
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


MOBILITYSome CitiBikes are used dozens of times a day and travel the entire system territorySustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond95

MOBILITYNYC Bike Share: Designed By New YorkersCommunity planning workshop to select station sitesDOT received 10,000 suggested station sites on its interactive mapAnother key to Citi Bike’s popularitybike share equipment to introducefeature garnered over 10,000synthesizing all of the feedback,is the deliberate, extensive 18–monththe public to program and beginstation suggestions and over 55,000suggestions and data. DOT usedplanning process undertaken bythe planning process. Community“supports” for those suggestions.Geographic Information SystemsNYCDOT and other stakeholders. Bikeplanning workshops were held inThe process was inclusive and(GIS) to create a predictive modelshare lends itself to a collaborativeeach community board within themeant to draw in New Yorkers from aoutlining the size of stations for eachlocal planning because it reliesprogram area with the specificrange of backgrounds and incomes.neighborhood based on surroundingprimarily on a dense network ofgoal of educating about theBilingual meetings were held as auses and transit. Using technicalstations rather than on the specificprogram and eliciting feedback onresult of community board request.siting criteria, the informationplacement of any particular station.where bike share stations shouldDOT worked with the NYC Housinggarnered from the public and the GISThe planning process for Citi Bikebe placed, both generally in theAuthority and resident advisorsdemand model, DOT narrowed almostsought and received heavy inputNew York City streetscape, andto help site stations near housing3,000 potential station locations infrom citizens from its inception.specifically on particular blocks andcampuses. It also developed twothe initial program area to just 331,Beginning in September of 2011,streets. Community members anddiscounted annual membershipwhich were presented back to theimmediately following the program’participating community groups hadprograms for low income Newcommunity boards and stakeholdersannouncement, nearly 400 meetingsthe opportunity to ask questions andYorkers. NYC Housing Authority andas draft plans for additional roundsand events were held with communityvoice support for, or opposition tomembers of participating Communityof feedback. DOT has worked closelyboards, elected officials, civic groupsspecific potential Citi Bike stationDevelopment Credit Unions canwith all stakeholders though Citi Bikeand property owners to describe thelocations. DOT launched a virtualreceive 40% discounts on annuallaunch as well as post–launch. In totalprogram, discuss station siting andplanning tool to open another avenuememberships.43% of the stations initially proposeddemonstrate how the system wouldinto Citi Bike station planning. TheAfter the meetings, workshopsin DOT’s draft plan were moved due towork. NYCDOT staff conductednyc.gov/bikeshare web portal withand demonstrations were completed,additional community feedback andtwenty–one field demonstrations ofits interactive “suggest–a–station”NYCDOT undertook the task ofrequests.96Chapter 7: Streets for All: Improving Choices for Short Trips

MOBILITYNYC Bike Share: Designed By New YorkersCommunity planning workshop to select station sitesDOT received 10,000 suggested station sites on its interactive mapAnother key to Citi Bike’s popularitybike share equipment to introducefeature garnered over 10,000synthesizing all of the feedback,is the deliberate, extensive 18–monththe public to program and beginstation suggestions and over 55,000suggestions and data. DOT usedplanning process undertaken bythe planning process. Community“supports” for those suggestions.Geographic Information SystemsNYCDOT and other stakeholders. Bikeplanning workshops were held inThe process was inclusive and(GIS) to create a predictive modelshare lends itself to a collaborativeeach community board within themeant to draw in New Yorkers from aoutlining the size of stations for eachlocal planning because it reliesprogram area with the specificrange of backgrounds and incomes.neighborhood based on surroundingprimarily on a dense network ofgoal of educating about theBilingual meetings were held as auses and transit. Using technicalstations rather than on the specificprogram and eliciting feedback onresult of community board request.siting criteria, the informationplacement of any particular station.where bike share stations shouldDOT worked with the NYC Housinggarnered from the public and the GISThe planning process for Citi Bikebe placed, both generally in theAuthority and resident advisorsdemand model, DOT narrowed almostsought and received heavy inputNew York City <strong>streets</strong>cape, andto help site stations near housing3,000 potential station locations infrom citizens from its inception.specifically on particular blocks andcampuses. It also developed twothe initial program area to just 331,Beginning in September of 2011,<strong>streets</strong>. Community members anddiscounted annual membershipwhich were presented back to theimmediately following the program’participating community groups hadprograms for low income Newcommunity boards and stakeholdersannouncement, nearly 400 meetingsthe opportunity to ask questions andYorkers. NYC Housing Authority andas draft plans for additional roundsand events were held with communityvoice support for, or opposition tomembers of participating Communityof feedback. DOT has worked closelyboards, elected officials, civic groupsspecific potential Citi Bike stationDevelopment Credit Unions canwith all stakeholders though Citi Bikeand property owners to describe thelocations. DOT launched a virtualreceive 40% discounts on annuallaunch as well as post–launch. In totalprogram, discuss station siting andplanning tool to open another avenuememberships.43% of the stations initially proposeddemonstrate how the system wouldinto Citi Bike station planning. TheAfter the meetings, workshopsin DOT’s draft plan were moved due towork. NYCDOT staff conductednyc.gov/bikeshare web portal withand demonstrations were completed,additional community feedback andtwenty–one field demonstrations ofits interactive “suggest–a–station”NYCDOT undertook the task ofrequests.96Chapter 7: Streets for All: Improving Choices for Short Trips

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