K2 10G RAID Storage Systems - Rexfilm

K2 10G RAID Storage Systems - Rexfilm K2 10G RAID Storage Systems - Rexfilm


product data sheetK2 10G RAIDStorage SystemsHigh-Performance Online, Productionand Cost-Effective Nearline StorageFor maximum flexibility, the K2 10Gsystems support online, production,near-line, and standalone storageconfigurations. These systemsare available in both standard andredundant configurations.The Grass Valley K2 media serversystems are ideal for transmissionand production environments, offeringsupport for a wide range of applicationsto address specific workflow needs inthe most cost-efficient and cost-effectiveways possible.K2 Platform – OverviewA K2 SAN is comprised of one or moreK2 media clients connected to one ormore K2 media servers and K2 RAIDprotectedstorage. The K2 media clientperforms all video and audio I/O usingintegrated encoders and decoders. Morethan 100 media client channels can beattached to the K2 media server andRAID systems in a SAN configuration.K2 standalone systems offer options forinternal drives or external RAID systems.K2 SAN systems can easily scale toprovide more storage and/or bandwidthnon-destructively.A K2 media server manages the filesystem, database, quality-of-service(QOS) for bandwidth control, databridging, and file transfer protocol (FTP)operations.For storage, the K2 system supportsonline configurations for direct-play-to-airapplications, production configurationsfor ingest and editing, and low-cost,near-line options for media stored in MXFOp1a, GXF (SMPTE 360M), or QuickTimewrappers.K2 Storage Systems – Online,Production, Near-line, StandaloneFor maximum flexibility, K2 10G systemssupport multiple online, production,near-line, and standalone storageconfigurations. These systems areavailable in both standard and redundantconfigurations.Online Storage – The online RAIDstorage systems (Figure 1) scale fromlower-priced systems that supportfrom 4 to approximately 20 channels,to mid-range systems that go up toapproximately 50 channels, to customsystems supporting hundreds ofchannels. More storage and morebandwidth can be added to anyconfiguration, as well as addingredundancy.Production SAN Storage – For ingestand editing applications, a productionversion of K2 10G storage is availablewith higher capacity 7.2k SAS drives. Thisworks well for use cases where contentis ingested and then edited in a sharedenvironment. When material is finished, itis pushed via file transfers to another K2system for playout (Figure 4).KEY FEATURES• Uses the latest IT technologies forbest price/performance:——7.2k or 15k RPM SAS drives——10 Gb/s Ethernet connectivity——8 Gb/s Fibre Channel connectivity• Highest bandwidth systems in theindustry• Multiple options to meet the exactingrequirements for online, production,and near-line storage• Scalable bandwidth – easily addbandwidth to existing systems• Scalable storage – easily add storagenon-destructively to existing systems• High availability – redundantcomponents include hot-swappablepower supplies, fans, disk drives,RAID controllers, mirrored systemdrives• Systems can be built simply withfewer components, in less rack space,for higher reliability• Open-storage technology supportsindustry standards:——CIFS for broad access to video/audiofiles——MXF/GXF/QuickTime wrappers——FTP for standard file transferoperability• Built-in QOS with dynamic-bandwidthallocation guarantees available video/audio bandwidth while sharing therest for edit clients and file transfers• Storage architecture supports15k RPM SAS drives for highestperformanceonline storage or7.2k SAS drives for lowest cost/GBof storage• 8 Gb/s Fibre Channel RAID controllersoffer highest performance availablewww.grassvalley.com

product data sheet<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong><strong>Storage</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>High-Performance Online, Productionand Cost-Effective Nearline <strong>Storage</strong>For maximum flexibility, the <strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong>systems support online, production,near-line, and standalone storageconfigurations. These systemsare available in both standard andredundant configurations.The Grass Valley <strong>K2</strong> media serversystems are ideal for transmissionand production environments, offeringsupport for a wide range of applicationsto address specific workflow needs inthe most cost-efficient and cost-effectiveways possible.<strong>K2</strong> Platform – OverviewA <strong>K2</strong> SAN is comprised of one or more<strong>K2</strong> media clients connected to one ormore <strong>K2</strong> media servers and <strong>K2</strong> <strong>RAID</strong>protectedstorage. The <strong>K2</strong> media clientperforms all video and audio I/O usingintegrated encoders and decoders. Morethan 100 media client channels can beattached to the <strong>K2</strong> media server and<strong>RAID</strong> systems in a SAN configuration.<strong>K2</strong> standalone systems offer options forinternal drives or external <strong>RAID</strong> systems.<strong>K2</strong> SAN systems can easily scale toprovide more storage and/or bandwidthnon-destructively.A <strong>K2</strong> media server manages the filesystem, database, quality-of-service(QOS) for bandwidth control, databridging, and file transfer protocol (FTP)operations.For storage, the <strong>K2</strong> system supportsonline configurations for direct-play-to-airapplications, production configurationsfor ingest and editing, and low-cost,near-line options for media stored in MXFOp1a, GXF (SMPTE 360M), or QuickTimewrappers.<strong>K2</strong> <strong>Storage</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> – Online,Production, Near-line, StandaloneFor maximum flexibility, <strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> systemssupport multiple online, production,near-line, and standalone storageconfigurations. These systems areavailable in both standard and redundantconfigurations.Online <strong>Storage</strong> – The online <strong>RAID</strong>storage systems (Figure 1) scale fromlower-priced systems that supportfrom 4 to approximately 20 channels,to mid-range systems that go up toapproximately 50 channels, to customsystems supporting hundreds ofchannels. More storage and morebandwidth can be added to anyconfiguration, as well as addingredundancy.Production SAN <strong>Storage</strong> – For ingestand editing applications, a productionversion of <strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> storage is availablewith higher capacity 7.2k SAS drives. Thisworks well for use cases where contentis ingested and then edited in a sharedenvironment. When material is finished, itis pushed via file transfers to another <strong>K2</strong>system for playout (Figure 4).KEY FEATURES• Uses the latest IT technologies forbest price/performance:——7.2k or 15k RPM SAS drives——10 Gb/s Ethernet connectivity——8 Gb/s Fibre Channel connectivity• Highest bandwidth systems in theindustry• Multiple options to meet the exactingrequirements for online, production,and near-line storage• Scalable bandwidth – easily addbandwidth to existing systems• Scalable storage – easily add storagenon-destructively to existing systems• High availability – redundantcomponents include hot-swappablepower supplies, fans, disk drives,<strong>RAID</strong> controllers, mirrored systemdrives• <strong>Systems</strong> can be built simply withfewer components, in less rack space,for higher reliability• Open-storage technology supportsindustry standards:——CIFS for broad access to video/audiofiles——MXF/GXF/QuickTime wrappers——FTP for standard file transferoperability• Built-in QOS with dynamic-bandwidthallocation guarantees available video/audio bandwidth while sharing therest for edit clients and file transfers• <strong>Storage</strong> architecture supports15k RPM SAS drives for highestperformanceonline storage or7.2k SAS drives for lowest cost/GBof storage• 8 Gb/s Fibre Channel <strong>RAID</strong> controllersoffer highest performance availablewww.grassvalley.com

product data sheetSTANDARD AND REDUNDANT CONFIGURATIONSFigure 1 – The <strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> system supports standard and redundant storage configurations. Total bandwidth and storage is scalable to fit anyapplication precisely. Even larger configurations can support more than 100 HD channels, several thousand MB/s of bandwidth, and hundreds ofTBs of capacity for creating the very largest video server systems. Any basic <strong>K2</strong> online storage system can be made more redundant by addinga backup server, switch, and <strong>RAID</strong> controller. Shown here is a simple redundant system which can also gain more FTP bandwidth through theaddition of dedicated FTP servers.10 Gb/s iSCSI<strong>K2</strong> MEDIA SERVERFTP10 Gb/s iSCSIFTP8 Gb/s<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> MEDIA SERVER8 Gb/s<strong>K2</strong> MEDIA SERVER<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGENear-line <strong>Storage</strong> – Similarly, near-linestorage can also be provided with <strong>K2</strong>technology (Figure 2). Featuring <strong>RAID</strong>-6protection with up to 400 MB/s ofbandwidth, it can scale up to 172.8 TB ofraw storage.Standalone <strong>Storage</strong> – For standalone<strong>K2</strong> clients with larger storagerequirements, a directly connectable<strong>RAID</strong> system can be connected withup to 86.4 TB of raw <strong>RAID</strong>-protectedexternal storage (Figure 3).<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> <strong>Systems</strong><strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> systems use the latesttechnologies on the market, includingdual ported, 8 Gb/s Fibre Channel <strong>RAID</strong>controllers, high-performance SAS drives,<strong>RAID</strong>-5 (in some configurations) or <strong>RAID</strong>-6protection, dual power supplies and hotswappablecomponents—all wrapped intoa 2 RU package. Any of these enterpriseclassconfigurations can be expanded,without losing a byte of data, for morestorage and/or more bandwidth.The <strong>RAID</strong>-6 protection of the <strong>K2</strong> <strong>RAID</strong>systems provides a particularly higherlevel of redundancy than conventionalsystems by protecting against a twodrivefailure in a group of 6 or 12 drives.This ability offers nearly the samelevel of protection as a fully mirroredsystem—but at a fraction of the cost.When replacing any failed drive, a rebuildprocess will immediately start in thebackground without loss of systemperformance.Production SAN <strong>Storage</strong>Online storage for play-to-air systemsrequires very high-performance, lowlatencystorage systems in order to playto air without missing a frame of data.Recording video and editing applicationsrequire high performance, but internalbuffering while recording puts lessstress on the storage system. As such,a Production version on the <strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> SANwith high-capacity 7.2k RPM SAS drivesis also offered. This provides a verycost-effective, high-capacity ingest andediting SAN system.Near-line <strong>Storage</strong>A <strong>K2</strong> nearline system can be an ideal,cost-effective central storage buffer fora media facility. It can be deployed as anarchive system, as temporary storage,as post-production storage, or otherapplications.Our nearline systems scale from 24 to172.8 TB of raw storage and up to 400MB/s of FTP bandwidth. Larger customsystems can be built as required. Thesystem supports simple FTP connectionsas well as CIFS connections for NLEs.The systems store data in industrystandardwrappers: MXF Op1a, GXF(SMPTE 360M), or QuickTime.Direct Attach <strong>Storage</strong><strong>K2</strong> standalone clients can supportinternal drives for a compact package.If more capacity is needed, an external8 Gb Fibre Channel <strong>RAID</strong> system canbe substituted for internal drives; thissystem supports up to 48 600 GB driveswith <strong>RAID</strong>-5 or <strong>RAID</strong>-6 protection witha redundant <strong>RAID</strong> controller for addedprotection.<strong>K2</strong> Media ServerThe <strong>K2</strong> media server is the engine ofthe system. It manages the file system,database, FTP transfers, bandwidth,and connects <strong>K2</strong> clients to a storagesystem. Its built-in QOS guarantees thatenough bandwidth is always available toyour video channels, regardless of otherdemands on the system. The servercan also dynamically allocate unusedbandwidth where needed, such as fornon-real-time functions, such as filetransfers.The server uses iSCSI technologyover Gigabit Ethernet or Fibre Channelconnectivity for a highly reliableconnection between its client andstorage. For reliable performance, it usesTCP/IP offload engines (TOE cards) tominimize the CPU load. Additional <strong>K2</strong>media servers can be added to a systemfor more video/audio bandwidth or tofunction as a dedicated FTP server (seeFigure 1) with 10 Gb/s connections tosupport devices such as high-speed tapearchive systems.www.grassvalley.com

<strong>K2</strong> MEDIA SERVER<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> MEDIA SERVER<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGEproduct data sheetCost-Effective Near-line <strong>Storage</strong>Figure 2 – <strong>K2</strong> nearline systems offer cost-effective storage withoutsacrificing support for high-bandwidth file transfers.<strong>K2</strong>-NL240RRedundant NAS HeadsDirect-Attached External <strong>Storage</strong>Figure 3 – A standalone <strong>K2</strong> client can house up to 16 TB of storageinternally.MEDIA CLIENTFC connections<strong>RAID</strong> chassis with redundant <strong>RAID</strong> controllers<strong>K2</strong>8 Gb/s FC<strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong>FCFC<strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong> <strong>10G</strong> <strong>RAID</strong> STORAGE<strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong><strong>K2</strong>Up to 11 expansion chassis with 24 TB eachTypical Production SAN for Ingest and EditingFigure 4 – Production storage is made up of <strong>K2</strong> Summit servers for ingest, NLEs for editing, and distributed <strong>K2</strong> Summit servers for playout.IngestEditingiSCSIiSCSI<strong>K2</strong> MEDIA SERVERFTP<strong>K2</strong> Production SANFTPTape ArchivePlayout

product data sheetSpecificationsServer Chassis SpecificationsPower Requirements:• Voltage: 110/220V• Frequency: 50/60 Hz• Consumption: 670 WDimensions and Weight:• Height: 1 RU, 43 cm (1.7 in.)• Width: 45 cm (17.6 in.)• Depth: 77 cm (30.4 in.)• Weight: 16.3 kg (35.8 lbs.)Environmental:• Operational temperature: 10°C to 35°C (50°F to 95°F)• Operating relative humidity: 20% to 80%• Operating maximum vibration: 0.25G• Operating altitude: -16m to 3,048m (-50 ft. to10,000 ft.)Redundancy:• System drives: Yes• Power supplies: Yes• Cooling/fans: Yes10 Gb/s iSCSI Ports: 1 on <strong>K2</strong> iSCSI servers10 Gb/s FTP/CIFS Ports: 1 on FTP/NAS heads1 Gb/s FTP/CIFS Ports: 1 on <strong>K2</strong> iSCSI servers8 Gb/s Fibre Channel Ports: 2<strong>RAID</strong> Chassis SpecificationsPower Requirements:• Voltage: 110-240 VAC ±10%• Frequency: 50/60 Hz• Consumption: 660 VA/640W• Primary chassis power: 2,118 BTU/W• Expansion chassis power: 1,470 BTU/WDimensions and Weight:• Height: 2 RU, 86 cm (3.4 in.)• Width: 44 cm (17.5 in.)• Depth: 54 cm (21.3 in.)• Weight with 12 drives:——Main chassis: 31 kg (68 lbs.)——Expansion chassis 29 kg (64 lbs.)Environmental:• Operational temperature: 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)• Non-operating temperature: -10°C to 60°C(14°F to 140°F)• Operating relative humidity: 10% to 80%• Non-operating relative humidity: 5% to 80%• Operating maximum vibration: 0.25GRedundancy:• Power supplies: Yes• Cooling/fans: Yes• Controllers: OptionalFibre Channel interface: 2 X 8 Gb/s portsDrives per frame: 12Total drives per controller: 144Expansion frames per controller: 11Cache memory: 4 GBBandwidth:• Total: 100-800 MB/s• FTP/CIFS: 100 MB/sOrdering InformationServers<strong>K2</strong>-SVR-100/200/300/400/600/800Scalable <strong>K2</strong> Media Server. Model number determinesMB/s of available bandwidth<strong>K2</strong>-SVR-PLUS100License-only option to upgrade server bandwidth inincrements of 100 MB/s to 800 MB maximum<strong>K2</strong>-NL240RNear-line system. Includes two servers and redundant<strong>RAID</strong> controller with 12 <strong>RAID</strong>-6 2 TB drives<strong>K2</strong>-SVR-NH<strong>10G</strong>EFTP, NAS head 300 MB/s server with 10 Gb Ethernetinterface to expand file transfer bandwidth<strong>Storage</strong><strong>K2</strong>-ONL-0450/0600Standard, redundant, expansion 8 Gb <strong>RAID</strong> chassis with12 <strong>RAID</strong>-5 or <strong>RAID</strong>-6, 450 GB or 600 GB SAS onlinedrives<strong>K2</strong>-PRO-0500/2000Standard, redundant, expansion 8 Gb <strong>RAID</strong> chassis with12 <strong>RAID</strong>-6, 500 GB or 2 TB SAS production drives<strong>K2</strong>-NL240-EXPNear-line expansion 8 Gb <strong>RAID</strong> chassis with 12 <strong>RAID</strong>-6,2 TB SAS drivesSwitches<strong>K2</strong>-SWE-24/48-H-324- or 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch<strong>K2</strong>-SWE<strong>10G</strong>B-SFP44 10 Gb ports for 24- or 48-port Gigabit Ethernetswitches<strong>K2</strong>-SWFC-8G8/20-Q8- or 20-port 8 Gb Fibre Channel switch<strong>K2</strong>-SWFC-8G4-UPG-Q4-port expansion kit for 8-port switch to 20-portmaximumCustomer Support & Professional ServicesOur customer support and professional services offerings ensure optimal system performance and maximize uptime. These services include call centers staffed around the clock,commissioning, professional training courses, and technical maintenance programs and service agreements.www.grassvalley.com/support© Copyright 2011 Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Grass Valley is a trademark of GVBB Holdings S.a.r.l. All other tradenames referenced are servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Specifications subject to change without notice.SDP-4001D-3

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