociatlon on the local <strong>and</strong> state level.<br />

was a member <strong>and</strong> past president of the Amerlean Legion Auxiliary of Southiz -<br />

ton<br />

She is survived by a brother, the Rev. Dr. Harold I flsch of North Wale . Pa.,<br />

<strong>and</strong> several nieces <strong>and</strong> nephews. She was predeceased by flv brothers. W lam<br />

walter. Otto, Edward <strong>and</strong> Conrad Reisch, <strong>and</strong> a sister, Ruth LacheIL<br />

Plantsville Memorial Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangement& Burial<br />

was at the family plot at South End Cemetery.<br />

Rosabell Shannon Gray<br />

Rosabell Shannon Gray. formerly of New Britain. died Sunday, Aug. 20 at Bortz<br />

Ilealth Care Center in Oakl<strong>and</strong>, Mich. The mother of Robert Gray of PlantmrLlle was<br />

87 years old.<br />

Bern in FYedrlcksburg. Va., she had llved in New Britain for 45 years before mov-<br />

Ing to Michigan six months ago. She was a member of the Orde - f the Star.<br />

In addition to her son, she is survived by a daughter, Dorothy D zata of Drat i<br />

Plains, Mich.; another son, Charles W. Gray of Glendale, Ariz.; nine gr<strong>and</strong>children<br />

<strong>and</strong> seven great-gr<strong>and</strong>children<br />

al was at Rose Hill Memorial Park. Me orial donations may be made to the<br />

AIzhelmer's Disease <strong>and</strong> Related Disorders Association of Greater Hartford, 800<br />

Cottage Grove l md. Bloomfield. 06002.<br />


THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1989<br />

Zion L theran Church<br />

II<br />

Religious Serv'ces Directory<br />


Faith Baptist<br />

Church of <strong>Southington</strong><br />

Pastor:. The Bay. Bonaid Hardy<br />

621-4013<br />

Sunday t chool............ 9" 0 &m.<br />

Care ts p vided for duldren up.<br />

through the sound grade.<br />

Morning Worship ........._11<br />

Evening Borv ce ..........6 p.m.<br />

Prayer Serv ........... 7:15 p.m.<br />

Youth Meeting......Wed. 7"15 p m<br />

Home Bxble Classes avmlable<br />

Central Baptist Church<br />

Pastor. The Rev. Jim Townsley<br />

1505 West Street<br />

821-8701<br />

Sunday Sehsol ....... '....10:.15 a.m.<br />

Momin Wor ip ........11 am.<br />

Evoning Servi ...........7 p.m.<br />

Wed. Bible Study .........7 p.m<br />

Pr Bus Transportation in ........<br />

._P mnville, Bnstoi, Bouthingten.<br />

............. .Also Cluld Caro.<br />

First Baptist Church<br />

Paster" The Roy. Davzd C. Strosshl<br />

581 Me<strong>ride</strong>n Avenue<br />

628-8121<br />

Bun. Worahip Service ..._10:30 &m.<br />

Car is provided for childcen up<br />

throu the ond<br />

music i part of the , ice.<br />

You Fellowship .......... 8 p.m.<br />

Thnr Bible Study.. -10:30 m.<br />

Thurs. Youth Chmr .......5: K p.m.<br />

Thurs. Boaior Chmr..... T. p.n<br />

Ovor ) Adult Fellowship............<br />

.................... 3 t Even<br />

....................... ls ce Noon<br />

..................... 4th T 7: 0 p.m.<br />

JEWISH<br />

Jewish Congregation<br />

RO Box 777<br />

For information on wo hip<br />

service , call the abOVe phone<br />

number.<br />


OF GOD<br />

Calvary<br />

.A sembly of God<br />

Pastor:. The I v. Robert A. Mousou<br />

56 Dunham Reed<br />

74'/-69S1, 621,6214<br />

und y ch0ol ..................I0 a.m.<br />

Morning Worship ..........11 a.m.<br />

Evening ervice ............... 7 p.m.<br />

Prayer & Praise Service .............<br />

............................ Wed. 7:30 p.m.<br />

Youth 8ervlce.........., un. 8 p.m.<br />

All N' gh Prayer Service ..........<br />

.................... I1.30 p.m.-3 a.m.<br />

Calvary Assembly of God s a<br />

charlsmat c church dedicated to<br />

the prsaching of the Full Gospel<br />

of Jesus Christ.<br />


St, Aloyalus Church<br />

P sto . The Rev. Joseph Gorman<br />

Bumtt l nt tlle<br />

Vigil Mass ...Sat 5 p m.<br />

Sun. Masses. 8, 9 30 & II a.m.<br />

Daily Mass ..... 7 a m.<br />

Confesmous. Sat 4-5 p.m.<br />

St. Dominic Church<br />

Pastor" The Rev Walter F.<br />

Geraghty<br />

I050 F]<strong>and</strong>ers Road<br />

628-0349<br />

V' gil Mass...... Sat. 5 p.m.<br />

Sun Mass . 8.30,10 & 11<br />

Dmly Mas&. 7 & 9 a.m m chapel<br />

Confesmous ....... Sat. 4-4:30 p<br />

(Confessmns any tame by request.<br />

Mary Our Queen Churc<br />

The Roy Arthur J Dupont<br />

Savage Stroet<br />

628-4901(Rectory)<br />

Daily Mass Mort., Tuca, Wed.<br />

& Fn .. 9 a.m<br />

Vigil Mass . . Sat 5pro<br />

Sun,Mass 8 s. ., 9:30 a.m & 11 a. .<br />

Confesmous Sat 3 45-4.30 p.m.<br />

Baptisms by Appointment Call<br />

Be€tory<br />

St. Thomas Church<br />

Pastor- The Rev Thomas Bennett<br />

ParocMal Vicar The Rev Thomus<br />

C eshkowsk<br />

Parochial Vicar The Bey Daniel S.<br />

In Re,donee' The Roy. Joseph Pettit<br />

99 Bristol Street<br />

628-4713<br />

Dady masses..............................<br />

......7 s.m. & 12:10 p.m. in chapel<br />

Sat. Mass ....................5<br />

(Sunday's Liturgy)<br />

Sun. Masses.......... 7, 8:15, 9:30,<br />

..... 10:45, 12. 0 neon, 5 p.m.<br />

Saturdays .....................8 a.m.<br />

Confesmons.._Sat. 3:30-4.30 p.m.<br />

Canfess|ons for Fwst Friday ........<br />

The previous Thursday, 4 p.m. un<br />

l fimshed.<br />

Good Shepherd Prayer Group .....<br />

.....................Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Miraculous Medal Novena..........<br />

............................Tussday 7 p.m.<br />

St. Thomas School Bingo .............<br />

............................Tues., 7. 0 p.m.<br />

Baptisms...................Sun. 1 p.m.<br />

( By special appointment).<br />

.Immaculate Conception<br />

Church<br />

Paster The Roy. Thoodors P.<br />

Gubala<br />

130 Summer Street 628-2181<br />

Sat. Mass .....................5"30 p.m.<br />

Sun Masses...............................<br />

........7'30, 9"15 & 10:30 a.m.<br />

Daily Mass......................8 &m.<br />


First Congregational<br />

Church<br />

United Church of Christ<br />

Estabhshed m 1724<br />

Roy. Sherry Taylor,<br />

Interim Mhuster<br />

37 Main Street<br />

Sunday 8ehedule<br />

Confirmation Class.....8:46 s n.<br />

Service 0fM W0r 10 a.m.<br />

( en on f fl y of<br />

n ) d C d<br />

Church School Classes .. 10 a.m.<br />

Coffee-Fellowship Hour II a.m.<br />

Plantsville<br />

Congregational Church<br />

Paster The Bev. John van<br />

Lenkhuyzen, Mimster<br />

West Mare <strong>and</strong> Church Stroet ,<br />

Plantsville 628-5595<br />

Moromg Wors' up..... Sun. 10&m.<br />

C Sch ] & Chdd Ca ..S , 10<br />


Tabernacle Christian<br />

Church<br />

Pastor Mark Castro<br />

Ass Paster Rick Tancam<br />

135 Knowles Avenue,<br />

Southing n (Grange Hall)<br />

' 278-0400<br />

Bun. %hcel Bor ce..9 45-10 0a<br />

Sun. Mormng Worship 1020<br />

Sun. Eve Worship. . 7pro.<br />

Wed. Mid-Wook Sar ce7:30 p.m.<br />

Fri. Christian Fellowship Center.<br />

............7"30 pm.<br />

Fn. Home Meetings ..7.30 pm.<br />

LATrER-DAY<br />

SAINTS<br />

Church of Jesus Christ<br />

of Latter-Day Saints<br />

Paster. Bishop John Lamb<br />

Me<strong>ride</strong>n-Waterbury Road<br />

(Stilhnan's Hill) 628-0617<br />

Pnusthoed Meeting...11:00 a.m.<br />

Sun. School .............10.15 a.m.<br />

Sacrament Meeting.....9:00 a.m.<br />

Aaroni¢ Priesthood & Young .......<br />

Women.......... Sum, 11:00 a .<br />

Primary ...........Sun. 10:15 a.m.<br />

Ruliefsa¢iety ..Sun., II:00 a.m.<br />

BAHAI<br />

Baha'i Faith<br />

836 Marion Avenue, Plant nlie<br />

628-7831<br />


Faith Living Church<br />

Pasters: Romdd & Susan Thomas<br />

20 Grove Street, Plantsville<br />

621-6452<br />

Sur Morning Worship8 & I0 .m.<br />

Sun. ChiMcen's Church I0 a.m.<br />

Thurs. Evening .......... 7:30 p.m.<br />

Tues. Youth Group ...........7 p.m.<br />

Fn Intercessory PraysrT:30 p.m<br />

2nd Tues. Women of Worth7 p.m.<br />

3rd Sat. Men of Valor.......8 a.m.<br />

Bible Classos Available<br />

Services Interpreted for the Deaf<br />

NON-<br />


Bethel Church<br />

Pastor. The Rev. Ken Gray<br />

Full Gospel<br />

594 West Center Street Ext.<br />

- Sunday 8ehod ................I0 a.m.<br />

Mor Worship............11<br />

Pr'aym"...............................6 p.m.<br />

Praise & Worship ........6:30 p.m.<br />

Monday Prayer.................7 p.m.<br />

Wed.: Pra outh Qreup p.m.<br />

Bible Study..................7:80 p.m.<br />


First Lutheran<br />

Church<br />

R. Lohmann<br />

232 Bnstul Street 628-90@1<br />

Sup_ Worohip Sarvice..9:00 a.m.<br />

(Nursery care prsv|ded during<br />

9:00 service.)<br />

Holy Commumon.....let, 3ed &<br />

.....................5th Sundays<br />

Zion Lutheran Church<br />

Paster The Roy. Jerome E. Burce<br />

531 Woodruff Street<br />

Church Office<br />

Church Hall & Nursery chooi<br />

Sun. Word p Service.......9 a.m.<br />

Nursery cexe available<br />

Sunday Worship ..........9 a.m.<br />

Sunday School .......... 10:30 a.m.<br />


............................7:30 p.m.<br />



Holy Trinity<br />

PoHsh National<br />

Catholic Church<br />

Pastor. The Roy Joseph R. Krosieuski<br />

200 Summer Street, Plantsvflle<br />

628-O738<br />

School of Christian Living ............<br />

...........................Sun., 8:45 a.m.<br />

Holy Mass...................9:.30 a.m.<br />

Wed. Catechism Class .....4 p.m.<br />

Parish Mooting...........................<br />

.....Se¢oud Sunday of the Month<br />

Ladies Adoration Sooiety ..............<br />

.......First Tuesday of the Month<br />

Men's MeeUng .............................<br />

.....Fourth Sunday of the Month<br />


St. Paul's Church<br />

Rector. The Key. John E. McGinn<br />

145 Main Street 628-848<br />

Sundays:<br />

Early Eucharist...........8:00 a.m.<br />

Adult Christian Education.........<br />

....................9"00 a.m.<br />

Sunday School .............9:00 a.m.<br />

Family Eucharist with Nursery.<br />

Available ....................10:30 a.m.<br />

(Healing 4th Sunday of the<br />

Month.)<br />


Grace United<br />

Methodist Church<br />

Pastor. The Roy. Rull<strong>and</strong> French<br />

121 Pleasant Street<br />

Sun. Worship Service.9:30 a.m.<br />

(With Nursery for pre-schoulera)<br />

Church Sshooi ...........10:15 a.m.<br />

Junior & 8onior High United<br />

Methodist Youth Fellowshipe .......<br />

....................................6:30 p.m.<br />

Choir..................Wed., 7:15 p.m.<br />

Communicm...Ist Sun. of Month<br />

Pastoral counseling thr gh<br />

o/ ce at 028-6996

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