5 years - Sill Lighting

5 years - Sill Lighting 5 years - Sill Lighting

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Scope of applicationThe European standardEN 12464-1 sets forth lightingrequirements, taking intoconsideration visual comfort andvisual performance at work. Thestandard applies to all regularvisual tasks. Its implementationintentionally leaves room forintelligent lighting solutions andinnovative techniques.Visual PerformanceVisual performance is afundamental visual function bymeans of which animate andinanimate objects are seen.This function is largely madepossible by providing minimumilluminance and sufficient glarelimitation. Simple lighting systemsallow basic visual performance.Visual ComfortHarmonious luminance distributionin the rooms to be lit is of centralimportance. This does not entailuniform illumination of completerooms but targeted lighting ofindividual areas of a room, forexample, walls and work areas.In addition, in order to providemaximum visual comfort, colourrendition level CRI > 80 must beselected.AmbienceIn today's world, lighting moodsand the associated ambience arebecoming increasingly important.The customer's desire to remainunique means that the designerhas to focus more on luminouscolour, light direction and shadow.We look to daylight for inspiration:an ambience that increasesmotivation and promotespositive feelings.www.wila.com 135

Lighting Planning according to EN 12464-1,issue 2011-08Superior recognisionwithout reflected glareLight reflections of windowsand luminaires on PC screens,laptops, organizers and otherreflective surfaces interfere withconcentration and causepremature fatigue. Reflectionson computer screens can beminimised by positioning thescreens vertical to the windowand by appropriate arrangementof the luminaires.The limit values of the meanlamp luminance are dependenton the polarity and luminanceof the screen and may not beexceeded with a beam angleof > 65°.Limits of the average luminance of screensScreenScreenhighaverageIlluminanceIlluminance≥ 200 cd/m 2 < 200 cd/m 2Positive polarityand usualrequirements 1) ≤ 3000 cd/m 2 ≤ 1500 cd/m 2Negative polarityand highrequirements 2) ≤ 1500 cd/m 2 ≤ 1000 cd/m 21)Example Office programme, dark text on bright background2)Example CAD programme, bright lines on dark background136 WILA

<strong>Lighting</strong> Planning according to EN 12464-1,issue 2011-08Superior recognisionwithout reflected glareLight reflections of windowsand luminaires on PC screens,laptops, organizers and otherreflective surfaces interfere withconcentration and causepremature fatigue. Reflectionson computer screens can beminimised by positioning thescreens vertical to the windowand by appropriate arrangementof the luminaires.The limit values of the meanlamp luminance are dependenton the polarity and luminanceof the screen and may not beexceeded with a beam angleof > 65°.Limits of the average luminance of screensScreenScreenhighaverageIlluminanceIlluminance≥ 200 cd/m 2 < 200 cd/m 2Positive polarityand usualrequirements 1) ≤ 3000 cd/m 2 ≤ 1500 cd/m 2Negative polarityand highrequirements 2) ≤ 1500 cd/m 2 ≤ 1000 cd/m 21)Example Office programme, dark text on bright background2)Example CAD programme, bright lines on dark background136 WILA

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