
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


MOBILITYREGULATING INTERCITY BUSESThe intercity bus industry hasattempted to limit the negativefrustrated with sidewalk and trafficset up a permitting system forgrown significantly over theimpacts of intercity buses bycongestion that resulted fromintercity bus operators. Through alast fifteen years, becoming anworking closely with operatorscertain bus stops.formal online application process,increasingly popular option forto designate locations whereIn 2012 and 2013, the cityNYCDOT now designates buspeople traveling into and out ofbuses can pick up and drop offworked with state elected officialsstops for all intercity buses,New York City. While such busespassengers. Unfortunately, thisto pass legislation that wouldlimiting disruptions to the localprovide good, efficient, intercitysystem was voluntary and NYCDOTgive the NYCDOT new powers totransportation network.transportation, they can causehad no authority to prevent intercityregulate the intercity bus industry.serious disruption to the localbuses from pulling up to almostThe law sponsored by New Yorktraffic network through increasedany curb space. CommunitiesSenator Martin Golden andcongestion and abuse of the city’sand elected officials, especiallySpeaker Sheldon Silver grantedcurbside spaces. NYCDOT hadin Midtown, were increasinglythe City of New York authority toMegabus Northeast, LLC pick up stop at seventh avenue and 28th StEastern Coach Inc. Pick up stop at Seventh Avenue and 33rd StSustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond77


MOBILITYREGULATING INTERCITY BUSESThe intercity bus industry hasattempted to limit the negativefrustrated with sidewalk and trafficset up a permitting system forgrown significantly over theimpacts of intercity buses bycongestion that resulted fromintercity bus operators. Through alast fifteen years, becoming anworking closely with operatorscertain bus stops.formal online application process,increasingly popular option forto designate locations whereIn 2012 and <strong>2013</strong>, the cityNYCDOT now designates buspeople traveling into and out ofbuses can pick up and drop offworked with state elected officialsstops for all intercity buses,New York City. While such busespassengers. Unfortunately, thisto pass legislation that wouldlimiting disruptions to the localprovide good, efficient, intercitysystem was voluntary and NYCDOTgive the NYCDOT new powers totransportation network.transportation, they can causehad no authority to prevent intercityregulate the intercity bus industry.serious disruption to the localbuses from pulling up to almostThe law sponsored by New Yorktraffic network through increasedany curb space. CommunitiesSenator Martin Golden andcongestion and abuse of the city’sand elected officials, especiallySpeaker Sheldon Silver grantedcurbside spaces. NYCDOT hadin Midtown, were increasinglythe City of New York authority toMegabus Northeast, LLC pick up stop at seventh avenue and 28th StEastern Coach Inc. Pick up stop at Seventh Avenue and 33rd StSustainable Streets: <strong>2013</strong> and Beyond77

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