Know the risks - Zurich

Know the risks - Zurich

Know the risks - Zurich


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“In recent years, <strong>the</strong>re hasbeen a marked increase in<strong>the</strong> frequency and severity ofERISA class-action litigationagainst directors and officersfollowing a significant drop ina company’s stock price.”denial of benefits. Directors and officers may also face liability under <strong>the</strong> EmployeeRetirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) when <strong>the</strong>y function as fiduciaries,serve on committees that oversee or monitor <strong>the</strong> plans, or issue statements that mayinfluence a plan participant’s decisions with respect to <strong>the</strong> plan.In recent years, <strong>the</strong>re has been a marked increase in <strong>the</strong> frequency and severity ofERISA class-action litigation against directors and officers following a significantdrop in a company’s stock price. The lawsuits are typically filed by and on behalfof participants and beneficiaries of a company’s retirement plan when <strong>the</strong> planowns company stock as an investment option. Plaintiffs in <strong>the</strong>se lawsuits generallyallege that directors and officers breached <strong>the</strong>ir fiduciary duties under ERISA by (i)allowing <strong>the</strong> plan or its participants to purchase of company stock as an investmentoption when <strong>the</strong>y knew or should have known that <strong>the</strong> stock was not a prudentinvestment, or (ii) misrepresenting or failing to disclose to <strong>the</strong> plan participantsmaterial information about <strong>the</strong> company.20Financial institutions guide

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