Fire destroys Compounce ride - Southington Library and Museum

Fire destroys Compounce ride - Southington Library and Museum Fire destroys Compounce ride - Southington Library and Museum
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.Page 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF CAROL A. MURPHY, • Carol Carrie Murphy, • Deceased The Hon Cerl J SokoIowskh " Judge of the CouP1 ot Probate, District of Southlngton. sl a hearing held on August 24, • 1989. ordered that all claims '. muet be presented to the Failure to promp y present any such claim may result n the toss of rights to recover on .- SUCh c m. Jean P Parzy¢ .Clo k ." Nadine M B,'lt on 72 Hillside Ave '.. Pia tsvllia. CT 06479 classifieds '. FOR SALE: Counter top range wail oven w/broder, exhaust "'hood. all m Avacado Calonc "make. good cond $250 phone '628-5801 FOR SALE: Upright keezer n mint cen bon, aslung $150 call ., after 4 30 621-5843 FOR SALE: Refndgerater. 14 4 OUPL. no frostS175 621-5010 BUY -- SELL -- TRADE! Ir,y The Observer Classifieds for Quick Result# CALL 628-9645 for sale automobiles FOR SALE: 87 Toyota Cekca GT. loaded, excel cond 3OK, call anyl]me 584-2062 FOR SALE: 87 OIds Calais. PS. PS. auto trans AC. AM FM radio. 19.000 m M nt cond $0,200 878 624 FOR SALE: 1984 Z28 Camaro. loaded exce cond Pnce nag Call 584-0850 after 5 00 pm for sale automobiles FOR SALE: 1984 Dodge Charger. 53K. 5 sd 2dr. hatch back. vary good cond • dark grey $2.200 or SO 582-1558 FOR SALE • 1983 AMC Sp=nt. low mdeage good condl on, no rust. loaded Ask $2.000 call 621- 2727 FOR SALE: Mercury Lynx '82. 2 dr. 4 sp. 56K. $1.200/BO 582- FOR SALE: 1982 Toyota Cehca 9100 5 spd. am-fro exc trans. $1.200 recent repairs w th invoices, must FOR SALE: 1986 Olds Delta '88, sell $1.000 Dawd 628-0085 4 door. new bres. rebudt vansmms on 42.000 redes, ongmal owner FOR SALE" 1982 Olds Omega. 6 Must sell 272-0095 cyhnder, standard, good oond - ben. $1.800 747-3644 9-3. 583- FOR SALE: 1984 Calebnty Sta- 6018 after 4 00 ben Wagon 39.000 miles. $3.500 or best offer 621-9465 ask for FOR SALE: Ford 1981 Falrmont. Tom or Mary Anne 4 dr. Sedan. automabc, power steenng, power brakes, air condi- FOR SALE: 1986 Pont Transboner, very clean, excellent con- Am re=n1 condmoo, red. $9.000 dmon call ahar 600 pm 747- call 747 1968 and faava rues- 0397 sage FOR SALE. 1984 VW-GTI. 5 FOR SALE: '68 Cougar by 2nd spd. shdlng sun roof. am-fro cass owner Original factory megs exc cond must sell $1.800 (well Motor and suspensmn restored mamtemed) 628-0022 Needs body work $2.500 after 583-4444 FOR SALE: 1983 Dodge 400• good cond asking $1.800 or BO FOR SALE: '74 CheW Van. very call 747-2442 sttong rebudt 350 motor .Less than 2OK Reese h=teh, megs. FOR SALE: 25' Shasta 'avel wsor. sunroof B O after 600 trader Very good cond Many 583-4444 extras Call 276-O521 "FOR SALE: Kelmnator Range. FORSALE: 1972greyMercedes - commgttop, co¢ bnuousclean=rig. FOR SALE • 1979 CheW Mehbu 250 Excellent cond bon 75.000 :white $100 er Best 10 speed Class=c. auto. AC. $300 Also redes Best offer 246-6719 or munsb=kembox$50 Apartment 1974 Toyota Cehca 4-speed 278-7208 dryer $50 White barroom s=nk. chrome legs and towel raJIS $30. call altar 3 tX) Wn Men te Sat. 584- 9302 FOR SALE: Dttee Elec stove/ Micro comb. gold, self cloan. 6 ym nid $800 or BO 621-3056 $500 Tel 272-9277 .FORSALE: 17 oublc foot chest FORSALE' 1988GMCConvar- • freezer. Imponal. 3 years old. pa=d • too much. must sell 589-5187 FOR SALE: JanAir range wdh ' parts 3ood ¢oodibon. 80 747- 2659 FOR SALE: Electo¢ stove, whtta, excellent coodzbon. $80 or bast oond, $3.6OO or B O. 628-7448 • offer carl 747-9741 after 5 00 pm for sale automobiles .FOR SALE: 1988 GMC Convor- •sion Van. fully loaded, low mileage for more mfo cell 621-5462 FOR SALE: 1985 Chevy Spec- FOR SALE: 1980 Camera t- trum. new lront bres and brakes. tops. good condihon $2.000. good cond bon, call Paula 673- 1978 O'.ds CutJas. 5 speed. VS. 7763 very good condibon $2 0(30 call Paul 747-5213 FOR SALE: 1975 Chew Nova. 2 oor. runs groat new brakes. s on Van. fully loaded, low rodeage for more mfo 62t-5462 shocks, rad=ator, carb. AM-FM cassette $650 584-9417 FOR SALE: 1982 Corvette FOR SALE: Buck Regal t985. 5 aded t-tops. AT. good oondlc34. 67.000 miles, excel oond ben. lob mileage asking $13 0

THE OBSERVER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1989 SSIFIE BUY-- SELL-- TRADE! ' ' " " " CALL 628-9645 for sale general PICNIC TABLE For Sale 8 It. pressure lreatsd, custom budf $110 wdl delNer free 528-1153 anytime FOR SALE: 96" ankandom RK:hn9 Rotary - ready for work $1,800 Tenant pad ng lot sweapor- completely rebudt, new brushed $2,200 589-7988 FOR SALE: Now Wadding gown. never wern. 36-29-34. long tre n. hearl shape front, long sleeves. V-back. all lece hat included $800 Ask for G nny 628-9376 FOR BALE: Clever Brooks Boder for healing, low pressure steam. exea lent condd on 582-9436. FOR EALE: Office equ prnent. phone system, desks, chaJrs, file ceb ne :. conference teble Call Joyce .5-32-2222 or 485-1794 FOR SALE: New water pumps 200 to 600 galena pe¢ minute for more miD 589-0150 FOR SALE: Work benches heavy duty focm ce and maple various s zes 589-8150 FOR SALE: 3 extener doors. 13 mtenor doors, mosf ol them wdh cesmg $150 takes all D shwasher Calonc built in $50. Soars lawn motor 22" self propelled $125 Call 276-9424 FOR SALE: Dmmond - cer fied - calor F-1 16. s I 1 reted $14.200 sail for $5.300 real buy - 583- 0223 FOR BALE: Pocl teb=o, slate sup. complete w bails, s c s, m 7 R SALE: & g s s. gu; r phfior. p er lawn FOR SALE: K nmere ull stze host fi'ea refrigerator In good conc on , 2 womens b¢kes. 3 speed, good condi en $20 Ca, 500ptr to 1000 pm at 583- 2373 FOR SALE: 6 shoL 22 ca r velvet - ke ;. leather holster included St 65 Ca 582-0896 , FOR BALE: 1960 Trans- Ccxmm¢ m o AC.-DC For mfarma0o ca, 628-6878 PAPER: Fantas c pnces Xerox and pnn ;ng paper Great selecben co grades, colors, fimshes Truckloads avadable Immediate shipment domesbc or export. Maim Paper Co (718) 291-5588/ (800) 334-528 t PAYING TOO muc for auto and • homeowners msurance No mat- • ter what your age or € nnngreaord. - we can save you mo ey Call Connecbcuf Insurance Exchange of Scuthington al 276-1255 , NEWBPRINT: Off-wh.te paper end ro ls When avmlab e IdeaJ shehnng, p c c table tapping, etc $2 00 per rell At the S o Sover. 213 Spnng St.. South ngton ALUMINUM SNEETS: 008 * x 23 x 35 Used ea pnnt ng p ates o 5 for $2 Wh supply lasts At e - Step Saver. 213 Spnng St. Sou mgfon - FOR BALE: Jewelry. costume and sted ng, reco albums 70's. cm foed p us m c call 585-0085 APPLE IICMo d r & stand Hot- 5nk peater, f e starter kif. 10 b nk disks. 5 mtro disks. Firm $900 628-2168 mms. maple d nlbg set 6 chmr . $180. 5inng ro m sefa 2 d mm teb X). 2 e eo'ofo heater $35. : ek 0 c type wd r mye ixxtable $100. new. end table $10. 2 formica floor cabmats $40 C ; 2 7470 • FOR SALE: 1978 Cyde-Kamp tent ITmler |er 350¢c motorcycle larger sleeps 2-3 people Call Moe 229-2716 FOR BALE: Portable electremc for sale general FOR SALE: 2 sets golf dubs new. 1 set mens, 1 sat ladiea cell 628-5177 (JC S ead model) FOR SALE: A r cen('Ibener, h gh effic cy mode 18" hsgh X 18" deep. 26"w;de Call626-8177 FOR SALE: Dog house for mad um s ze deg eag 628-5177 FOR SALE: P co¢teb e 6-0" round w th four benches $30 1986 ATV Kawaslo runs good Call after 6"00 628-0928 FOR SALE: Two Roy Clark t=sketa $1 ; 50 each Dazey Turbo Spa .s l twine $50 582-3870 ahar 6 vemngs FOR SALE Western beat , blonde loather hke new stze 12, $50 272-1052 FOR SALE: 2 Hummel dells, kffie s=ster and wanderer $225 each Call 628-0464 after 4 pm FOR SALE: Full length leather Asbng $150 C I 272-0513 after 6 00 FOR SALE: Assorted hats. fans, ments call 621-4469 after 600 pm MOVING Must Sell 2 10-speed bicycles Ross $75, Peugeot $125. sole contemp. 2 cushions over stuffed. Naugahyde $100. 1985 Bu Ja S yled 5 speed PS. PB. AC. 96.000 m great car for college student $2.200. 1978 589-8358 FOR SALE: Clever B x ks Boiler for hea ng, low pressuro steam excellent co :fr0o 582-9436. FOR SALE: Portable 5 seater spa/]acoz for insK e er oute do use redwood o d de w th blue marble finish ms,do Completu wdh nsula d Ioc g cuver 110 valts, excellent cendRon, owner moving, pax:l $3.000 w ll sacoflce for $1.600 or BO Great em;: cell 589-5908 FOR SALE: Kalwnator Range. Coring top. continuous dean. wh $100 or best. 10 speed man b ke m box $50. Apartment chrome lets and towel Pads $30 Callafter3pm MontoSaL 584- 9302 FOR SALE: Cen 'al A r Ceod ec J,pment. 1/2 te . foe small capa or conde 2 sets 589-5187 after 6 pm FOR BALE: Whae hoop style c b $100. Fisher Price h ghches" $35. g ds canopy bed $50.3 sobd prne ba stools pd $100 each $.35 each G=ds dotting NB-2T. Hoover commerces upeght vecuum $50 583-4188 after 51 0 FOR SALE: Commodore 128 comp complete system, over 50 flee seftwams Nso I B M P C. complete system. 640K. fots of extT BestOffer 582-8519 FOR SALE: Ins 'nent B Rat alannet, excellent cond oc, perfect for ool use $175 747- 3724 FOR BALE: 15 cu. ft, upoght freezer $100. Nknight - Jumbo Mea wood stove $150. wood ch pper/ eaf hmdd $75. items in good con¢ lfon evenmgs 621-7160 FOR SALE: Trombone $160, Tenor S x $300. 130 feet rei fencing $50 Ca l Chn 628-0807 MUST SELL: Apple II PC, with p.nn " and eaftwam $2.000 firm 589-8698 eves MOVING: Must Sell complete queen ze bedroom set. exc . lent, complete room setruth glass tab/.es, good to exc lent; good to exeal)ent; nursery good N o dishes, gle ses, stemware, 589-8698 evea help wanted help wanted miscellaneous miscellaneous for rent services WAN'rED: S tter for elderly male. Fd & Sa 800 pm- 1200 am $5/h own ITansp non-smoking eaJI 628-4333 BEDDING BARN m Ioolung fer a few self-motwated sales people No experience nocossery Wdl t aJn the right inctv duals for per. m=mo'nt peahens Houdy r o plus commrsr ea Full benefit package Paid vacaben and over'ame avmlab/,o Call for mtennew 621-6818 EOE MACHINE OPERATORS NoDded for tat and 2rid shdt Mactune operallng backgreuad preferred Up to $8 50/hr to start Benefit include B ue Cress Ins. PaJd ho days and vacabons Apply m perean Northeastern Shaped Wire. 411 North Main St. Southingten 1 COACHING VACANCIES al the Souttung H)gh school Boys' swtmming coach and Guls' swimming coach Send applications Mr J Auclmr. Principal. Southingten R ]h Sd oo. 720 Pleasant O6489 St.. Boutfungtea. C WANTED: Volunteers for FISH forever P G LC T Female co be answers te Mare, greea cogar wzth name & number lost ,n Mende Ave Sauthingtea area 8-23-09 ward 621-4944 LO T: Male grey Tat y. wctn o| Bristol St. if seen cell after 5 621-9819. answers to name of MISSING: Long ha=ed male katen orange ear t ps. c oam or wh;te body House cat bemg treated wah med ne Manea erea co l 574-1340 er 628-7559 miscellaneous THANK YOU God for answm og se many of my prayor CC ATrENTION - GOVERNMENT Seized vehicles from $100 Fords. Mereadea. Corvetles. Chovy Bugles Buyers Gu e 1-602 38 5 Ext A 3001 WORLD W1DE Salect on of vaceea pmper es Reoe e $2 o all inqumeal Call Reso te Resale today 1-800-826-7844 NATL 1- 800-826-1847 m Fie o€ 1-305- BRISTOL GIfIS" Club Famdy Center. 47 Upso Street. Bnstel. CT. Crass rog= t on begins in •e gym at 6 pm to 8 p on Wednesday September 6th It con ineas flora 10 am to 8 pm ea 7th and 8th After these datea you can enroll at the canteen There am always plenty of classes to pin threogt out the year You must have a cement membership ST. JUDE, Th nk you for a swer- Ing my preyers Publlcebon promised K T ATTENTION - GOVERNEMNT Homes from$1 (U-Repa r) Dohnquent tax pmper y Repossessions Call 1 02-8885 Ext. GH 3001 DIESEL MECHANIC trmnmg 7 month hands-on program Cresses start every 2 mea s D esal Technology Institute. 105 Pheamx Avenue. Enfield. Ct 1- 800-243*4242. 203.74S-2010 DO YOU have a t y or g rte co cept We can um your KJea into reahty 23 years expenenne m toy ,ndusW Call Excet (612) 934-1200. (612) 374-3233 MAY 1HE most Sac ed Heart of Jesus be prmsed, honored. adored, glonfiad reughout the wodd now and forayer. Amen MJG MAY THE most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, honored. adore l and. gler=fiod now (Frleods in Sarwea Here U HINGTON _,=IR I can spare a few hour= o ca a month to help residents of Souffungt t. p eaea earl Flerence - 747-3143 o€ Pat at 628-7641 628-5566 League The 8th annual awards banquet for the Soul ,ngton Gtds Sollball League wdl be held September 141h 1989 at6 00 p. at the Aqua Turf - Kay's Pier Tv ,,.ots for WANTED: Babys=tler after t =s year's event are $10 50 per school for a couple of hours Two p -son and may be purchased by great sods Good pay after c tec0ng any team manager or 6.'00 pen 628-0075 Savage St. by calbng Tony Leogrendis (628- 8470) or Bob Heat (276-0682) l ckets wdl be available at the door however ff ,s requestad •at you please purchase llckets for memory Al o makes one line • com 0ons Hamly used Perfect for students or smaJl business $150 firm CaJ1276-g445any me ATrENIION - HIRINGI Governmerit lobs - ycur area_ Many unmediateoporMngsw cutwad- assoonea f vori gtanted FLB EImn at 628-2410 Raphes w:= ordy be ac¢ at unbl :l S pternbet 1. 1989 bes HOLY SPIRIT: You who made me the way to reesh my Kleal. you who gave me the d 'me g te for ve and forget the wrong at m de e te me and yco. who le all instenres of my file vath m a' nk you for evening and confirm orK:e more that I never matter how groat 0 e mmar aJ yoo and my loved ones m pefpat- yue toward= me and my loved ones Por=o must Bey Ih s pra,;er throe co secu ve days w , out asking a wish AftBr SOUTHINGTON ARTS and Crat Assoaat)on =s pubhshlng a book of "Apple Reobes and Crafts" m brae for the Apple Harvest Fesbval ,n October Th s book wdl be ef OUr cho arshlp Fund Anyone w shmg to subm for pubic'abort their favente apple reape and/or d mc ons fer crMts •at person to apples may be se t to Mary Pat Knowfton 232 Mandon Avenue. Sou mgten. CT O6489 GOD, Thank you fer number two PL THANK YOU St Jude and Saczad Hearl of Jesus for xayers ans DMD SOUTHINGTON Wednesday no Open Dlscus o 8 9 30 PM SaulJ*¢ngtorl Fnday AI-Anco DSK JSS On 1-230 PM At Pauls Ep scopa Church. 145 Mare St Southington For anyeae cer'ned about anothe¢'s dnnk ng EAST HARTFORD - Exot¢ Club - 9/12/89. Veterans Clu house 100 Su set R dge Dr E Hffd 7 30 I Bm:l owners breeders walcome Al-r 'qON: I have many beoks on me'dlurg - s : y of metals Ta e Ihem w/my comphments 62 -94 ) ST. JUDE Novena Jesus ha granted yeu the pn lage of he p mg lend In most desperate rases Glcoous St Jude bear rny prayer, workBr of m ac es pray for us Thank you St Jude soph=ne Chase NURSING and expes a t morns =10 AtlB d a I= Lithe League caJl 673-4595 or 584-8004 SOUTHINGTON ARTS a g,nmog September 26. 2 excava0ng lobs. garage . tag sales types of at condo gut r deor=og =milara:m of gut- ing/weeding/warenn g general deeoop, snow pfo,mng, gener TAG A . e H I . - g y W . 2 9 nm h d . of s m m, u . H .Un b 8 #15 . CT 10 TAG SALE: t 2 131 R M W : . TAG SALE: SaL 2 1000 am to 400 pm at 32 ut Rd. Play,lie TAG SALE: Fn Sept 1 & 2 5t e of e o/thmg 10 arn 61 perd ng Drive, P amvibe 582- 154 leav m seage Avad WANTED: R be te or by UCONN W.Httd. MOVlNGSALF_: Furmtum. app,. "call 757-4687 anytime ancas, eadrooms toys. Vatohan warns garden/yard toots, elec ROOMMATE WANTEd: geae atm clothes. teb , mapons p of m/f to sham chaz's, aute tems Some ms b auMu12bdn'napL ®'72&84 nl pes, selling everyIPcng to Allyeuneedisbdrmfum 29- Salt 3 rd. Salt 6 - Sept st=age pkg. cede. Suelt=ngto off Jude tane tel now er 9,"I 621-5173 WANTED: Croft= people needed MOVIKGSALE: Furn Jre ap for Prospe

.Page 14<br />




• Carol Carrie Murphy,<br />

• Deceased<br />

The Hon Cerl J SokoIowskh<br />

" Judge of the CouP1 ot Probate,<br />

District of Southlngton. sl a<br />

hearing held on August 24,<br />

• 1989. ordered that all claims<br />

'. muet be presented to the<br />

Failure to promp y present any<br />

such claim may result n the<br />

toss of rights to recover on<br />

.- SUCh c m.<br />

Jean P Parzy¢ .Clo k<br />

." Nadine M B,'lt on<br />

72 Hillside Ave<br />

'.. Pia tsvllia. CT 06479<br />

classifieds<br />

'. FOR SALE: Counter top range<br />

wail oven w/broder, exhaust<br />

"'hood. all m Avacado Calonc<br />

"make. good cond $250 phone<br />

'628-5801<br />

FOR SALE: Upright keezer n<br />

mint cen bon, aslung $150 call<br />

., after 4 30 621-5843<br />

FOR SALE: Refndgerater. 14 4<br />

OUPL. no frostS175 621-5010<br />

BUY -- SELL -- TRADE! Ir,y The Observer Classifieds for Quick Result# CALL 628-9645<br />

for sale<br />

automobiles<br />

FOR SALE: 87 Toyota Cekca<br />

GT. loaded, excel cond 3OK, call<br />

anyl]me 584-2062<br />

FOR SALE: 87 OIds Calais. PS.<br />

PS. auto trans AC. AM FM radio.<br />

19.000 m M nt cond $0,200<br />

878 624<br />

FOR SALE: 1984 Z28 Camaro.<br />

loaded exce cond Pnce nag<br />

Call 584-0850 after 5 00 pm<br />

for sale<br />

automobiles<br />

FOR SALE: 1984 Dodge<br />

Charger. 53K. 5 sd 2dr. hatch<br />

back. vary good cond • dark grey<br />

$2.200 or SO 582-1558<br />

FOR SALE • 1983 AMC Sp=nt. low<br />

mdeage good condl on, no rust.<br />

loaded Ask $2.000 call 621-<br />

2727<br />

FOR SALE: Mercury Lynx '82. 2<br />

dr. 4 sp. 56K. $1.200/BO 582-<br />

FOR SALE: 1982 Toyota Cehca 9100<br />

5 spd. am-fro exc trans. $1.200<br />

recent repairs w th invoices, must FOR SALE: 1986 Olds Delta '88,<br />

sell $1.000 Dawd 628-0085 4 door. new bres. rebudt vansmms<br />

on 42.000 redes, ongmal owner<br />

FOR SALE" 1982 Olds Omega. 6 Must sell 272-0095<br />

cyhnder, st<strong>and</strong>ard, good oond -<br />

ben. $1.800 747-3644 9-3. 583- FOR SALE: 1984 Calebnty Sta-<br />

6018 after 4 00 ben Wagon 39.000 miles. $3.500<br />

or best offer 621-9465 ask for<br />

FOR SALE: Ford 1981 Falrmont. Tom or Mary Anne<br />

4 dr. Sedan. automabc, power<br />

steenng, power brakes, air condi- FOR SALE: 1986 Pont Transboner,<br />

very clean, excellent con- Am re=n1 condmoo, red. $9.000<br />

dmon call ahar 600 pm 747- call 747 1968 <strong>and</strong> faava rues-<br />

0397 sage<br />

FOR SALE. 1984 VW-GTI. 5 FOR SALE: '68 Cougar by 2nd<br />

spd. shdlng sun roof. am-fro cass owner Original factory megs<br />

exc cond must sell $1.800 (well Motor <strong>and</strong> suspensmn restored<br />

mamtemed) 628-0022 Needs body work $2.500 after<br />

583-4444<br />

FOR SALE: 1983 Dodge 400•<br />

good cond asking $1.800 or BO FOR SALE: '74 CheW Van. very<br />

call 747-2442 sttong rebudt 350 motor .Less<br />

than 2OK Reese h=teh, megs.<br />

FOR SALE: 25' Shasta 'avel wsor. sunroof B O after 600<br />

trader Very good cond Many 583-4444<br />

extras Call 276-O521<br />

"FOR SALE: Kelmnator Range. FORSALE: 1972greyMercedes<br />

- commgttop, co¢ bnuousclean=rig. FOR SALE • 1979 CheW Mehbu 250 Excellent cond bon 75.000<br />

:white $100 er Best 10 speed Class=c. auto. AC. $300 Also redes Best offer 246-6719 or<br />

munsb=kembox$50 Apartment 1974 Toyota Cehca 4-speed 278-7208<br />

dryer $50 White barroom s=nk.<br />

chrome legs <strong>and</strong> towel raJIS $30.<br />

call altar 3 tX) Wn Men te Sat. 584-<br />

9302<br />

FOR SALE: Dttee Elec stove/<br />

Micro comb. gold, self cloan. 6<br />

ym nid $800 or BO 621-3056<br />

$500 Tel 272-9277<br />

.FORSALE: 17 oublc foot chest FORSALE' 1988GMCConvar-<br />

• freezer. Imponal. 3 years old. pa=d<br />

• too much. must sell 589-5187<br />

FOR SALE: JanAir range wdh<br />

' parts 3ood ¢oodibon. 80 747-<br />

2659<br />

FOR SALE: Electo¢ stove, whtta,<br />

excellent coodzbon. $80 or bast oond, $3.6OO or B O. 628-7448<br />

• offer carl 747-9741 after 5 00 pm<br />

for sale<br />

automobiles<br />

.FOR SALE: 1988 GMC Convor-<br />

•sion Van. fully loaded, low mileage<br />

for more mfo cell 621-5462<br />

FOR SALE: 1985 Chevy Spec-<br />

FOR SALE: 1980 Camera t- trum. new lront bres <strong>and</strong> brakes.<br />

tops. good condihon $2.000. good cond bon, call Paula 673-<br />

1978 O'.ds CutJas. 5 speed. VS. 7763<br />

very good condibon $2 0(30 call<br />

Paul 747-5213 FOR SALE: 1975 Chew Nova.<br />

2 oor. runs groat new brakes.<br />

s on Van. fully loaded, low rodeage<br />

for more mfo 62t-5462<br />

shocks, rad=ator, carb. AM-FM<br />

cassette $650 584-9417<br />

FOR SALE: 1982 Corvette<br />

FOR SALE: Buck Regal t985. 5 aded t-tops. AT. good oondlc34.<br />

67.000 miles, excel oond ben. lob mileage asking $13 0

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