SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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(17) SORT KP BY SEAT #If seat # system is used, will sort kitchen printer orders by seat #, for example:Seat #101 Eggs01 CoffeeCream-----------------Seat #201 Eggs01 Orange Juice(18) SEND ALPHA TEXT TO KP/KVChoose Yes to send messages entered by the ALPHA TEXT key to the kitchen printer or kitchen video.(19) PRINT DELIVERY INFO. ON KPIf yes, delivery information (name, address, etc., from the customer delivery record) will print on thekitchen printer.(20) USE KV REFRESHIf yes, will delete all items from the KVS and re-display them when a condiment is inserted or a void isperformed.Validation/Subtotal Print Option DefinitionsNOTE: To validate, you must attach a printer with validation capability to each register that will validate.Use option #7 to identify the port to which the printer is attached.(1) VALIDATION AMT: TOTAL / TENDERFor sale validation, you can select either the amount of the sale or the amount of the tender as the amountto print on the validation.(2) CHK VALID AMT: TTL / TENDFor check sale validation, you can select either the amount of the sale or the amount of the tender as theamount to print on the validation.(3) ACTIVATE VALIDATION SENSORThe printer must be equipped with validation option and sensor.(4) ALLOW MULTIPLE VALIDATIONSIf Yes, the validation can be done more than once.(5) PRINT VALIDATION MESSAGESee "Messages" on page 138 to program a message of up to three lines.(6) PRINT SBTL WHEN SBTL KEY PRESSEDIf Yes, the receipt (if applicable) will print the subtotal at the point in the transaction when the key waspressed.(7) VALIDATION PORT# (0-6)Indicate the port on the register that is connected to the validation printer.114 P Mode Programming <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13

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