5 years - Sill Lighting

5 years - Sill Lighting 5 years - Sill Lighting

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Illuminance according to EN 12464-1Ceiling: ρ = 0,7 - 0,9E m = 30 lxU 0 ≥ 0,1Wall: ρ = 0,5 - 0,8E m =50 lxU 0 ≥ 0,1Offices, educational facilities andhospitals require brighter lighting.The recommended minimumvalues of the maintained lightingintensity are:Wall 75 lx mit U 0 ≥ 0.10Ceiling 50 lx mit U 0 ≥ 0.10Floor: ρ = 0,2 - 0,4Area of visual task(Example 500 lx, see tableGuidelines for lighting design)Surrounding area(Example 300 lx, see tabbleGuidelines for lighting design,0,5 m circular)Background area(Example 100 lx, the meanIlluminance amounts to 1/3from the mean illuminance ofthe surrounding area, 3,0 mcircular)In Germany, not only does the EN 12464-1 standard apply, but alsothe Workplace Regulation (ASR) A3.4 must be adhered to. Besidesdiffering terms and concepts, there are also different requirementsthat must be met in the individual application areas. The ASRregulation takes precedence with regard to planning in Germany.www.wila.com 141

Planning ExampleLight for roomsFlood LED Downlights Nero Power142 WILA

Planning ExampleLight for roomsFlood LED Downlights Nero Power142 WILA

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