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410GOLINKOFF, ROBERTA. M., KATHY HIRSH-PASEK, KATHLEEN M.CAULEY, & GORDON, L. (1987). The eyes have it: Lexical and syntacticcomprehension in a new paradigm. Journal of Child Language, 14:23-45.GOODALL, JANE. 1986. The chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of behaviour.Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.GOODING, ERIK D. 2001. Plains. In The Garland Encyclopedia of WorldMusic, Vol. 3, The United States and Canada. Edited by Ellen Koskoff, pp. 440-450.New York: Garland Publishing.GOODMAN, JANE. 2002. Berber popular music. In The Garland Encyclopediaof World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 273-278. New York:Garland Publishing.GORDEZIANI, RISMAG. 1985. Pre-Greek and Karvelian. Tbilisi: TbilisiUniversity Press. (In Georgian, with Russian and German summaries)GRAVES, PAUL M. 1994. Flakes and ladders: What the archaeological recordcannot tell us about the origins of language. World Archaeology 26:158-71.GREEN. PAUL D. 2000. Film music: Southern Area. In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 5, South Asia: The Indian Subcontinent. Edited byAlison Arnold, pp. 542-546. New York: Garland Publishing.GREENBERG, JOSEPH. 1987. Language in the Americas. Stanford: StanfordUniversity Press.GREENSPAN, STANLEY I., and STUART G. SHANKER. 2004. The first idea:How symbols, language and intelligence evolved from our primate ancestors to modernhumans. Da Capo Press.GRIMAUD, YVETTE, and GILBERT ROUGET. 1957. Note sur la musique desBochiman comparee a celle des Pygmees Babinga, d’apres les enregistrements de lamission Marshall au Kalahari (1954) et de la mission Ogooue-Congo (1946) publies surDisque microsillon LD9, Cambridge (USA) et Paris, Peabody Museum, HarvardMuseum et Musee de l’Homme. (In French and English)GRINDE, NILS. 1982. History of Norwegian music. Leningrad: Muzika. (Russiantranslation)GRUBER, ROMAN I. 1941. History of Musical Culture. Vol. 1, part 1-2,Moscow-Leningrad. (In Russian)GULISASHVILI, BORIS. 1971. On Locrian and hypolocrian scales in Georgiantraditional music. Bulleting of the Academy of Science of Georgia 63, #1. (In Georgian)---- 1971a. On Lydian and hypolydian scales in Georgian traditionalmusic. Bulleting of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia 65, #5. (In Georgian)GVACHARIA, VAZHA, and ILIA TABAGUA. 1983. Basque folk songs. Tbilisi:Metsniereba. (In Georgian)HABGOOD, P. J. 1991. Aboriginal and fossil hominids: Evolution andmigrations. In The origins of human behavior. Edited by R. Foley, pp. 97-113. London:Unwin Hyman.HAID, GERLINDE. 2005. “Yodel from Austria – a contribution to earlyEuropean polyvocality”, in The Second International Symposium on TraditionalPolyphony, 2004. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 359-273.Tbilisi State Conservatory. Tbilisi State Conservatory.

411HALPERN, IDA. 1975. “Music of the British Columbia Northwest coastIndians,” in Centennial Workshop in ethnomusicology. Edited by Peter Crossley-Holland.Vancouver: Publication by the Government of the province British Columbia.HAMILTON, WILLIAM. D. (1971) Geometry for the selfish herd. Journal ofTheoretical Biology, 7, pg. 295-311.HANDSCHIN, JACQUES. 1932. “A monument of English Medieval Polyphony.The Manuscript Wolfenbuttel 677 (Helmst. 628).” The Musical Times, 73, No. 1072 (Jan1, 1932):510-513.HAUSDORFER, OSCAR. 1933. Dur Nacht zum Licht. Breslau: Druck von W. G.Korn.HAUSER, MARC D. 1996. The evolution of communication. Cambridge, MA:The MI T Press.HAYDEN, BRIAN. 1993. The cultural capacities of Neanderthals: A review andre-evaluation. Journal of Human Evolution 24:113-46.HELLMER, JOSE RAUL. 1960. “Mexican Indian music today.” Toluca Gazette(1 June). Toluca: Gobierno del Estado de Mexico.HENSON, RONALD A. 1985. "Amusia", in Handbook of clinical neurology,Vol. 1: Clinical neuropsychology. Edited by J. A. M. Frederiks, pp. 483-90. New York:Elsevier.HEWES, GORDON W. 1973. Primate communication and the gestural origin oflanguage. Current anthropology 14:5-24.---- 1977. "Language origin theories", in Language learning by achimpanzee: The Lana project. Edited by Duane M. Rumbaugh, pp. 3-53. New York:Academic Press.HIBBERD, LLOYD. 1955. “Giraldus Cambrensis and English ‘Organ’ music”,JAMS, VIII:208-212.HICKMANN, HANS. 1952. La musique polyphonique cans l’Egipte ancienne. InBulletin de ‘Institut d’Egipte, 34.---- 1970. Altagyptische Musik. Orientalische Musik (Handbuch derOrientalistik, 1. Abt., Ergan zungsband iv). Leiden & Cologne: 138-155HOCKETT, CHARLES F. 1959. "Animal "Languages" and human language", inThe evolution of man's capacity for culture. Edited by James N. Spuhler, pp. 32-39.Detroit: Wayne State University press.HOCKETT, CHARLES F., and ROBERT ASCHER. 1964. The humanrevolution. Current Anthropology 5:135-168.HOFFMAN, JOHANNA, and SILVIA DELORENZI-SCHENKEL. 2000.Switzerland. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8, Europe. Edited byTimothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 682-700. New York: GarlandPublishing.HOLLOWAY, RALPH L. 1969. Culture: A Human Domain. CurrentAnthropology 10:395-412. Marie Christine De La Coste-Lareymondie---- 1983. Human brain evolution: A search for units, models, andsyntheses. Canadian Journal of Anthropology 3:215-30.HOLLOWAY, RALPH L., and MARIE CHRISTINE DE LA COSTE-LAREYMONDIE. 1982. Brain endocasts asymmetry in pongids and hominids: Some

410GOLINKOFF, ROBERTA. M., KATHY HIRSH-PASEK, KATHLEEN M.CAULEY, & GORDON, L. (1987). The eyes have it: Lexical and syntacticcomprehension in a new paradigm. Journal of Child Language, 14:23-45.GOODALL, JANE. 1986. The chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of behaviour.Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.GOODING, ERIK D. 2001. Plains. In The Garland Encyclopedia of WorldMusic, Vol. 3, The United States and Canada. Edited by Ellen Koskoff, pp. 440-450.New York: Garland Publishing.GOODMAN, JANE. 2002. Berber popular music. In The Garland Encyclopediaof World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 273-278. New York:Garland Publishing.GORDEZIANI, RISMAG. 1985. Pre-Greek and Karvelian. Tbilisi: TbilisiUniversity Press. (In Georgian, with Russian and German summaries)GRAVES, PAUL M. 1994. Flakes and ladders: What <strong>the</strong> archaeological recordcannot tell us about <strong>the</strong> origins of language. World Archaeology 26:158-71.GREEN. PAUL D. 2000. Film music: Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Area. In The GarlandEncyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 5, South Asia: The Indian Subcontinent. Edited byAlison Arnold, pp. 542-546. New York: Garland Publishing.GREENBERG, JOSEPH. 1987. Language in <strong>the</strong> Americas. Stanford: StanfordUniversity Press.GREENSPAN, STANLEY I., and STUART G. SHANKER. 2004. The <strong>first</strong> idea:How symbols, language and intelligence evolved from our primate ancestors to modernhumans. Da Capo Press.GRIMAUD, YVETTE, and GILBERT ROUGET. 1957. Note sur la musique desBochiman comparee a celle des Pygmees Babinga, d’apres les enregistrements de lamission Marshall au Kalahari (1954) et de la mission Ogooue-Congo (1946) publies surDisque microsillon LD9, Cambridge (USA) et Paris, Peabody Museum, HarvardMuseum et Musee de l’Homme. (In French and English)GRINDE, NILS. 1982. History of Norwegian music. Leningrad: Muzika. (Russiantranslation)GRUBER, ROMAN I. 1941. History of Musical Culture. Vol. 1, part 1-2,Moscow-Leningrad. (In Russian)GULISASHVILI, BORIS. 1971. On Locrian and hypolocrian scales in Georgiantraditional music. Bulleting of <strong>the</strong> Academy of Science of Georgia 63, #1. (In Georgian)---- 1971a. On Lydian and hypolydian scales in Georgian traditionalmusic. Bulleting of <strong>the</strong> Academy of Sciences of Georgia 65, #5. (In Georgian)GVACHARIA, VAZHA, and ILIA TABAGUA. 1983. Basque folk songs. Tbilisi:Metsniereba. (In Georgian)HABGOOD, P. J. 1991. Aboriginal and fossil hominids: Evolution andmigrations. In The origins of human behavior. Edited by R. Foley, pp. 97-113. London:Unwin Hyman.HAID, GERLINDE. 2005. “Yodel from Austria – a contribution to earlyEuropean polyvocality”, in The Second <strong>International</strong> Symposium on TraditionalPolyphony, 2004. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 359-273.Tbilisi State Conservatory. Tbilisi State Conservatory.

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