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416---- 1986. Trio form in vocal tradition of western Georgia, in Problems offolk polyphony, materials of the International Conference. Edited by Joseph Jordania, pp.48-49. (In Russian)JURMAIN, ROBERT and HARRY NELSON. 1994. Introduction to PhysicalAnthropology. Sixth edition. Minneapolis: West Publishing Company.KAEMMER, JOHN E. 1998. Southern Africa: An Introduction. In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 700-721. NewYork: Garland Publishing.KAEPPLER, ADRIENNE. 1990. “The production and reproduction of social andcultural values in the compositions of Queen Salote of Tonga,” in Music, gender, andculture. Edited by Marcia Herndon and Susanne Ziegler, pp. 191-219. Wilhelmshaven:Florian Noetzel Verlag.---- 1994. Music, metaphor, and misunderstanding. Ethnomusicology 38,#3: 456-473.KAEPPLER, ADRIENNE L., BORIS N. PUTILOV, LAMONT LINDSTROM,GEOFFREY M. WHITE, J. W. LOVE, MARTIN M. MARKS, STEPHEN A. WILD,DEBORAH J. SCRATCH. 1998. Encounters with “The Other.” In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 9, Australia and Pacific Islands. Edited by AdrienneL. Kaeppler and J. W. Love, pp. 7-52. New York: Garland Publishing.KAEPPLER, ADRIENNE, DON NILES, STEVEN R. NACHMAN, VIDACHENOWETH, REGIS STELLA, JILL NASH, J. W. LOVE, JARED TAO KEIL,RYUICHI TAI, HUGO ZEMP. 1998a. Solomon Islands. In The Garland Encyclopedia ofWorld Music, Vol. 9, Australia and Pacific Islands. Edited by Adrienne L. Kaeppler andJ. W. Love, pp. 630-670. New York: Garland Publishing.KANDEL, ERIC R., JAMES H. SCHWARTZ, THOMAS M. JESSELL. 1995.Essentials of neural science and behaviour. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton and Lange.KARAVANIC, IVOR. 1995. Upper Paleolithic occupation levels and lateoccurringNeanderthal at Vindija Cave (Croatia) in the context of Central Europe and theBalkans. Journal of anthropological Research 51:9-35.KATZAROVA-KUKUDOVA, RAINA. 1964. “Phenomenes polyphoniques dansla musique populaire bulgare.” Studia Musicologica 3:161-172.KAUFMAN H. E. and MARIUS SCHNEIDER. 1960. Lieder aus den Naga-Bergen (Assam). Ethnomusicology 2:187-295.KAUFMAN, NIKOLAI. 1963. “Part-singing in Bulgarian folk music.” Journal ofthe International Folk Music Council 15:48f.---- 1966. Polyphony in vocal folklore of Balkan Nations. BulgarskaMuzika, 2:30-40. (In Bulgarian)---- 1968. Bulgarian folk polyphonic songs. Sofia: Nauka I Izkustvo. (InBulgarian)KAUFMAN, NIKOLAI, and TODOR TODOROV. 1967. Folk songs fromsouthwest Bulgaria. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.KAVYU, PAUL N. 1998. Music in Kenya. In The Garland Encyclopedia ofWorld Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 622-632. New York: GarlandPublishing.KAZUYUKI, TANIMOTO. 1965. Music of the Ainu. Tokyo.

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416---- 1986. Trio form in vocal tradition of western Georgia, in Problems offolk polyphony, materials of <strong>the</strong> <strong>International</strong> Conference. Edited by Joseph Jordania, pp.48-49. (In Russian)JURMAIN, ROBERT and HARRY NELSON. 1994. Introduction to PhysicalAnthropology. Sixth edition. Minneapolis: West Publishing Company.KAEMMER, JOHN E. 1998. Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Africa: An Introduction. In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 700-721. NewYork: Garland Publishing.KAEPPLER, ADRIENNE. 1990. “The production and reproduction of social andcultural values in <strong>the</strong> compositions of Queen Salote of Tonga,” in Music, gender, andculture. Edited by Marcia Herndon and Susanne Ziegler, pp. 191-219. Wilhelmshaven:Florian Noetzel Verlag.---- 1994. Music, metaphor, and misunderstanding. Ethnomusicology 38,#3: 456-473.KAEPPLER, ADRIENNE L., BORIS N. PUTILOV, LAMONT LINDSTROM,GEOFFREY M. WHITE, J. W. LOVE, MARTIN M. MARKS, STEPHEN A. WILD,DEBORAH J. SCRATCH. 1998. Encounters with “The O<strong>the</strong>r.” In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 9, Australia and Pacific Islands. Edited by AdrienneL. Kaeppler and J. W. Love, pp. 7-52. New York: Garland Publishing.KAEPPLER, ADRIENNE, DON NILES, STEVEN R. NACHMAN, VIDACHENOWETH, REGIS STELLA, JILL NASH, J. W. LOVE, JARED TAO KEIL,RYUICHI TAI, HUGO ZEMP. 1998a. Solomon Islands. In The Garland Encyclopedia ofWorld Music, Vol. 9, Australia and Pacific Islands. Edited by Adrienne L. Kaeppler andJ. W. Love, pp. 630-670. New York: Garland Publishing.KANDEL, ERIC R., JAMES H. SCHWARTZ, THOMAS M. JESSELL. 1995.Essentials of neural science and behaviour. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton and Lange.KARAVANIC, IVOR. 1995. Upper Paleolithic occupation levels and lateoccurringNeanderthal at Vindija Cave (Croatia) in <strong>the</strong> context of Central Europe and <strong>the</strong>Balkans. Journal of anthropological <strong>Research</strong> 51:9-35.KATZAROVA-KUKUDOVA, RAINA. 1964. “Phenomenes polyphoniques dansla musique populaire bulgare.” Studia Musicologica 3:161-172.KAUFMAN H. E. and MARIUS SCHNEIDER. 1960. Lieder aus den Naga-Bergen (Assam). Ethnomusicology 2:187-295.KAUFMAN, NIKOLAI. 1963. “Part-singing in Bulgarian folk music.” Journal of<strong>the</strong> <strong>International</strong> Folk Music Council 15:48f.---- 1966. Polyphony in vocal folklore of Balkan Nations. BulgarskaMuzika, 2:30-40. (In Bulgarian)---- 1968. Bulgarian folk polyphonic songs. Sofia: Nauka I Izkustvo. (InBulgarian)KAUFMAN, NIKOLAI, and TODOR TODOROV. 1967. Folk songs fromsouthwest Bulgaria. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.KAVYU, PAUL N. 1998. Music in Kenya. In The Garland Encyclopedia ofWorld Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 622-632. New York: GarlandPublishing.KAZUYUKI, TANIMOTO. 1965. Music of <strong>the</strong> Ainu. Tokyo.

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