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406DEMIRKHANIAN, A. R. and BORIS A. FROLOV. 1986. Establishment of theearly forms of musical culture in an ancient society. In Problem of genesis and earlyforms ofmusical culture, extended abstracts of the conference, held in Dilijan, Armenia,24-30 October 1986. Pp. 29-30. Erevan: Armenian Academy of Sciences. (In Russian)DENSMORE, FRANCES. 1929. Papago music. Washington.---- 1930. Peculiarities in the singing of the American Indians. AmericanAnthropologist XXXII.---- 1939. Nootka and Quileute music. Washington.---- 1943. Music of the Indians of British Columbia. Washington.DEUTSCH, WALTER. (Editor) 1981. Der bordun in der europaischenVolksmusik. Materials of the 2 nd Seminar in European Ethnomusicology, held in StPolten, 1973. Vienna: Verlag A. Schendl.DIGUN, TATIANA. 1987. “On rhythmic and melodic structure of “long” songsof Donetsk region”, in Traditional musical art of East Slavs (issues of typology).Collection of works, issue 91. Edited by Borislava B. Efimenkova. Moscow: GnesinInstitute. (In Russian)DJEDJE, JACQUELINE COGDELL. 1998. West Africa: An introduction. In TheGarland Encyclopedia of World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 442-470. Ne w York: Garland Publishing.DJENDA, MAURICE, and GERHARD KUBIK. 1964. Field-research notes:Central African Republic. Vienna: Phonogrammarchiv.---- 1966. Field-research notes: Central African Republic. Vienna:Phonogrammarchiv.DO, MING. 1975. First steps in study of folk music of Viet Bak. Viet Bak.DOROFEEV, NIKOLAI I. 1985. Polyphony of the Semeis living behind the lakeBaikal. In Problems of folk polyphony. Edited by Joseph Jordania, pp. 39-42. Tbilisi:Sabcho ta Sakrtvelo. (In Russian with English summary)DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, MARCELLE. 1975. Les problemes de la notationhourrite. Revue d’Assyriologie, LXIX:159-173.---- 1980. Sur la restitution de la musique hourrite. Revue de musicology,LXVI:5-26.DUCHIN, LINDA. 1990. The evolution of articulated speech. Journal of HumanEvolution 19:687-97.DUMITRESCU, ION. 1977. “Preface” for the collection MARCU, GEORGE,Folklor Musical Aroman. Bucuresti: Editura muzicala.DUNBAR, ROBIN I. M. 1996. Grooming, gossip, and the evolution of language.London: Faber and Faber.---- 2004. The human story. London: Faber and Faber.EFREMOV, EVGENI. 2005. Role of a tonality in the formation of early texturetypes in Ukrainian Polessye, in The Second International Symposium on TraditionalPolyphony, 2004. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 184-194.Tbilisi State Conservatory.ELSCHEK, OSCAR. 1963. Comparative introductive study of the Europeanpolyphonic folk song. Hudobnovedne Studies¸vol. 6: 79-114. Bratislava: SAV. (In Slovakwith English summary)

407ELSCHEKOVA, ALICA. 1963. “Der mehrstimmige Volksgesang in derSlowakei.” JIFMC XV.---- 1981. Vergleichende typologische analysen der vokalenMehrstimmigkeit in den Karpaten und auf dem Balkan, in Stratigraphische Probleme derVolksmusik in den Karpaten und auf dem Balkan. Edited by Alicia Elschekova, pp. 159-256. Bratislava.EMSHEIMER, ERNST. 1964. Some remarks of European folk polyphony. InJournal of the International Folk Music Council XVI:43-46.---- 1967. Georgian folk polyphony. In Journal of the International FolkMusic Council XIX:54-57.ENGLAND, NICHOLAS. 1967. Bushman Counterpoint. Journal of theInternational Folk Music Council 19:58-66.ENGOVATOVA, MARGARITA (ed. In chief). 1989. Vocal polyphony of thepeoples of Russia (materials of the conference held in Voronezh, Russia, 24-29September 1989). Moscow-Voronezh: Union of Composers (In Russian)---- 1989a. “Two-part singing with “podvodka” in Russian lyrical song.”In Vocal polyphony of the peoples of Russia (materials of the conference held inVoronezh, Russia, 24-29 September 1989). Editor in Chief Margarita Engovatova, pp 23-27. Moscow-Voronezh: Union of Composers (In Russian)ERKOMAISHVILI, ANZOR. 1988. The Blackbird’s Song. Tbilisi: Nakaduli. (InGeorgian)ESTREICHER, ZYGMUNT. 1964. Le rythme des Peuls Bororo, Les Colloquesde Wegimont IV, 1958-1960, Ethnomusicologie III, Paris, “Les Belles Lettres”,Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres de l’Universite de Liege, Fasc.CLXXII, pp. 185-228.FALK, DEAN. 1975. Comparative anatomy of the larynx in man and thechimpanzee: Implications for language in Neanderthal. American Journal of PhysicalAnthropology 43:123-32.----1980. Language, handedness, and primate brains: Did theaustralopithecines sign? American Anthropologist 82:72-78.---- 1980a. Comments. Current Anthropology 21:780.FEDORENKO, INNA. 1989. “Polyphonic system in lyrical songs of Russian-Belarus-Ukraine border.” In Vocal polyphony of the peoples of Russia (materials of theconference held in Voronezh, Russia, 24-29 September 1989). Editor in Chief MargaritaEngovatova, pp 12-14. Moscow-Voronezh: Union of Composers (In Russian)FELDMAN, WALTER. 2002. Manifestation of the word: Poetry and song inTurkish Sufism. In The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Vol. 6. The Middle East.Edited by Virginia Danielson, Scott Marcus, and Dwight Reynolds, pp. 189-198. NewYork: Routledge.FERAND, ERNST TH. 1939. The howling in seconds of the Lombards: acontribution to the early history of polyphony. Musical Quarterly 25 3 (July 1939):313-324.FERGUSON, CHARLES. A. 1977. “Baby talk as a simplified register”, inTalking to children. Edited by C. E. Snow and C. A. Ferguson, pp. 219-235. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.

406DEMIRKHANIAN, A. R. and BORIS A. FROLOV. 1986. Establishment of <strong>the</strong>early forms of musical culture in an ancient society. In Problem of genesis and earlyforms ofmusical culture, extended abstracts of <strong>the</strong> conference, held in Dilijan, Armenia,24-30 October 1986. Pp. 29-30. Erevan: Armenian Academy of Sciences. (In Russian)DENSMORE, FRANCES. 1929. Papago music. Washington.---- 1930. Peculiarities in <strong>the</strong> singing of <strong>the</strong> American Indians. AmericanAnthropologist XXXII.---- 1939. Nootka and Quileute music. Washington.---- 1943. Music of <strong>the</strong> Indians of British Columbia. Washington.DEUTSCH, WALTER. (Editor) 1981. Der bordun in der europaischenVolksmusik. Materials of <strong>the</strong> 2 nd Seminar in European Ethnomusicology, held in StPolten, 1973. Vienna: Verlag A. Schendl.DIGUN, TATIANA. 1987. “On rhythmic and melodic structure of “long” songsof Donetsk region”, in Traditional musical art of East Slavs (issues of typology).Collection of works, issue 91. Edited by Borislava B. Efimenkova. Moscow: GnesinInstitute. (In Russian)DJEDJE, JACQUELINE COGDELL. 1998. West Africa: An introduction. In TheGarland Encyclopedia of World Music, vol. 1, Africa. Edited by Ruth M. Stone, pp. 442-470. Ne w York: Garland Publishing.DJENDA, MAURICE, and GERHARD KUBIK. 1964. Field-research notes:Central African Republic. Vienna: Phonogrammarchiv.---- 1966. Field-research notes: Central African Republic. Vienna:Phonogrammarchiv.DO, MING. 1975. First steps in study of folk music of Viet Bak. Viet Bak.DOROFEEV, NIKOLAI I. 1985. Polyphony of <strong>the</strong> Semeis living behind <strong>the</strong> lakeBaikal. In Problems of folk polyphony. Edited by Joseph Jordania, pp. 39-42. Tbilisi:Sabcho ta Sakrtvelo. (In Russian with English summary)DUCHESNE-GUILLEMIN, MARCELLE. 1975. Les problemes de la notationhourrite. Revue d’Assyriologie, LXIX:159-173.---- 1980. Sur la restitution de la musique hourrite. Revue de musicology,LXVI:5-26.DUCHIN, LINDA. 1990. The evolution of articulated speech. Journal of HumanEvolution 19:687-97.DUMITRESCU, ION. 1977. “Preface” for <strong>the</strong> collection MARCU, GEORGE,Folklor Musical Aroman. Bucuresti: Editura muzicala.DUNBAR, ROBIN I. M. 1996. Grooming, gossip, and <strong>the</strong> evolution of language.London: Faber and Faber.---- 2004. The human story. London: Faber and Faber.EFREMOV, EVGENI. 2005. Role of a tonality in <strong>the</strong> formation of early texturetypes in Ukrainian Polessye, in The Second <strong>International</strong> Symposium on TraditionalPolyphony, 2004. Edited by Rusudan Tsurtsumia and Joseph Jordania, pp. 184-194.Tbilisi State Conservatory.ELSCHEK, OSCAR. 1963. Comparative introductive study of <strong>the</strong> Europeanpolyphonic folk song. Hudobnovedne Studies¸vol. 6: 79-114. Bratislava: SAV. (In Slovakwith English summary)

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