Configuring a WatchGuard SOHO to SOHO IPSec Tunnel

Configuring a WatchGuard SOHO to SOHO IPSec Tunnel

Configuring a WatchGuard SOHO to SOHO IPSec Tunnel


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<strong>Configuring</strong> a <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>IPSec</strong> <strong>Tunnel</strong>This document describes the procedures required <strong>to</strong> configure an <strong>IPSec</strong> tunnelbetween two <strong>WatchGuard</strong> Firebox <strong>SOHO</strong>s (version 2.3.x).The following <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> products support <strong>IPSec</strong> tunnels:• <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> with VPN Feature Key add-on• <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong>|tcThe following diagram illustrates the machines and addresses involved in theconnection. The examples used in this document are taken from this set-up.

Why Create a <strong>Tunnel</strong>?Virtual Private Networking (VPN) tunnels enable you <strong>to</strong> simply and securely connectcomputers in two locations without requiring expensive, dedicated point-<strong>to</strong>-pointdata connections. With VPN, a virtual connection between two branch offices iscreated over low-cost connections <strong>to</strong> the Internet. Unlike a simple, un-encryptedInternet connection, a VPN connection eliminates the risk of data being read oraltered by outside users as it traverses the Internet.This document describes how <strong>to</strong> configure two <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> Fireboxes <strong>to</strong>create <strong>IPSec</strong> VPN tunnels between branch offices. For more information on setting-upa <strong>SOHO</strong>, see the <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> User Guide.What You Will Need• Two <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong>s installed, with VPN enabled.• The following information from your Internet Service Provider:- Static IP addresses for both <strong>SOHO</strong> Internet connections- Default gateway IP address for both <strong>SOHO</strong>s- Primary domain name service (DNS) IP address- If available, a secondary DNS address- Domain name- Network addresses and subnet masks for both branch office networks. Bydefault, the local network address is and the subnet mask is255.255.255.0.NOTEThe internal networks on either end of the VPN tunnel must use different, network addresses.Special ConsiderationsThe following are issues you should take in<strong>to</strong> account before configuring your<strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> VPN network:• You can connect only two <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong>s <strong>to</strong>gether. To connect additionalnetworks, upgrade at least one location <strong>to</strong> a <strong>WatchGuard</strong> Firebox II configuredwith the <strong>WatchGuard</strong> VPN Manager.• Each <strong>SOHO</strong> must be able <strong>to</strong> send messages <strong>to</strong> the other <strong>SOHO</strong>. If either <strong>SOHO</strong>has a dynamically assigned Internet (IP) Address, the <strong>SOHO</strong> will not be able <strong>to</strong>find its remote counterpart.• Both <strong>SOHO</strong>s must be set <strong>to</strong> use the same encryption (DES or triple-DES) andauthentication (MD-5 or SHA-1) methods.• When connecting two Windows NT networks, the two networks must be in thesame Windows domain or be trusted domains. This is a Microsoft Networkingdesign implementation and is not a limitation of the <strong>SOHO</strong> device.To create an <strong>IPSec</strong> tunnel between <strong>SOHO</strong>s you must add information <strong>to</strong> theconfiguration files of each <strong>SOHO</strong> that is specific <strong>to</strong> the site, such as public and private2 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> with VPN Manager 2.1

<strong>Configuring</strong> the <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> for VPNIP addresses. It is imperative <strong>to</strong> keep these addresses straight. <strong>WatchGuard</strong>recommends making a table of IP addresses such as the one outlined below. Forclarity, we will use the example addresses and information in the configurationinstructions that follow.VPN Configuration Information (example)Item Description AssignedByPublic IPAddressPublic SubnetMaskLocal NetworkAddressShared KeyEncryptionMethodAuthenticationMethodThe IP address that identifies the <strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>to</strong> theInternet.The overlay of bits that determines which par<strong>to</strong>f the IP address identifies your network. Forexample, a Class C address licenses 256addresses and has a netmask of255.255.255.0.A private network address used by anorganization’s local network for identifyingitself within the network. A local networkaddress cannot be used as a public IP address,nor can the same address be used on both endsof the tunnel. <strong>WatchGuard</strong> recommends usingan address from one of the reserved ranges: — — — phrase s<strong>to</strong>red at both ends of the tunnel <strong>to</strong>authenticate the transmission as being fromthe claimed origin. The key can be any phrase,but mixing numerical, special, alphabetical,and uppercase characters improves security.For example, “Gu4c4mo!3” is better than“guacamole”.Encryption method determines how many bitslong the key is <strong>to</strong> encrypt and decryptcommunication packets. DES is 56-bitencryption; 3DES is 168-bit, and thereforemuch more secure. It is also slower and isavailable outside the U.S. and Canada solely inaccordance with the applicable exportregulations set forth by the U.S. Department ofCommerce, Bureau of Export Administration.Either 3DES or DES may be selected as longas both sides use the same method.Authentication method (MD5 or SHA1) used<strong>to</strong> code and decode the VPN user’sauthentications (passwords). Both sides mustuse the same method.Site ASite BISP<strong>SOHO</strong>owner<strong>SOHO</strong>owner<strong>SOHO</strong>owner<strong>SOHO</strong>owner192.168.3.0!33DESSHA-1Gu4c4mo!33DESSHA-1<strong>Configuring</strong> the <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> for VPNTo configure a <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> for an <strong>IPSec</strong> VPN tunnel, use the <strong>SOHO</strong>Configuration menu <strong>to</strong> configure the <strong>IPSec</strong> VPN Settings. The following procedureconfigures Site A for a tunnel <strong>to</strong> Site B. You will need <strong>to</strong> complete this procedure withboth <strong>SOHO</strong>s before the tunnel can be established.<strong>IPSec</strong> <strong>Tunnel</strong> Configuration 3

From the Management Station of the <strong>SOHO</strong>1 With your Web browser, go <strong>to</strong> the <strong>SOHO</strong> Configuration Settings page using thePrivate IP address of the <strong>SOHO</strong>.The default IP address is: Click Virtual Private Networking.The Virtual Private Networking screen appears.3 Select Manual <strong>SOHO</strong> VPN from the drop list. Click Configure.The Manual Configuration page appears.4 Check the box labelled Enable IPSEC Network.5 Complete the following fields:Secure Gateway AddressThe external interface of the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>. In our example, this would be208.152.24.104 for Site A and for Site B.Remote WINS ServerThe WINS server behind the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>. This is found on an address in the localnetwork address range behind the other site. In our example, we s<strong>to</strong>red the WINSserver on a computer on Site B with the IP address (This field is optional.)Remote DNS ServerThe DNS server behind the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>. This is found on an address in the localnetwork address range behind the other site. In our example, we s<strong>to</strong>red the DNS4 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> with VPN Manager 2.1

Verifying the <strong>Tunnel</strong>server on a computer on Site B with the IP address Note that this can bethe same computer that houses the WINS server. (This field is optional.)Remote DomainThe remote domain behind the remote device (Site B). This is not applicable for a<strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>IPSec</strong> VPN tunnel. Leave blank. (This field is optional.)Shared KeySimilar <strong>to</strong> a password, the phrase is used <strong>to</strong> authenticate both ends of the tunnel <strong>to</strong>each other; the shared key must be identical on both sites. In our example,Gu4c4mo!3.Remote Network AddressThe address of the network on the trusted side of the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>. In our example,we entered the local network address for Site B, MaskThe mask of the network on the trusted side of the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>. In our example, MethodYou can use either DES or the more secure 3DES. Whichever you select, it must matchthe encryption level set for the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>.Authentication MethodThe algorithm type (such as MD-5 or SHA-1). It must match the authenticationmethod set for the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>.Additional Networks Reachable Through <strong>Tunnel</strong>This is not applicable for a <strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>IPSec</strong> VPN <strong>Tunnel</strong>. Leave blank.6 Review the configuration information you have entered. Click Submit at thebot<strong>to</strong>m of the page.7 A page will appear prompting you <strong>to</strong> reboot the <strong>SOHO</strong>. Confirm your settings;click Reboot.8 Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the Site B <strong>SOHO</strong>, using the IP address numbersappropriate <strong>to</strong> that installation. Make sure that the encryption, authenticationmethod, and shared secret for Site B are exactly the same as for Site A.Verifying the <strong>Tunnel</strong>The following methods allow you <strong>to</strong> verify that the tunnel created between the two<strong>SOHO</strong> devices is functional and passing communication packets back and forth.• Browse <strong>to</strong> the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>: Open a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer orNetscape Naviga<strong>to</strong>r. Browse <strong>to</strong> the private IP address of the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>. If thebrowser finds the site and opens the page, the tunnel is operational.• Ping the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>: From a machine behind one <strong>SOHO</strong>, open a command lineinterface such as MS-DOS Command Prompt (Windows machines). Enter the followingcommand:ping [Remote <strong>SOHO</strong> Local Network Address]In our example, we could start from a machine behind the Site A <strong>SOHO</strong> and enter:ping would send a ping command <strong>to</strong> the Site B local network address. If a reply isreceived from Site B (as opposed <strong>to</strong> a “request timed out”) the tunnel is operational.<strong>IPSec</strong> <strong>Tunnel</strong> Configuration 5

Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy do I need a static public address?To create a connection, one <strong>SOHO</strong> must be able <strong>to</strong> find its partner device. If theaddresses were allowed <strong>to</strong> change, the <strong>SOHO</strong> could not find its remote computer.How do I get a static public IP address?Contact your ISP. Some systems, like many cable modem systems, use dynamicallyassigned (DHCP) addresses <strong>to</strong> simplify basic installations. Some providers may alsouse this feature <strong>to</strong> discourage users from creating Web servers. These providersusually offer a static IP Address option.How do I connect three or four offices <strong>to</strong>gether?To connect more than two offices <strong>to</strong>gether, <strong>WatchGuard</strong> recommends designating oneoffice <strong>to</strong> be the center of a star network configuration and upgrading it <strong>to</strong> a<strong>WatchGuard</strong> Firebox II, or Firebox II FastVPN. You can then manage multiple tunnels<strong>to</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong>s or other <strong>IPSec</strong> compliant devices from the central Firebox. In addition, theVPN Manager 2.0 add-on allows quick and easy creation and management ofmultiple tunnels.How do I troubleshoot the connection?Use the ping method described above. If you can ping the remote <strong>SOHO</strong> andcomputers behind it, your VPN tunnel is up and running. Any remaining problemsprobably reside with MS Networking or an application used.When I ping, I am not receiving a reply from the <strong>SOHO</strong>.If you cannot ping the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>, take the following steps <strong>to</strong> identify the problem:1 Ping the public address of the remote <strong>SOHO</strong>.Following our example, from Site A, ping (Site B). You should get a reply. Ifnot, verify the Public Network Settings of Site B. If they are correct, verify that computers atSite B can access the internet. If you are still having trouble, contact your ISP.2 Once you can ping the public address of each <strong>SOHO</strong>, try pinging the privateaddress.From Site A, ping If the tunnel is up, you should get a reply from the remote<strong>SOHO</strong>. If not, re-check the Local Settings page. Make sure that the local DHCP addressesranges do not overlap. That is, be certain that the internal networks are different.Glossary of TermsDES – Data Encryption SchemeA cryp<strong>to</strong>graphic mechanism used <strong>to</strong> encrypt data before placing it in the Internetsystem. Once the data is encrypted, it is safer <strong>to</strong> transport via the public Internetsystem. Without encryption, the data may be easily read by any computer along itsroute.<strong>Tunnel</strong>A tunnel is used <strong>to</strong> route traffic between two networks. Creating a tunnel betweentwo <strong>SOHO</strong>s can join the two local networks, with each maintaining different privateaddresses.6 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong> with VPN Manager 2.1

Glossary of TermsVPN – Virtual Private NetworkVPN consists of several technologies <strong>to</strong> allow two or more networks in differentlocations <strong>to</strong> be joined over the Internet. The first, tunneling technology, allows trafficon one network which is destined for the other <strong>to</strong> be routed <strong>to</strong> it via the Internet. Thesecond, cryp<strong>to</strong>graphy technology, assures that intermediaries along the publicInternet route cannot read and/or alter messages flowing between locations.Copyright and Patent InformationCopyright© 1998 - 2001 <strong>WatchGuard</strong> Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.<strong>WatchGuard</strong>, Firebox, and LiveSecurity are either a trademark or registered trademark of <strong>WatchGuard</strong> Technologies, Inc. inthe United States and other countries. This product is covered by one or more pending patent applications.DocVer B-2.3.x-<strong>SOHO</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>SOHO</strong>-1<strong>IPSec</strong> <strong>Tunnel</strong> Configuration 7

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