
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


MOBILITYAdditional Bus Priority ProjectsElements of the bus rapid transit,such as painted bus lanes and trafficsignals that speed buses throughtraffic, have also been used to improvebus service in selected corridorsthroughout the city including theones listed below.LaGuardia Airport Access:DOT worked with the MTA to help planthe new Q70 bus. The new limitedservice speeds trips to the airportfrom Jackson Heights and Woodsidecommuter and subway stations by upto 40%.Livingston Street:Through the addition of upgraded buslanes and signal changes, DOT andMTA improved bus speeds 12%–14%along this corridor in DowntownBrooklyn.Jamaica:DOT worked with MTA to improveand extend bus lanes along Archerand Jamaica Avenues, realignintersections, move bus stops andchange parking to improve bus speedsand reliability.Queensboro Bridge:Operational changes on the Ed KochQueensboro Bridge made travelbetween the boroughs quickerand more efficient. These includedreconfiguring 60th Street to provideadditional bus lanes and stops, andchanging signal timing to reducepedestrian and bus conflicts.Utica Avenue:DOT and NYC Transit are planning theaddition of bus lanes from St JohnsAve to Church Ave, and the addition ofsignal changes including transit signalpriority.Q70 information on mta.infoSustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond71

MOBILITY15%fewer obstructionsin bus lanes withenforcementcamerasTransit signal priority along Victory Blvdin Staten Island reduced travel time by16% during the morning rushTransit Signal PriorityTransit signal priority (TSP) givesTransit signal priority is part ofIsland, a TSP test on 300 busesWidespread application of TSP hasprecedence to buses at traffic lights.Select Bus Service routes, but thesuccessfully cut travel time by 16%the potential to greatly improve busBy keeping signals green or turningtechnology has the ability to beduring the morning peak and 11%service throughout the five boroughs,them green when buses approach,more widely used, and speed busesduring the evening peak. The programwith limited cost and physicalTSP speeds buses through trafficon routes throughout the city. Inwas funded by the US Department ofinfrastructure.and improves travel time for riders.addition to SBS routes, NYCDOT hasTransportation and supported by theBy allowing buses to move at a moreworked with the MTA NYC Transit toStaten Island Borough President’sconsistent speed, TSP reduces timesinstall TSP on three corridors with aTransportation Task Force. In falla bus has to stop and accelerate. Ingoal of reaching at least 17 routes—2012, NYC Transit started a TSP pilotturn, fuel consumption and emissionsincluding SBS—in all five boroughs.on 50 buses along the M15 Select Busreduction savings are achieved.Along Victory Boulevard in StatenService route on 1st and 2nd Aves.Bus Lane Enforcement CamerasEnforcement of bus lanes is necessarythe MTA initiated implementation of ato keep bus lanes clear and busescamera–based enforcement systemmoving quickly. To supplementbeginning in November, 2010. 1stNYPD officers, the city sought stateand 2nd Avenue was the first route tolegislative approval for enforcementreceive the cameras, with 34th St andcameras.Fordham Road and Hylan BoulevardIn summer of 2010, New York Cityfollowing. The city is currentlyand the MTA were given authorizationauthorized to install them alongto begin operating a camera–basedNostrand Ave and another unnamedbus lane enforcement system. Theroute in Queens. People driving in buslegislation allows camera–basedlanes receive tickets of $115.enforcement on specifically namedThe bus cameras have workedSelect Bus Service (SBS) corridors,to keep buses moving. In bus lanesix in total, and also names specificsegments where cameras wererestrictions regarding the time, day ofinstalled, bus lanes were obstructedweek, and methods of enforcement.15% less than segments withoutBased on this authority, the City andcameras.72Chapter 5: Better Bus Service

MOBILITY15%fewer obstructionsin bus lanes withenforcementcamerasTransit signal priority along Victory Blvdin Staten Island reduced travel time by16% during the morning rushTransit Signal PriorityTransit signal priority (TSP) givesTransit signal priority is part ofIsland, a TSP test on 300 busesWidespread application of TSP hasprecedence to buses at traffic lights.Select Bus Service routes, but thesuccessfully cut travel time by 16%the potential to greatly improve busBy keeping signals green or turningtechnology has the ability to beduring the morning peak and 11%service throughout the five boroughs,them green when buses approach,more widely used, and speed busesduring the evening peak. The programwith limited cost and physicalTSP speeds buses through trafficon routes throughout the city. Inwas funded by the US Department ofinfrastructure.and improves travel time for riders.addition to SBS routes, NYCDOT hasTransportation and supported by theBy allowing buses to move at a moreworked with the MTA NYC Transit toStaten Island Borough President’sconsistent speed, TSP reduces timesinstall TSP on three corridors with aTransportation Task Force. In falla bus has to stop and accelerate. Ingoal of reaching at least 17 routes—2012, NYC Transit started a TSP pilotturn, fuel consumption and emissionsincluding SBS—in all five boroughs.on 50 buses along the M15 Select Busreduction savings are achieved.Along Victory Boulevard in StatenService route on 1st and 2nd Aves.Bus Lane Enforcement CamerasEnforcement of bus lanes is necessarythe MTA initiated implementation of ato keep bus lanes clear and busescamera–based enforcement systemmoving quickly. To supplementbeginning in November, 2010. 1stNYPD officers, the city sought stateand 2nd Avenue was the first route tolegislative approval for enforcementreceive the cameras, with 34th St andcameras.Fordham Road and Hylan BoulevardIn summer of 2010, New York Cityfollowing. The city is currentlyand the MTA were given authorizationauthorized to install them alongto begin operating a camera–basedNostrand Ave and another unnamedbus lane enforcement system. Theroute in Queens. People driving in buslegislation allows camera–basedlanes receive tickets of $115.enforcement on specifically namedThe bus cameras have workedSelect Bus Service (SBS) corridors,to keep buses moving. In bus lanesix in total, and also names specificsegments where cameras wererestrictions regarding the time, day ofinstalled, bus lanes were obstructedweek, and methods of enforcement.15% less than segments withoutBased on this authority, the City andcameras.72Chapter 5: Better Bus Service

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