SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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TAX SHIFT 1-6 225-230Use to shift the preprogrammed tax status of an item. Touch before anitem entry to make taxable.CLK IN/OUT 231 Touch the CLK IN/OUT key to record start and stop work times for theregistered employee. Hours worked are maintained by the time clocksystem.TIP (1-3) 232-234Use to enter a tip amount on a check.TRANSFER CHECK (1-4) 235-238Use to transfer one or all open soft checks form one server to anotherserver. A transfer check receipt will print.TRAY SUBTL 239 Touch the TRAY SUBTL key to finalize a transaction that will be paidlater with subsequent transactions. See "ADD CHECK" on page 48 toadd multiple soft checks for payment.VALID 240 Touch VALID to initiate a single line validation. (A printer withvalidation capability must be connected to the system and programmedappropriately.)VOID ITEM 241 Touch the VOID ITEM key to remove an item from a transaction.Locate the cursor on the item you wish to remove and touch the VOIDITEM key.WASTE 242 Used to start and end entries of items that are wasted. A waste count ismaintained for each item and inventory is adjusted.FUNC.LIST# 243 Use to <strong>manual</strong>ly advance to a specific Key Link. Enter the Key link #(1-200), touch the FUNC.LIST# key.X/TIME 244 Use the X/TIME key to multiply, to register split price items, or displaythe time in the REG mode.245 ReservedPARK ORDER 246 Used in conjunction with a kitchen video system and the SERVEORDER function key. Enter a number and touch PARK ORDER topark or "suspend" an order on the video monitor until the order iscompletely filled. In the case of a drive through order that cannot becompleted when the customer arrives at the pick-up window, theoperator would park the order until it was completely filled. The orderwould then be served or bumped by using the SERVE ORDER key.SERVE ORDER 247 Used in conjunction with a kitchen video system and the PARKORDER function key. Enter a number and touch SERVE ORDER toserve or bump the order from a video monitor. No video keypad isneeded for this function.KP ROUTING 248 The KP ROUTING key is used to override KP Time Period control.For example, a restaurant might normally operate two kitchens at onetime and one kitchen at other times. In case the volume of businesschanges, the manager might want to control the KP routing <strong>manual</strong>ly.Also, a single item, or large order might be required to be sent to adifferent printer than normal. Select STAYDOWN or TRANS. POPUP. To operate, before the transaction, touch [1] [KP ROUTING] forperiod one or [2] [KP ROUTING] for period two.<strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13 S Mode Programming 53

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