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408FERNALD, ANNE. 1989. Intonation and communicative intent in mother’sspeech to infants: is the melody the message? Child Development 60:164-168.FILLMORE, JOHN C. 1889. The harmonic structure of Indian music. AmericanAnthropologists, I.FINN, PATRICK, and ANNE K. CORDES. 1997. Multicultural identificationand treatment of stuttering: A continuing need for research. Journal of Fluency Disorders22:219-236.FLATZ, GEBGARD. and HANS WERNER ROTTHAUWE. 1977. The humanlactase polymorphism. Physiology and genetics of lactose absorption and malabsorption.Prog. Medical Genetics, N. F. 2:205-250.FLORES D’ARCAIS, GIOVANNI B. 1992. "Graphemic, phonological, andsemantic activation processes during the recognition of Chinese characters", in Languageprocessing in Chinese. Edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen, and Ovid J. L. Tzeng, pp. 37-66.North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.FONAGY, IVAN. 1981. “Emotions, Voice and Music”, in Research Aspects onSinging. Publications issued by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music No. 33:51-79.FORRY, MARK. 2000. Croatia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.Vol. 8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 925-939.New York: Garland Publishing.---- 2000a. Serbia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8,Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 940-956. NewYork: Garland Publishing.FOSSEY, DIAN. 1972. Vocalizations of the mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorillaberingei). Animal Behaviour, 20, 36-53.FRAYER, DAVID W. 1992. Evolution at the European Edge: Neanderthal andUpper Paleolithic relationships. Prehistoire Europeenne, 2:9-69.FRAYER, DAVID W., MILFORD H. WOLPOFF, ALAN G. THORNE, FREDH. SMITH, and GEOFFREY G. POPE. 1993. Theories of modern human origins: Thepaleontological test. American Anthropologist 95:14-50.FROLOV, BORIS A. 1986. Primitive rhythm and the initial period ofestablishment of musical culture. In Problem of genesis and early forms of musicalculture, extended abstracts of the conference, held in Dilijan, Armenia, 24-30 October1986. Pg. 65. Erevan: Armenian Academy of Sciences. (In Russian)GABISONIA, TAMAZ. 1988. Compositional principles and types of Georgianfolk polyphony. In Problems of polyphony of Georgian music. Editor in chief RusudanTsurtsumia, pp. 3-17. (In Georgian)GALAEV, BORIS. 1964. Ossetian folk songs. Moscow: Muzgiz. (In Russian)GAMBACCINI, PAUL. (Written and edited). 1976. Paul McCartney in his ownwords. London: FlashGAMKRELIDZE, TAMAZ V. and VIACHESLAV V. IVANOV. 1984. Indo-European and Indo-Europeans. Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press. (In Russian)---- 1990. The early history of Indo-European languages. ScientificAmerican 262 (3):110-116.GAMMON, VIC. 2000. England. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.Vol. 8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 326-341.New York: Garland Publishing.

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408FERNALD, ANNE. 1989. Intonation and communicative intent in mo<strong>the</strong>r’sspeech to infants: is <strong>the</strong> melody <strong>the</strong> message? Child Development 60:164-168.FILLMORE, JOHN C. 1889. The harmonic structure of Indian music. AmericanAnthropologists, I.FINN, PATRICK, and ANNE K. CORDES. 1997. Multicultural identificationand treatment of stuttering: A continuing need for research. Journal of Fluency Disorders22:219-236.FLATZ, GEBGARD. and HANS WERNER ROTTHAUWE. 1977. The humanlactase polymorphism. Physiology and genetics of lactose absorption and malabsorption.Prog. Medical Genetics, N. F. 2:205-250.FLORES D’ARCAIS, GIOVANNI B. 1992. "Graphemic, phonological, andsemantic activation processes during <strong>the</strong> recognition of Chinese characters", in Languageprocessing in Chinese. Edited by Hsuan-Chih Chen, and Ovid J. L. Tzeng, pp. 37-66.North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.FONAGY, IVAN. 1981. “Emotions, Voice and Music”, in <strong>Research</strong> Aspects onSinging. Publications issued by <strong>the</strong> Royal Swedish Academy of Music No. 33:51-79.FORRY, MARK. 2000. Croatia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.Vol. 8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 925-939.New York: Garland Publishing.---- 2000a. Serbia. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 8,Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 940-956. NewYork: Garland Publishing.FOSSEY, DIAN. 1972. Vocalizations of <strong>the</strong> mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorillaberingei). Animal Behaviour, 20, 36-53.FRAYER, DAVID W. 1992. Evolution at <strong>the</strong> European Edge: Neanderthal andUpper Paleolithic relationships. Prehistoire Europeenne, 2:9-69.FRAYER, DAVID W., MILFORD H. WOLPOFF, ALAN G. THORNE, FREDH. SMITH, and GEOFFREY G. POPE. 1993. Theories of modern human origins: Thepaleontological test. American Anthropologist 95:14-50.FROLOV, BORIS A. 1986. Primitive rhythm and <strong>the</strong> initial period ofestablishment of musical culture. In Problem of genesis and early forms of musicalculture, extended abstracts of <strong>the</strong> conference, held in Dilijan, Armenia, 24-30 October1986. Pg. 65. Erevan: Armenian Academy of Sciences. (In Russian)GABISONIA, TAMAZ. 1988. Compositional principles and types of Georgianfolk polyphony. In Problems of polyphony of Georgian music. Editor in chief RusudanTsurtsumia, pp. 3-17. (In Georgian)GALAEV, BORIS. 1964. Ossetian folk songs. Moscow: Muzgiz. (In Russian)GAMBACCINI, PAUL. (Written and edited). 1976. Paul McCartney in his ownwords. London: FlashGAMKRELIDZE, TAMAZ V. and VIACHESLAV V. IVANOV. 1984. Indo-European and Indo-Europeans. Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press. (In Russian)---- 1990. The early history of Indo-European languages. ScientificAmerican 262 (3):110-116.GAMMON, VIC. 2000. England. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.Vol. 8, Europe. Edited by Timothy Rice, James Porter and Chris Goertzen, pp. 326-341.New York: Garland Publishing.

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