Interview with Frank Oppenheimer - Caltech Oral Histories

Interview with Frank Oppenheimer - Caltech Oral Histories

Interview with Frank Oppenheimer - Caltech Oral Histories


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<strong>Oppenheimer</strong>–13<strong>Caltech</strong>.GOODSTEIN: I think there was less bureaucracy at that time than today.OPPENHEIMER: The same thing was true <strong>with</strong> going to Johns Hopkins. I had a friend whosuggested I go there, and I probably wrote a letter and got one back. And that had nothing to do<strong>with</strong> my brother or my friend either.GOODSTEIN: Overall, in the time that you spent in Florence, did you find that the other physicistswere politically minded?OPPENHEIMER: Some of them. Occhialini especially. Bernardini less so. I don’t know about[Julio] Racah. There was another man there, Emil Capo da Lista, who later on came to Pasadenawhile I was there.GOODSTEIN: I don’t know that name. What kind of a physicist was he?OPPENHEIMER: He was a nuclear physicist, I think, because he went from there up to Berkeleyand worked there.GOODSTEIN: Did he go back to Italy?OPPENHEIMER: He died very young. And whether that was in Italy—I don’t think so. I think hewas in this country when he died.GOODSTEIN: Did he spend a long time at <strong>Caltech</strong>, or was it a brief visit?OPPENHEIMER: He was there, I think, when I left, and he’d been there about a year. So when hewent to Berkeley, I’m not sure. Then, he was in Berkeley when Bob Wilson was doing nuclearphysics there, which was before the war. So he probably didn’t stay at <strong>Caltech</strong> very long,because there wasn’t much time.http://resolver.caltech.edu/<strong>Caltech</strong>OH:OH_<strong>Oppenheimer</strong>_F

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