SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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Password NotesThe correct password is required to access manager mode. The default manager password is: 9999. You canset your own 4-digit password by selecting Passwords in S mode.Separate passwords for report levels (X and Z1-Z5) can be set in S Mode System Option #7. Here the defaultpassword is also 0000, meaning all report levels can be accessed without password entry.Load Default MessagesThis will revert back to default text for any messages, which may have been changed from their originalsettings, including:ERROR MESSAGESThese are the onscreen display prompts warning the operator of miss-operations. Default Error Messagesare listed on page 138.SYSTEM DESCRIPTORSThese are the onscreen and reporting messages designed to assist the operator. Default SystemDescriptors are listed on page 141.Check Unlock/Clerk UnlockThis will reset locked operational checks or clerk interrupt details. This must be performed on the terminalset to store the data in the S Mode system option settings.CHECK UNLOCKUsed in the unlikely event that an open check track number becomes locked and inoperable.<strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13 S Mode Programming 63

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