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414of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli, pg. 15-17. Tbilisi: Mecniereba. 1987(in Georgian).---- 1988. "Origins of polyphony and the problem of geneses of articulatedspeech”, in Materials of the conference Problems of Folk Polyphony, edited by JosephJordania, pp. 21-23. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press. (In Russian)---- 1988a. Folk polyphony, ethno-genesis and race genesis. SovietskaiaEtnografia 2:23-33. (In Russian with English summary)---- 1988b. “First results of observation of musical folklore of Saingiloregion, in: Proceedings of the 27th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at theAcademy of Science of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli, pg. 56-58. Tbilisi:Mecniereba, 1988. (In Georgian)---- 1988c. (Editor). Problems of Folk Polyphony, materials of theInternational conference, held in Borjomi in 1988. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State University Press.(In Russian)---- 1989. Georgian traditional polyphony in international context ofpolyphonic cultures: The problem of origins of polyphony. Tbilisi: Tbilisi StateUniversity Press. (In Russian with English summary.)---- 1989a. " Re-assessment of musical traditions of ancient MiddleEastern peoples: The problem of polyphony”, in Folk music: History and typology.Edited by Izaly Zemtsovsky, pp. 75-80. Leningrad: Leningrad State Institute of Theatre,Music and Cinema. (In Russian)---- 1992. “Dialogue phenomenon in speech and music”, in Materials ofth25 conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science ofGeorgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli, pp. 4-7. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of SciencePress. (In Georgian.)---- 1992a. Polyphony and Stuttering. Novaia Gazeta 11:10. (In Russian.)---- 1992b Problem of Indo-Europeans in the Light of Musical Data.Matsne, Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Georgia, Serial of History, Ethnographyand Arts History 3:42-55. (In Georgian with Russian summary)---- 1993. “Gender factor in musicological and linguistic studies”, inMaterials of 32nd Conference of Georgian Institute of Linguistic. Edited by BesarionJorbenadze, pp. 39-40. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. (In Georgian)---- 1994. “Intonation element in language and it's genetic foundations”, inMaterials of 25th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy ofScience of Georgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli, pp. 15-17. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy ofScience Press. (In Georgian)---- 1994a. “Tone languages: On the edge of two epochs”, in Materials of53 rd Conference of Georgian Institute of Linguistics. Edited by Besarion Jorbenadze, pp.25-26. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of Science Press. (In Georgian.)---- 1996. “Traditional polyphony: Music without a listeners”, in Materialsof 25th conference of Coordinative Council of Folklore at the Academy of Science ofGeorgia. Edited by Pikria Zandukeli, pp. 11-12. Tbilisi: Georgian Academy of SciencePress. (In Georgian)---- 1997. "Perspectives of interdisciplinary research of part-singingphenomenon", in Ethnomusicology and historical musicology - Common goals, shared

415methodologies? Erich Stockmann zum 70 Geburtstag. Edited by Christoph-HellmutMahling and Stephan Munch, pp. 211-216. Tutzing: Schneider.---- 2000. Georgia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8,Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 826-849-269.New York: Garland Publishing.---- 2000a. North Caucasia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.Vol. 8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 850-866.New York: Garland Publishing.---- 2000b. Question intonation, speech pathologies and the origins ofpolyphony. In Problems of folk polyphony, materials of International conference. Editedby Rusudan Tsurtsumia, pp. 143-155. Tbilisi State Conservatory.---- 2001. The incidence of stuttering among Chinese: Preliminary study.Newsletter of Singapore Speech, Language and Hearing Association, vol. 5, issue 2,April/May: 2-3.---- 2001. Moral models and ethics in the study of the origins of choralpolyphony. In Problems of polyphony in Sacred and Secular music. Materials of theInternational conference, held in Tbilisi, 2000. Editor in-chief Rusudan Tsurtsumia, pp.328-345. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatory.---- 2002. Ethnomusicology: Interdisciplinary perspectives. In The art ofthe oral tradition: Historical morphology. Collection of articles, dedicated to 60 thanniversary of Izaly Zemtsovsky. Editor in chief Nailia Almeeva, pp. 236-248 Sankt-Petersburg: R. I. I. I. (In Russian)---- 2003. Multidisciplinary approach to the problem of the origins ofvocal polyphony. In The First International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2002.Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 79-90. Tbilisi StateConservatory.---- 2005. “Interrogo ergo Cogito” – “ I am asking questions, therefore Ithink”: Responsorial singing and the origins of human intelligence, in The SecondInternational Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2004. Edited by RusudanTsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 39-47. Tbilisi State Conservatory.JORDANIA, MINDIA. 1959. On pentatonic in Georgian traditional music.Extended abstracts of the conference, dedicated to the memory of D. Araqishvili. TbilisiState Conservatory:19-21. (In Georgian and Russian)---- 1971. Locrian mode in Georgian traditional music. SabchotaKhelovneba 7:49-53, 8:53-58. (In Geogian with Russian summary)---- 1971a. One of the archaic scales – survival of the ancient epoch ofmusical thinking (tetratonic). Abstracts of the conference of the Musical-ChoreographicalSociety of Georgia, Tbilisi. (In Georgian)---- 1972. “On the problem of ‘modzakhili’ – high base”, in Collection ofarticles of Tbilisi State Conservatory. Editor in Chief Alexander Shaverzashvili, pp. 103-126. Tbilisi State Conservatory. (In Georgian)---- 1979. Altered [chromatic] scales in Georgian traditional music.Sabchota Khelovneba 5:104-111. ( In Georgian)JORDANIA, NUGZAR. 1985. Role of the base in Gurian polyphonic songs,Sabchota Khelovneba 9:36-42 (in Georgian).

415methodologies? Erich Stockmann zum 70 Geburtstag. Edited by Christoph-HellmutMahling and Stephan Munch, pp. 211-216. Tutzing: Schneider.---- 2000. Georgia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8,Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 826-849-269.New York: Garland Publishing.---- 2000a. North Caucasia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.Vol. 8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 850-866.New York: Garland Publishing.---- 2000b. Question intonation, speech pathologies and <strong>the</strong> origins ofpolyphony. In Problems of folk polyphony, materials of <strong>International</strong> conference. Editedby Rusudan Tsurtsumia, pp. 143-155. Tbilisi State Conservatory.---- 2001. The incidence of stuttering among Chinese: Preliminary study.Newsletter of Singapore Speech, Language and Hearing Association, vol. 5, issue 2,April/May: 2-3.---- 2001. Moral models and ethics in <strong>the</strong> study of <strong>the</strong> origins of choralpolyphony. In Problems of polyphony in Sacred and Secular music. Materials of <strong>the</strong><strong>International</strong> conference, held in Tbilisi, 2000. Editor in-chief Rusudan Tsurtsumia, pp.328-345. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatory.---- 2002. Ethnomusicology: Interdisciplinary perspectives. In The art of<strong>the</strong> oral tradition: Historical morphology. Collection of articles, dedicated to 60 thanniversary of Izaly Zemtsovsky. Editor in chief Nailia Almeeva, pp. 236-248 Sankt-Petersburg: R. I. I. I. (In Russian)---- 2003. Multidisciplinary approach to <strong>the</strong> problem of <strong>the</strong> origins ofvocal polyphony. In The First <strong>International</strong> Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2002.Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 79-90. Tbilisi StateConservatory.---- 2005. “Interrogo ergo Cogito” – “ I am asking <strong>question</strong>s, <strong>the</strong>refore Ithink”: Responsorial singing and <strong>the</strong> origins of human intelligence, in The Second<strong>International</strong> Symposium on Traditional Polyphony, 2004. Edited by RusudanTsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 39-47. Tbilisi State Conservatory.JORDANIA, MINDIA. 1959. On pentatonic in Georgian traditional music.Extended abstracts of <strong>the</strong> conference, dedicated to <strong>the</strong> memory of D. Araqishvili. TbilisiState Conservatory:19-21. (In Georgian and Russian)---- 1971. Locrian mode in Georgian traditional music. SabchotaKhelovneba 7:49-53, 8:53-58. (In Geogian with Russian summary)---- 1971a. One of <strong>the</strong> archaic scales – survival of <strong>the</strong> ancient epoch ofmusical thinking (tetratonic). Abstracts of <strong>the</strong> conference of <strong>the</strong> Musical-ChoreographicalSociety of Georgia, Tbilisi. (In Georgian)---- 1972. “On <strong>the</strong> problem of ‘modzakhili’ – high base”, in Collection ofarticles of Tbilisi State Conservatory. Editor in Chief Alexander Shaverzashvili, pp. 103-126. Tbilisi State Conservatory. (In Georgian)---- 1979. Altered [chromatic] scales in Georgian traditional music.Sabchota Khelovneba 5:104-111. ( In Georgian)JORDANIA, NUGZAR. 1985. Role of <strong>the</strong> base in Gurian polyphonic songs,Sabchota Khelovneba 9:36-42 (in Georgian).

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