Operating manual - Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH

Operating manual - Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH

Operating manual - Rifox-Hans Richter GmbH


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Model 8551 and 8551-N vent valve, PN 160, DN 15-50<br />

1.0 Safety instructions<br />

1.1 Proper use<br />

Any improper use, intervention in the design and deviation from the design data automatically lead to<br />

termination of the warranty. The vent valve is designed for the discharge of air from liquid systems. Any<br />

other use is not permissible. The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from any other use.<br />

The user or operator bears the risk in this case. This also applies analogously to incorrect assembly,<br />

start up, use and maintenance.<br />

1.2 Warnings and symbols<br />

■ Personal risk due to escaping operating medium as well as because of pressure, temperature and<br />

weight. Failure to comply with these warnings results in the risk of accidents.<br />

■Follow the instructions in this operating <strong>manual</strong>.<br />

■The operator must ensure that this operating <strong>manual</strong> and, if necessary, other relevant documents are<br />

available on site.<br />

■Only trained or instructed personnel may be employed here.<br />

■Any mode of operation that may impair safety must be avoided.<br />

2.0 General description and use<br />

2.1 Design of the vent valve<br />

Item 1 Housing cover<br />

2 Housing gasket<br />

3 Housing with connections<br />

4 Control screw<br />

5 Set of screws with nuts<br />

6 Drain plug<br />

7 Float control<br />

8 Supporting structure with rotary slide valve<br />

9 Float with fork<br />

10 Supporting screw<br />

11 Seal for Supporting screw<br />

12 Seal for drain plug<br />

13 Seal for control screw<br />

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2.2 Design of the automatic venting unit<br />

2.3 Function-limit of control units<br />

2.4 Performance<br />

2.5 Function / installation<br />

The float control assembly discharges air and gases from all liquid carrying systems without time lag,<br />

independent of pressure and temperature variations. With the float in the lower position the outlet crosssection<br />

is open. Air and gases escape through the upturned immersion tube. Rising of the liquid level<br />

lifts the float and causes to close the outlet.<br />

� Remove protective caps from inlet and outlet.<br />

� Fitting position according to figure (page 1)<br />

� Flow direction according to the arrow provided on the rating plate<br />

� Support: The weight of the condensate trap must be taken up by a holding device and<br />

support. The condensate trap weight approx. 40-50 kg.<br />

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TTo<br />

avoid dowwn<br />

times, it iss<br />

recommended<br />

that prov vision be maade<br />

for a shuut-off<br />

device with w a by-passs<br />

line<br />

bboth<br />

in front of and behinnd<br />

the condeensate<br />

trap<br />

3.0 SStart<br />

up<br />

TThe<br />

pressuree<br />

build-up annd<br />

heating-up<br />

of the hous sing should nnot<br />

take placce<br />

abruptly. If f leaks occurr<br />

due<br />

tto<br />

so-called ssettling<br />

afterr<br />

the first starrtup,<br />

the scre ews (items 4,<br />

5, 6,10) cann<br />

be retighte ened taking innto<br />

aaccount<br />

the indicated torrque.<br />

Retighttening<br />

may only o be carrieed<br />

out when the housing is depressuurized<br />

aand<br />

at most warm to thee<br />

touch.<br />

4.0<br />

Maintenance<br />

/ inspecction<br />

4.1 OOpening<br />

thee<br />

automatic venting uniit<br />

and disma antling the ffloat<br />

controll<br />

� The ventinng<br />

unit must be depressuurized.<br />

Shut off o the systemm<br />

securely inn<br />

front of and d behind the<br />

aautomatic<br />

venting<br />

unit.<br />

� Release aany<br />

remaininng<br />

pressure in<br />

the housin ng by loosening<br />

screw (4) ) or (6) by on nly a quarter turn.<br />

TThe<br />

weight oof<br />

the automaatic<br />

venting unit<br />

must be ta aken up by a support, e.gg.<br />

and must be taken outt<br />

of<br />

tthe<br />

pipeline ssystem.<br />

� Loosen housing<br />

bolts (5) evenly crosswise.<br />

Pu ull down loweer<br />

housing seection<br />

(3).<br />

4.2 DDismantlingg<br />

the float coontrol<br />

� Loosen suupport<br />

bolt (110)<br />

and screew<br />

out 1 to 2 turns.<br />

��<br />

Tap gentlyy<br />

on the frontt<br />

end of the ssupport<br />

bolt (10) ( with a plastic<br />

mallet. .<br />

��<br />

This looseens<br />

the controol<br />

from the cconical<br />

housing<br />

seat.<br />

� Screw out<br />

support bolt<br />

(10) with seeal<br />

(11) com mpletely.<br />

Remove ffloat<br />

control.<br />

4.3 DDisassembling<br />

and cleaaning<br />

the flooat<br />

control<br />

1. After remooving<br />

the cottter<br />

pin (k), thhe<br />

rotary valv ve (i) is simpply<br />

pulled outt<br />

to the sidee.<br />

22.<br />

Clean the parts using, for examplee,<br />

benzine.<br />

33.<br />

Check thee<br />

rotary valvee<br />

(i) for wear along the se ealing edge. If wear is<br />

detected, the<br />

support boody<br />

(8) togetther<br />

with the rotary valve (i) must be rreplaced.<br />

A careful lleak<br />

test muust<br />

be carriedd<br />

out by RIFO OX.<br />

44.<br />

During asssembly<br />

ensuure<br />

that the nnotch<br />

in the rotary r valve ( (i) points to thhe<br />

punch ma ark<br />

on the suppport<br />

body (88)<br />

and the cootter<br />

pin (k) is s inserted annd<br />

secured again<br />

carefully.<br />

55.<br />

It must bee<br />

possible to move the flooat<br />

up and do own easily byy<br />

hand.<br />

4.4 IInstalling<br />

thhe<br />

float conttrol<br />

� The compplete<br />

float conntrol<br />

is insertted<br />

into the conical c housing<br />

seat with the support body (10). Itt<br />

must<br />

bbe<br />

ensured hhere<br />

that the float is posittioned<br />

in the center of thee<br />

housing (1).<br />

� Screw in ssupport<br />

bolt ( (10) with gassket<br />

(11) and d tighten withh<br />

a standard ring wrench. Tightening ttorque<br />

aaccording<br />

to the section 4.7.<br />

4.5 AAssemblingg<br />

the ventingg<br />

automat<br />

� Check thee<br />

housing gassket<br />

(2) and replace nece essary.<br />

� Mount the lower housing<br />

part (3) wwith<br />

upper ho ousing part (11)<br />

� Tighten the<br />

housing boolts<br />

(5) evenly<br />

crosswise.<br />

Tightening torque according<br />

to the section s 4.7.<br />

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puncch<br />

mark<br />

notcch<br />

Subject to modificaation<br />


4.6 Care and maintenance, spare parts<br />

� In the case of a great risk of dirt accumulation, the housing should be rinsed thoroughly from time to<br />

time, but while depressurized. If necessary, the float control should also be checked according to<br />

section 4.3.<br />

Spare parts: Only genuine spare parts may be used.<br />

Version 1.4571<br />

4.7 Screw tightening torque (at room temperature, coat thread with<br />

temperature-resistant lubricant)<br />

Position Tightening torque<br />

4 20 Nm<br />

5 70 Nm<br />

6 30 Nm<br />

10 25 Nm<br />

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5 Conformity assessment<br />

We declare conformity with Directive 97/23/EC of 29.05.97 for the following pressure equipment:<br />

Automatic venting unit, type:<br />

■ 8551, P265GH, DN 15-50: Fluid group 1, Category III, Module H<br />

■ 8551, 13CrMo4-5, DN 15-50: Fluid group 2, Category II, Module H<br />

■ 8551, 10CrMo9-10, DN 15-50: Fluid group 2, Category II, Module H<br />

■ 8551-N, 1.4571, DN 15-50: Fluid group 1, Category III, Module H<br />

The pressure equipment described is a pressure-keeping component in accordance with Article 1,<br />

2.1.4. Applied conformity assessment procedure according to Annex III:<br />

Designated office: Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance <strong>GmbH</strong>, Am Sandtorkia 4, D-20457 Hamburg,<br />

Germany. Identification No. 0525<br />

In the case that the equipment is modified without our approval, this declaration shall no longer be valid.<br />

RIFOX-<strong>Hans</strong> <strong>Richter</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong><br />

Spezialarmaturen<br />

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