SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series programming manual.pdf


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(10) ROUNDING SYSTEMUse these options to eliminate the use of small value coins (i.e. pennies). Rounding up or down occurs atsubtotal or cash.Select the ROUNDING SYSTEM field to display the ROUNDING SYSTEM PROGRAMMINGSCREEN where up to five ranges can be set. For example if you wish to eliminate pennies, the rangescould be set as:#1 00-02 000 (.00-.02 rounds to .00)#2 03-07 005 (.03-.07 rounds to .05)#3 08-09 010 (.08-.09 rounds up to .10)(11) GLOBAL ENTRY LIMIT (0-7, 0=NO LMT)Select an entry limit that applies to all numeric entries (i.e. amounts for PLU entry, tenders, ormultiplication.) The global entry limit will override any individually programmed limits.(12) DIRECT MULTIPLICATION:ENABLEMAXIMUM DIGIT (1-5)Direct multiplication allows you to enter a quantity and then press a preset key without using theX/TIME key. You can enable direct multiplication here, and also determine the maximum number ofdigits for the multiplier.(13) ALLOW PLU PRESET/HALO OVERRIDEOverride of a preset (entry of a price into a preset key) or override of a HALO (entry of a price greaterthan the PLUs high amount limit can be allowed. Note: In order to override, you must also set the flagfor each individual PLU to allow override, and you must operate an employee with the authority level #18set to allow override.(14) SILENT KEY DEPRESSIONIf Yes, the key depression tone is silenced. (Tone for errors is still active.)(15) ALLOW OPEN ENTRY FOR SCALE PLUSIf Yes, amount entries are allowed for open scale PLUs.(16) DEACTIVATE VOID MODESet to Yes to deactivate any activity in VOID mode.(17) ALLOW PLU COPY BY RANGEIf yes, the COPY PLU command allow you to copy statuses from a single PLU to a range of PLUs. If no,you can only copy from a single PLU to another individual PLU. See “File Management” on page 151 tocopy PLUs.(18) ALLOW POST TENDERINGChoose Yes to allow tendering after the sale has been finalized, for the purpose of computing change(19) EMPLOYEE: POP UP/STAY DOWNChoose Yes to automatically sign off at the completion of a transaction. Choose No to register salescontinuously for the same employee.<strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Program Manual v1.13 P Mode Programming 103

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