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426RACHIUNAITE-VYCHINIENE, DAIVA. 2002. Sutartines: Lithuanianpolyphonic songs. Vilnius: VAGA Publishers.---- 2005. Manifestation of drone in the tradition of Lithuanian polyphonicsinging. ”, in The Second International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2004.Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 106-119. Tbilisi StateConservatory.RAKHAEV, ANATOLY. 1988. Musical epic of Balkarians. Nalchik: Elbrus. (InRussian)RAKOTOMALALA, MIREILLE. 1998. Performance in Madagascar. In TheGarland Encyclopedia of World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 781-792. New York: Garland Publishing.RAVINA, M. 1964. Folk polyphony in Israel. Materials of the VII InternationalCongress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences, Moscow, August 3-10, 1964.166/20.RECHMENSKI, NIKOLAI. 1957. Chechen-Ingush ASSR. In Musical culture ofautonomous republics of Russian SFR. Moscow: Sovietskii Kompozitor. (In Russian)REDSHAW, MARGARET E. 1978. Cognitive development in Human andGorilla infants. Journal of Wurm Human Evolution 7:133-41.REESE, SHEREE, and JOSEPH JORDANIA. 2001. Stuttering in the Chinesepopulation in some South-East Asian countries: A preliminary investigation on attitudeand incidence. Was published as a part of online conference “Stuttering Awareness Day”,on The Stuttering Home Page, Minnesota State University, Mankato, on the addresswww.mankato.mnsu.edu/dept/comdis/isad4/papers/reese2.htmlREESE, SHEREE, STEFAN HOFFMANN, and LI SHENG LI. 1998. The stateof stuttering in China. The article was published as a part of theInternational StutteringAwareness Day Online Conference October 1-22, 1998”, on The Stuttering Home Page,Minnesota State University, Mankato, at the addresswww.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/ kuster/stutter.htmlRENDALL, D., CHENEY, D. L. & SEYFARTH, R. M. (2000). Proximatefactors mediating ‘contact’ calls in adult female baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus)REVESZ, GEZA. 1956. The origin and prehistory of language. London:Longmans, Green and Co.RICE, TIMOTHY. 1977. Polyphony in Bulgarian folk music. PhD. University ofWashington.---- 1988. “Understanding three-part singing in Bulgaria: The interplay ofconcept and experience.” Selected reports in Ethnomusicology 7:43-57.---- 1994. May it fill your soul: Experiencing Bulgarian music. Chicago:University of Chicago Press.---- 2000. Bulgaria. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8,Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 890-910. NewYork: Garland Publishing.---- 2000a. Macedonia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol.8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 972-985. NewYork: Ga rland Publishing.

427---- 2003. The geographical distribution of part-singing styles in Bulgaria.In The First International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2002. Edited byRusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 243-265. Tbilisi State Conservatory.RICHMAN, BRUCE. 1976. Some vocal distinctive features used by geladamonkeys. Journal of the Acoustic Society of America 60:718-24.---- 1978. The synchronization of voices by gelada monkeys. Primates19:569-81.---- 1987. Rhythm and melody in gelada vocal exchanges. Primates28:199-223.---- 1993. On the evolution of speech: singing in the middle term. CurrentAnthropology 34:721-22.RIHTMAN, CVJETKO. 1953. Les formes polyphoniques dans la musiquepopulaire de Bosnie et d’Herzegovina. Journal of International folk Music Council: iv.--- 1958. On Illyrian origins of the polyphonic forms of folk music ofBosnia and Herzegovina. Rad Kongresa Foklorista Jugoslavje. Zagreb.---- 1966. Mehrstimmigkeit in der Volksmusik Jugoslaviens. Journal ofthe International Folk Music Council XVIII: 23-28.RILEY, TIM. 1988. Tell me why. `A Beatles commentary. London: The BodleyHead. [1989 edition: New York: Knopf]ROBERTS, HELEN H. 1936. Musical areas in Aboriginal North America. NewHeaven.ROEDERER, JUAN. 1984. The search for a survival value of music. MusicPerception 1(3):350-56.ROMERO, RAUL R. 1998. Peru. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music,Vol. 2, SouthAmerica, Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean. Edited by Dale A.Olsen and Daniel E. Sheehy, pp. 466-490. New York: Garland Publishing.ROUGET, GILBERT. 1946. “Musique Madagascar.” In Ethnographie etMadagascar (Paris), 85, pp. 85-92.---- 1959. Musique pygmee de la Haute-Sangha (record sleeve) Paris:BAM LD 325ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACK. 1966 [1761]. “Essay on the origin of languages.” InOn the originof languages translated and edited by John H. Moran. New York: FredericUngar.ROVSING-OLSEN. 1978. The vocal bourdon in the Arab Gulf. AntropologiskaStudier 25-26:12-20. Stockholm.---- 2002. Berber musics in Morocco. An overview. In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 6. The Middle East. Edited by Virginia Danielson,Scott Marcus, and Dwight Reynolds, pp. 483-490. New York: Routledge.---- 2002a. Music in Bahrain. Jutland Archaeological Society Publicationsvol. 42. Moesgaard: Jutland Archaeological Society.ROZENSHILD, K. K. 1969. History of European Music. Moscow. (In Russian)ROZIN, P., S. PONITZKY, and R. SOTSKY. 1971. American children withreading problems can easily learn to read English represented by Chinese characters.Science 171:1264-1267.

426RACHIUNAITE-VYCHINIENE, DAIVA. 2002. Sutartines: Lithuanianpolyphonic songs. Vilnius: VAGA Publishers.---- 2005. Manifestation of drone in <strong>the</strong> tradition of Lithuanian polyphonicsinging. ”, in The Second <strong>International</strong> Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2004.Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 106-119. Tbilisi StateConservatory.RAKHAEV, ANATOLY. 1988. Musical epic of Balkarians. Nalchik: Elbrus. (InRussian)RAKOTOMALALA, MIREILLE. 1998. Performance in Madagascar. In TheGarland Encyclopedia of World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 781-792. New York: Garland Publishing.RAVINA, M. 1964. Folk polyphony in Israel. Materials of <strong>the</strong> VII <strong>International</strong>Congress of Anthropological and Ethnographic Sciences, Moscow, August 3-10, 1964.166/20.RECHMENSKI, NIKOLAI. 1957. Chechen-Ingush ASSR. In Musical culture ofautonomous republics of Russian SFR. Moscow: Sovietskii Kompozitor. (In Russian)REDSHAW, MARGARET E. 1978. Cognitive development in Human andGorilla infants. Journal of Wurm Human Evolution 7:133-41.REESE, SHEREE, and JOSEPH JORDANIA. 2001. Stuttering in <strong>the</strong> Chinesepopulation in some South-East Asian countries: A preliminary investigation on attitudeand incidence. Was published as a part of online conference “Stuttering Awareness Day”,on The Stuttering Home Page, Minnesota State University, Mankato, on <strong>the</strong> addresswww.mankato.mnsu.edu/dept/comdis/isad4/papers/reese2.htmlREESE, SHEREE, STEFAN HOFFMANN, and LI SHENG LI. 1998. The stateof stuttering in China. The article was published as a part of <strong>the</strong> “<strong>International</strong> StutteringAwareness Day Online Conference October 1-22, 1998”, on The Stuttering Home Page,Minnesota State University, Mankato, at <strong>the</strong> addresswww.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/ kuster/stutter.htmlRENDALL, D., CHENEY, D. L. & SEYFARTH, R. M. (2000). Proximatefactors mediating ‘contact’ calls in adult female baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus)REVESZ, GEZA. 1956. The origin and prehistory of language. London:Longmans, Green and Co.RICE, TIMOTHY. 1977. Polyphony in Bulgarian folk music. PhD. University ofWashington.---- 1988. “Understanding three-part singing in Bulgaria: The interplay ofconcept and experience.” Selected reports in Ethnomusicology 7:43-57.---- 1994. May it fill your soul: Experiencing Bulgarian music. Chicago:University of Chicago Press.---- 2000. Bulgaria. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8,Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 890-910. NewYork: Garland Publishing.---- 2000a. Macedonia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol.8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 972-985. NewYork: Ga rland Publishing.

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