SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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(4) ARE PLUS IN THIS GROUP INACTIVE?Select YES if you wish PLUs reported to this group to be inactive (cannot be registered).(5) IS PLU A CONDIMENT?Condiments PLUs are different from non-condiment PLUs in the manner they display and print duringoperations. Non-condiment PLUs are used for “main” items. Condiment items are indented anddisplayed/printed below a main item so that condiments or cooking instructions are easily understood foreach “main” item.(6) COMPULSORY CONDIMENT ENTRY?If Yes, then a condiment entry must follow the registration of a PLU.(7) IS PLU SINGLE ITEM?The transaction is finalized automatically when a single item PLU is registers as the first item in a sale.(8) IS PLU NEGATIVE?Negative PLUs subtract from a sale, rather than add to a sale.(9) IS PLU HASH?HASH PLUs do not affect certain totals in reports. See General Function Option #7 to determinespecifically which totals are impacted by HASH PLUs.(10) DOES PLU USE GALLONAGE?Gallonage PLUs must be set as open PLUs. The PRICE/HALO must be set as the price per gallon. (Theprice is set at three decimal places, however the PLU <strong>programming</strong> screen will always display in a twodigit decimal format. For example if a PLU is gallonage, a price of $1.299 per gallon would be set as"12.99".) Gallonage PLUs will report the gallons sold in the activity counter on the PLU report bydividing the PLU total by the price per gallon.(11) IS PLU FOOD STAMP ELIGIBLE?A separate itemizer keeps a running total of food stamp eligible items in each transaction. Then if the saleis paid by food stamps, the food stamp eligible subtotal can be recalled.(12) IS PLU MEMO?Use Memo PLUs to display a descriptor on the screen or print a descriptor at a printer. Memo PLUs donot add to any total in the <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong>.(13) IS PLU SCALEABLE?Choose Yes if you wish to multiply items reporting to this group by a weight from a scale connected tothe register. Pressing the SCALE key enters scale weights.(14) AUTO SCALE ON THIS PLU?If Yes, registrations of PLUs linked to this group will automatically multiply by the weight placed upon ascale connected to the register.(15) AUTO TARE# (0-20)If Yes, the tare # indicated here will automatically subtract from the weight from the scale. See “FunctionKey Programming” for the SCALE key to preset tare weights.76 P Mode Programming <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13

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