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Luminaire luminous flux LlmThe luminaire luminous flux (Llm)defines the usable light of theluminaire and is the decisivevalue for the light planning. Asopposed to the lamp luminousflux (lm), the luminaire luminousflux (Llm) is subject to losses dueto the design of the luminaire.WILA defines only the Llm valuefor all LED lamps. This value canbe found both in data sheets andin the relevant ldt file.System efficiency Llm/WThe system efficiency defines theratio of luminaire light flux (Llm) tothe power input (W). Efficiencylosses due to operating deviceshave already been taken intoaccount by WILA in the Llm/Wvalue.Beam Spread Angle γThe beam spread angle γ isdefined as the angle at which theluminous intensity drops to 1%of the maximum value lmax. It ismeasured from the vertical (seeluminous intensity distributioncurve) and is an importantdimension in glare reducingmeasures. The beam spreadangle usually corresponds to theangle from which the luminanceis limited to values below 1000cd/m 2 (see the shaded area onthe luminous intensity distributioncurve). In the case of luminaireswith an asymmetrical beam, "as"is given in the table rather thanthe beam spread angle.divergence angle is given as afull angle, see beam chart in thechapter planning examples.Beam spread characteristicsuper spot < 10°spot 10° - 20°flood 21° - 45°wide flood 46° - 55°very wide flood > 55°UGRThe UGR method takes intoaccount the layout of theluminaires in the room andevaluates the glare produced bythe entire lighting system for aspecific observer's position. Alow UGR value means that theglare is negligible or non-existent.The provided UGR values takethe observer’s position parallelto the longitudinal axis of theLuminaire and the Lamp-/Luminaire axis parallel to thelonger side of the room intoaccount (s. graphic).UGR method is implementedon the basis of simple tablesprovided by the luminairemanufacturers.Suitability examples UGR value:< 16 for drafting rooms,< 19 for offices and controlrooms,< 22 for precision industrial tasksand< 28 for heavy industrial tasks.Number of Luminaires No. Lum.The number of luminaires(No. Lum.) is an approximateplanning factor that can be usedto calculate simply and quicklythe actual number of luminairesnecessary to provide a room withan illuminance of 100 lx. Thevalues are based on a surfaceof 100 m 2 (room ratio 2:3) anda room height of 3 m. Thereflectances used are 80/50/20%(ceiling, walls, floor) and thecalculation is based on amaintenance factor of 0.8.The approximate number ofluminaires can be calculatedusing the following formula:nominal number of luminaires= room area in m 2 x Em in lx xnumber of luminaire / (100 lx x 1m 2 ).Calculation example number ofluminaire: The aim is to determinethe number of lights necessary toattain an illuminance of 500 lx ina 50 m² room. The table for thechosen light states number ofluminaire = 0.07.This produces the following:50 m² x 500 lx x 0.07 lights /(100 lx x 1 m²) = 17.5 ≈ 18 lights.ProtectionIP44IIIVDE: approved byVDE, GermanyGames area proofType of protectionProtection class IIIF markingAll WILA luminaires are suitablefor use in or on ceilings of normalflammability and have been so farbeen labelled with the F marking.With the publication of theEN 60598 standard, date ofissue 09/2009, this marking is nolonger applicable. After the endof the transitional phase on12.04.2012, all lamps withoutmarking are suitable for use in oron a ceiling of normal flammability.Lamps, which do not fulfil thethermal requirements, will bemarked with a new pictogramin the future.Direct beamE0837-04 + 86210R2390°60°45°30° 15° 15° 30°300 cd/klm90°60°45°Direct/indirect beamAV2206-53Indirect beamC8006-44150°900 cd/klm120°150°120°Half-peak Divergence angle αFor accent lighting, the half-peakdivergence angle α is given ratherthan the beam spread angle.The half-peak divergence anglea is defined as the angle of therotationally symmetrical luminousintensity distribution at which theluminous intensity equals half ofits maximum value. In the productspecifications, the half-peak60°30° 30°300 cd/klm60°Luminous intensity distributionIn order to give a cleareroverview, the luminous intensitydistribution curves have beendivided into groups. The diagramshows the planes from 0° to180° (red line) and from 90° to270° (blue line). The 0° plane ison the right.www.wila.com 157

Definition of TermsRDCODOH Lamp Reflector size, dimension, weight System photometric data Article numberWattage R R R R CO D RD OH α UGR Llm Llm/W No.efficiency plusLED 05 08 10 13 mm mm mm mm kg ° Lum. 1-10V DALI3000 K, CRI > 8012 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 20 10 600 46 0.20 EL29924-33-W -D -DD12 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 40 13 600 46 0.20 EL29925-33-W -D -DD12 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 60 15 570 44 0.21 EL29926-33-W -D -DD18 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 20 11 860 45 0.14 EL29927-33-W -D -DD18 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 40 14 860 45 0.14 EL29928-33-W -D -DD18 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 60 16 810 43 0.15 EL29929-33-W -D -DDRDCOL x WLamp Reflector size, dimension, weight System photometric data Article numberWattage Q Q DA LxB ETefficiency plusLED 15 18 mm mm mm kg 1-10V DALI4000 K, CRI > 80, order the system frame or safety screen separately1)18 W 170 185 160 1.2 TL66001-03-N -D -DD25 W 170 185 160 1.21)TL66002-03-N -D -DD25 W 200 215 160 1.31)TL66003-03-N -D -DD37 W 200 215 170 1.31)TL66004-03-N -D -DD50 W 200 215 180 1.91)TL66005-03-N -D -DDCatalogue informationMany of our products are protectedby design registrations and patents.We reserve the right to changematerial, design and programmewithout notice, subject to our termsand coditions of sale.Component partsComponent parts are named inaccordance with the internationalLamp Designation System (LBS). Fora complete overview of abbreviationsand their meanings, contact the ZVEI(German Electrical and ElectronicManufacturers' Association) inFrankfurt.Reflector sizesIn the case of circular luminaires, thereflector size refers to the inner diameterof the reflector in cm. Therefore, R13means that the reflector has an innerdiameter of 13 cm. In the case ofsquare luminaires, the reflector sizerefers to the width (e.g. Q 13).The reflector size R results in thefollowing ceiling cut-out CO andDiameter D of the luminaire:R CO in mm D in mm05 68 8008 95 10510 120 13013 140 15515 165 18018 195 21023 240 25527 280 30037 380 400The reflector size Q results in thefollowing ceiling cut-out CO andlength L x width W of the luminaire:Q CO in mm L x W in mm15 170 x 170 185 x 18518 200 x 200 215 x 21521 235 x 235 250 x 250DimensionsFor recessed luminaires, the ceilingcut-out CO, the recessed depth RD(the same as the mounting depth) andthe radius from the centre of theluminaire reflector OH are given.For surface mounted luminaires, thediameter D and the height H are given.For pendant luminairs, the length ofthe body L or L 1, the distance betweenpendants L 2, the width of the body B,the height of the body H or H 2 andthe pendant lengths H 1 are stated.Index-B = Prepared for concretemounting box-D = Dimmable, 1-10V-DD = Dimmable, DALIAbbreviation/DimensionsOH = Overhang, maximumexpansion of luminairefrom the centre of reflectorW = Width informationD = DiameterCO = Ceiling, wall orrecessed floor cut-out forrecessed luminaires roundor squareCO W = Width ceiling orwall cut-out forrecessed luminairesCO L= Length ceiling-, orwall cut-out forrecessed luminairesRD = Required installation depthfor recessed luminairesunder consideration ofF-termsH, H 1= Height informationK = Colour temperatureL, L 1 = Length informationQ = Reflector size, squareR = Reflector size, roundCRI = Colouer rendering indexW = Electrical powerα = Half-peak divergence angleγ = Beam spread angleBeam spread characteristicssuper spot < 10°spot 10° - 20°flood 21° - 45°wide flood 46° - 55°very wide flood > 55°158 WILA

Definition of TermsRDCODOH Lamp Reflector size, dimension, weight System photometric data Article numberWattage R R R R CO D RD OH α UGR Llm Llm/W No.efficiency plusLED 05 08 10 13 mm mm mm mm kg ° Lum. 1-10V DALI3000 K, CRI > 8012 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 20 10 600 46 0.20 EL29924-33-W -D -DD12 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 40 13 600 46 0.20 EL29925-33-W -D -DD12 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 60 15 570 44 0.21 EL29926-33-W -D -DD18 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 20 11 860 45 0.14 EL29927-33-W -D -DD18 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 40 14 860 45 0.14 EL29928-33-W -D -DD18 W 120 130 110 80 0.9 60 16 810 43 0.15 EL29929-33-W -D -DDRDCOL x WLamp Reflector size, dimension, weight System photometric data Article numberWattage Q Q DA LxB ETefficiency plusLED 15 18 mm mm mm kg 1-10V DALI4000 K, CRI > 80, order the system frame or safety screen separately1)18 W 170 185 160 1.2 TL66001-03-N -D -DD25 W 170 185 160 1.21)TL66002-03-N -D -DD25 W 200 215 160 1.31)TL66003-03-N -D -DD37 W 200 215 170 1.31)TL66004-03-N -D -DD50 W 200 215 180 1.91)TL66005-03-N -D -DDCatalogue informationMany of our products are protectedby design registrations and patents.We reserve the right to changematerial, design and programmewithout notice, subject to our termsand coditions of sale.Component partsComponent parts are named inaccordance with the internationalLamp Designation System (LBS). Fora complete overview of abbreviationsand their meanings, contact the ZVEI(German Electrical and ElectronicManufacturers' Association) inFrankfurt.Reflector sizesIn the case of circular luminaires, thereflector size refers to the inner diameterof the reflector in cm. Therefore, R13means that the reflector has an innerdiameter of 13 cm. In the case ofsquare luminaires, the reflector sizerefers to the width (e.g. Q 13).The reflector size R results in thefollowing ceiling cut-out CO andDiameter D of the luminaire:R CO in mm D in mm05 68 8008 95 10510 120 13013 140 15515 165 18018 195 21023 240 25527 280 30037 380 400The reflector size Q results in thefollowing ceiling cut-out CO andlength L x width W of the luminaire:Q CO in mm L x W in mm15 170 x 170 185 x 18518 200 x 200 215 x 21521 235 x 235 250 x 250DimensionsFor recessed luminaires, the ceilingcut-out CO, the recessed depth RD(the same as the mounting depth) andthe radius from the centre of theluminaire reflector OH are given.For surface mounted luminaires, thediameter D and the height H are given.For pendant luminairs, the length ofthe body L or L 1, the distance betweenpendants L 2, the width of the body B,the height of the body H or H 2 andthe pendant lengths H 1 are stated.Index-B = Prepared for concretemounting box-D = Dimmable, 1-10V-DD = Dimmable, DALIAbbreviation/DimensionsOH = Overhang, maximumexpansion of luminairefrom the centre of reflectorW = Width informationD = DiameterCO = Ceiling, wall orrecessed floor cut-out forrecessed luminaires roundor squareCO W = Width ceiling orwall cut-out forrecessed luminairesCO L= Length ceiling-, orwall cut-out forrecessed luminairesRD = Required installation depthfor recessed luminairesunder consideration ofF-termsH, H 1= Height informationK = Colour temperatureL, L 1 = Length informationQ = Reflector size, squareR = Reflector size, roundCRI = Colouer rendering indexW = Electrical powerα = Half-peak divergence angleγ = Beam spread angleBeam spread characteristicssuper spot < 10°spot 10° - 20°flood 21° - 45°wide flood 46° - 55°very wide flood > 55°158 WILA

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