
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


SAFETYTRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTSPARKING AND TURN RESTRICTIONSIn addition to continually evaluating streets and intersectionsfor conditions that may warrant additional traffic controls,NYC DOT is implementing several innovative signal program:Signal timing helps improve mobility and safety byregulating traffic flow and speed, and giving pedestriansmore time to cross. This has been widely used by DOT inneighborhoods throughout the city to improve safety.Pedestrian countdown signals tell people on foot howmany seconds they have to cross the street. DOT before/after analysis of pedestrian countdown signals installed at1,800 intersections during 2011 and 2012 found that totalcrashes were reduced by 5%, and injuries to pedestriansalso declined by 5%. DOT will have installed 8,000 ofthese signals representing two–thirds of City intersectionsby the end of 2015.Leading pedestrian intervals show a walk sign forpedestrians before showing a green light for drivers.LPIs have been installed at 100 intersections citywidesince 2007.Accessible pedestrian signals help low vision and blindpeople cross the street by making noise when it is safe tocross. They have been installed at 53 intersections citywide.“Daylighting” is the removal of curbside parking spaces at theapproach to an intersection. It prevents parked vehicles fromimpeding the sight–lines of both pedestrians and drivers. Visualobstacles in busy intersections can lead to pedestrian–vehiclecrashes.Prohibiting certain turns in busy intersections simplifies trafficpatterns, giving drivers and pedestrians fewer points to check whenproceeding. NYC DOT has installed 175 left turn bans citywidesince 2007.Overall, NYC DOT has installed new signals at 772 intersectionsand new 4–way stop controls at 241 intersections since 2007. Bothtreatments reduce right–angle crashes and improve pedestrianaccess.Sustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond45


SAFETYTRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTSPARKING AND TURN RESTRICTIONSIn addition to continually evaluating <strong>streets</strong> and intersectionsfor conditions that may warrant additional traffic controls,NYC DOT is implementing several innovative signal program:Signal timing helps improve mobility and safety byregulating traffic flow and speed, and giving pedestriansmore time to cross. This has been widely used by DOT inneighborhoods throughout the city to improve safety.Pedestrian countdown signals tell people on foot howmany seconds they have to cross the street. DOT before/after analysis of pedestrian countdown signals installed at1,800 intersections during 2011 and 2012 found that totalcrashes were reduced by 5%, and injuries to pedestriansalso declined by 5%. DOT will have installed 8,000 ofthese signals representing two–thirds of City intersectionsby the end of 2015.Leading pedestrian intervals show a walk sign forpedestrians before showing a green light for drivers.LPIs have been installed at 100 intersections citywidesince 2007.Accessible pedestrian signals help low vision and blindpeople cross the street by making noise when it is safe tocross. They have been installed at 53 intersections citywide.“Daylighting” is the removal of curbside parking spaces at theapproach to an intersection. It prevents parked vehicles fromimpeding the sight–lines of both pedestrians and drivers. Visualobstacles in busy intersections can lead to pedestrian–vehiclecrashes.Prohibiting certain turns in busy intersections simplifies trafficpatterns, giving drivers and pedestrians fewer points to check whenproceeding. NYC DOT has installed 175 left turn bans citywidesince 2007.Overall, NYC DOT has installed new signals at 772 intersectionsand new 4–way stop controls at 241 intersections since 2007. Bothtreatments reduce right–angle crashes and improve pedestrianaccess.Sustainable Streets: <strong>2013</strong> and Beyond45

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