SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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(8) DISPLAY RUNNING SUBTL ON POLEAllows the pole display to show a running subtotal as items are entered.General Printing Option Definitions(1) PRINT ON RECEIPT:EMPLOYEE NAMECONSECUTIVE #ITEMS BY GROUPDATETIMEPREAMBLE/POSTAMBLEORDER #SEAT #Determine the content of each receipt by selecting Yes or No for each item.(2) RECEIPT FEED LINES AFTER PRINTEnter the number of lines you wish to feed after each receipt is printed. (Makes chit larger.)(3) LINES AFTER PREAMBLEEnter the number of lines you wish to feed after the preamble and before the first receipt print line.(4) LINES BEFORE POSTAMBLEEnter the number of lines you wish to after the last receipt line and before the postamble.(5) BUFFERED RECEIPT: STUB / FULLA stub receipt contains only the total, tender and transaction information. A full receipt includes itemdetail.(6) PRINT RECEIPT WHEN SIGNING ON/OFFIf Yes, a receipt is printed whenever an employee signs off or on.(7) PRINT RECEIPT WHEN CLOCKING IN/OUTIf Yes, a receipt is printed whenever an employee clocks in or out.(8) CONDENSE TRAY SBTL RECEIPTSPrints each separate tray subtotal receipt without preamble/postamble.(9) DETAIL: REAL TIME / BATCHPrints detail (journal) on journal printer (or updates electronic journal) line by line (real time) or attransaction finalization (batch).(10) PRINT PLU CODE WITH DESCRIPTORIf Yes, both the PLU# and descriptor will print when a PLU is registered.(11) TRANSACTION # IS RANDOM NUMBERIf Yes, the transaction # is generated randomly, rather than sequentially.(12) HOME CURRENCY SYMBOL ($=DEFAULT)Select the currency symbol for display, receipts, etc.(13-17) CURRENCY (1-5) SYMBOLSelect the currency symbols to be used for the currency conversion function keys.<strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13 P Mode Programming 115

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