SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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080-089ReservedCURSOR DOWN 091 Use in REG Mode to cursor up to an item displayed in the transactionarea of the screen.CURSOR UP 092 Use in REG Mode to cursor up to an item displayed in the transactionarea of the screen.099-100ReservedDESTINATION 1-10 101-110111-114DESTINATION functions are subtotal functions to be used for sellingsituations such as eat in, take out and drive thru. Touch the appropriateDESTINATION key to record the amount of the transaction in thedestination key total on the financial report. Tax calculation can bechanged to accommodate different tax rules for drive thru sales.ReservedMACRO PAUSE 115 Press the MACRO PAUSE key during macro <strong>programming</strong> to indicatea pause in the macro. A macro will stop when it reaches the pause, andthen accept an operator key entry before continuing the macro sequence.MACRO SET 116 Press the MACRO SET key to create a macro at any time withoutgoing through the P-mode macro program.MACRO # 117 Use to execute one of the forty possible macros by entering the macronumber and touching the MACRO # key.MDSE RETURN 118 Touch the MDSE RETURN key to adjust items inside or outside of atransaction.MISC TEND 1-16 119-134Touch a MISC TEND key to finalize or tender sales paid by variouscharges or other media. Tendering may or may not be alloweddepending upon function key <strong>programming</strong>. (Charge is the defaultdescriptor for MISC TEND #1)MISC TEND # 135 Access any of the 16 possible miscellaneous tender functions byentering the tender number (1-16) and touching the MISC TEND #key.MODIFIER 1-10 136-145Preceding a PLU entry, a modifier key changes a digit of the PLUnumber, causing a different PLU to be registered. Modifier keys can beset to change any of the 14 PLU digit positions to any specified digit (0-9).#/NO SALE 147 Use to enter a non-adding memo number during a transaction (#function) or use to open the cash drawer outside of a sale (no salefunction).P/BAL 148 Enter an amount, and then touch the Manual Previous Balance (P/BAL)key to use the simplest form of Charge Posting/Table Service. TheP/BAL key may be used any time within a transaction. Transactionswhere the P/BAL key is used must be finalized with one of the STORECHECK keys.50 S Mode Programming <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13

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