
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


INFRASTRUCTUREEach year, New York City DOT’s recycled asphalt program saves 174,000 tonsof milled asphalt from going to landfills, reduces the amount of oil used in asphaltproduction by 840,000 barrels and eliminates 321,000 trucks tripsGREEN ASPHALTNYC DOT requires approximately one million tons of asphaltannually to keep its 6,000 miles of streets smooth. The agency is thenational leader in producing recycled asphalt in a cost effective andenvironmentally sound manner.Asphalt is a combination of hard rock and petroleum–basedasphalt cement. During resurfacing, some of pavement is removedand can be recycled to make new street surfaces. The recyclingprocess reduces the amount of new pavement manufactured, whichin turn, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and truck trips.DOT’s 2008 Strategic Plan set goals to increase the use ofreclaimed asphalt pavement (called RAP), to 50% for in–houseproduction and 25% for contractors. In–house asphalt productionaveraged 40% RAP in 2012. For vendor content, DOT averages31% recycled asphalt.The only other large American city using more than 20% recycledcontent in its paving material is Los Angeles. DOT’s recycled asphaltpavement saves us 174,000 tons of milled asphalt from landfillinga year, avoids 840,000 barrels of oil annually used to produce newasphalt cement, and eliminates 321,000 truck trips.Recycled asphalt is good for the environment and saves thecity money. In fact, DOT–produced asphalt proved so efficient atthe Hamilton Avenue plant in Brooklyn—delivering savings of $10million a year—that DOT moved to acquire a second asphalt plant atthe Harper Street asphalt plant in Queens.The acquisition of the Harper Street facility also allowed theagency to close the Hamilton Avenue plant for modernization. Aftera renovation of the Hamilton Avenue asphalt plant is complete inlate 2013, the upgraded facility will allow NYC DOT’s use of RAP toincrease to 50%.DOT is piloting the use of 100% recycled asphalt in Staten Islandalong Richmond Avenue and Jewel Ave in Queens. Initial testsshowed additional cost savings and environmental benefits.Saves enough oil to powerthe Empire State BuildingKeeps over 400 subway carsfull of asphalt out of landfillsEliminates 321,000 truck tripsSustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond159

INFRASTRUCTURE22,000gallons of annual fuelsavings from newpaving equipmentNew paving equipment eliminates460,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and125,000 pounds of particulates a yearGREEN PAVING EQUIPMENTDOT has dramatically reducedthe environmental impact of theequipment it uses to pave thestreets. New “electric screeds”offer the City’s greatest fleet–based savings in greenhouse gasemissions and help it meet airquality goals outlined in PlaNYC.Paving machines operate withtwo basic parts—the tractor thatstores and prepares asphalt anda “screed” that trails behind to layasphalt at the correct thicknessand angle. The screeds must stayheated for proper application ofasphalt. Traditionally, DOT had useddiesel fired screeds. With a $1.14million grant from the AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act,DOT was able to retire these unitsearly to replace them with moremodern, electric screeds. The newelectric screeds allow better qualityand temperature control, requireless maintenance and cleaning, andalso lay out a better “mat” of asphaltduring the paving process. They arealso healthier for DOT staff sincethey remove fumes and pollutants.The change eliminates over460,000 lbs. of CO2 and 125,000lbs. of particulates per year,roughly equivalent to the emissionsproduced by 40 cars driven10,000 miles. It provides an annualfuel savings of about 22,000gallons worth about $90,000. Overthe 10–year expected life of theequipment, 3,235 metric tons ofgreenhouse gases will be reduced.Paving machine with electric screedHamilton Plant160Chapter 12: 21st Century Streets

INFRASTRUCTURE22,000gallons of annual fuelsavings from newpaving equipmentNew paving equipment eliminates460,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and125,000 pounds of particulates a yearGREEN PAVING EQUIPMENTDOT has dramatically reducedthe environmental impact of theequipment it uses to pave the<strong>streets</strong>. New “electric screeds”offer the City’s greatest fleet–based savings in greenhouse gasemissions and help it meet airquality goals outlined in PlaNYC.Paving machines operate withtwo basic parts—the tractor thatstores and prepares asphalt anda “screed” that trails behind to layasphalt at the correct thicknessand angle. The screeds must stayheated for proper application ofasphalt. Traditionally, DOT had useddiesel fired screeds. With a $1.14million grant from the AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act,DOT was able to retire these unitsearly to replace them with moremodern, electric screeds. The newelectric screeds allow better qualityand temperature control, requireless maintenance and cleaning, andalso lay out a better “mat” of asphaltduring the paving process. They arealso healthier for DOT staff sincethey remove fumes and pollutants.The change eliminates over460,000 lbs. of CO2 and 125,000lbs. of particulates per year,roughly equivalent to the emissionsproduced by 40 cars driven10,000 miles. It provides an annualfuel savings of about 22,000gallons worth about $90,000. Overthe 10–year expected life of theequipment, 3,235 metric tons ofgreenhouse gases will be reduced.Paving machine with electric screedHamilton Plant160Chapter 12: 21st Century Streets

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