SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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Age Verification by Card Swipe(California support added at V1.00m) Many state drivers licenses encode driver data on a mag stripe. Whenage entry is required, the drivers license can be swiped and the age verified. This feature is enabled byidentifying track data on the Age Verification program screen.Operate by swiping the drivers license (or <strong>manual</strong>ly entering the date) when the CUSTOMER DATE OFBIRTH window displays.1. To program, go to S/SELF TEST/MSR and swipe the drivers license mag strip. The mag stripedata will display on the screen as in the example below:Track 2Track 115 10 15 2025In this example the bith date “19590605” (June 5,1959) is in YYYYMMDD format, beginning at datacolumn 25. The number of digits to be read (forDIGIT OF NUMBER field) is “8”. Be sure to countthe “;” semicolon character at the beginning of thestring as a digit.2. Identify the date of birth in the data and determine the track where the date is located (track 1 ortrack 2).3. Determine the format of the date (i.e. YYYYMMDD). (Added at V1.00m: “MMYYY99YY”date format for California. California must also choose “10” for “digit of number” option.)4. Count the columns of data and determine the number of the column where the birth date begins(START OF NUMBER).5. Go to P/PLU/AGE VERIFICATION and make the appropriate entries in the READ TRACK,START OF NUMBER, DIGIT OF NUMBER and DATE TYPE fields.Enter Agesfor EachVerificationCategoryHereEnter MagStripe DateIdentificationfor DriversLicense Here<strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13 P Mode Programming 83

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