SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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Keyboard LevelEach keyboard level is a separately defined set of keyboard functions for each key on the keyboard.For example, separate levels might be required for different lunch/dinner menus. Or, within arestaurant different keyboards might be set up for pre-check, bar and/or cashier stations. Eachregister might contain the functions for each station on a separate level, so that any register couldfunction at any station by simply changing keyboard levels and key legend sheets.The <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> has five keyboard levels.Link PLUIf you wish the registration a PLU to automatically cause the registration of another PLU, enter thenumber of the PLU you wish to register automatically in the LINK PLU field of the appropriate PLUStatus Group.MacroMacros record key sequences for later execution. Up to 40 macros may be recorded and executed bypressing a function key or by entering the appropriate macro number and pressing a function key.Memory AllocationMemory allocation is a program that determines how the system memory is divided to provide thecorrect features for your application. For example, you may require more or less employee memory,PLUs, or reporting. Memory allocation allows you to maximize the features you need while minimizingthe features you do not need.ModifierPreceding a PLU entry, a modifier key changes a digit of the PLU number, causing a different PLU tobe registered. Modifier keys can be set to change any of the 14 PLU digit positions to any specifieddigit (0-9). More than one modifier key can be pressed in succession to alter the PLU code.No SaleNo sale is an operation to simply open the cash drawer.NON-PLU CodeThe NON-PLU Code program must be set if you wish to scan UPCs (using the EAN 13 code) withembedded prices, weights or quantities.Within the EAN 13 code, the first two digits (part a) are used as an identifier and the last digit (part c)is used as a check digit. The remaining 10 digits (part b) contain the product code and the price (orweight or quantity).OverrideOverride is an operation used to bypass a programmed price or HALO.<strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13 Glossary of Terms 161

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