
2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres 2013-dot-sustainable-streets-lowres


MOBILITYJACKSON HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTSJackson Heights, Queens is ainclusive approach to neighborhoodsafety, sidewalk crowding, vehicle73rd Street and 74th Streetdiverse and vibrant neighborhoodtransportation studies as guided bycongestion, parking availability,was closed to traffic to providein Northern Queens, containingPlaNYC. Local residents, businessslow bus service and a lack of publicadditional open space in this dense,historic areas, residential streetsowners and civic leaders workedopen spaces. Focused on the areainternational neighborhood. Theand a destination shopping andwith DOT to identify their mostwhere 73rd Street, 37th Road,plaza brings pedestrian–scaledining district with a considerablepressing concerns and guide theBroadway and Roosevelt Avenuelighting, new surfaces, andamount of vehicular and pedestriandevelopment of solutions. DOTconverge, the core improvementsamenities to support the plazasactivity. Local residents andcreated a range of opportunitieswere carried out in the second halfdaily activities and cultural andmerchants asked DOT to explorefor public participation,of 2011. Updated curb regulationsseasonal events.changes to help create safer, lessincluding community workshops,were introduced in spring 2012,As a result of the changes, therecongested streets and betterneighborhood walk–throughs, anoffering a better use of space forare fewer injury–causing crashes;transit access for this vibrantinnovative web portal that alloweddeliveries and customer parking.problematic traffic bottleneckscommunity.DOT staff to receive and respondFurther parking improvementshave been eliminated; buses areIn 2009, DOT started ato comments at any time, and awere implemented in 2013 with thefaster and more efficient; andcommunity driven planningCommunity Advisory Committeeintroduction of the variable–ratethe 37th Road plaza is a popularprocess, funded in part byto facilitate ongoing involvement ofPARK Smart program.gathering spot year–round, home toCongressman Joseph Crowley.key stakeholders.The project also resulted in afrequent public events and a boonThe study was a model of DOT’sThe project addressed trafficpopular plaza. 37th Road betweento adjacent businesses.Jackson Heights Diversity PlazaJackson Heights Diversity PlazaSustainable Streets: 2013 and Beyond109

MOBILITY20%decrease in peak–hourtruck traffic onresidential GrandAvenueOFF–HOUR TRUCK DELIVERY—MIDTOWNMASPETH BYPASSTruck deliveries made duringfocus more on their customersTrucks are critical to the economicelected officials, DOT assessedbusy times of day can exacerbateand that their staff was morelife of the city, especially inalternative routes that could bealready congested streets andproductive because they waitedindustrial areas like the Maspethless disruptive to residents whileincrease costs for businessesaround less for deliveries that wereIndustrial Business Zoneserving the needs of truckersand the consumers that buytied up in traffic. Carriers found(IBZ) in Queens. However, theand local businesses, and led antheir produces. DOT worked withthat their trucks could make moreIBZ is adjacent to residentialin–depth outreach program with allRensselaer Polytechnic Institutedeliveries in the same amount ofneighborhoods where heavy truckstakeholder groups.(RPI) to implement an Off–Hourtime; they saved money on fueltraffic impairs quality of life. InThe resulting plan shifts truckTruck Delivery Pilot program, whichcosts and could use a smaller fleetMaspeth, DOT redesigned streetstraffic from Grand and Flushingran from late 2009 through 2010.by balancing daytime and nighttimeand legal truck routes in Maspeth toAvenues to a preferred bypassTwenty participants agreed to shiftdeliveries, and that legal parkingdirect trucks away from residentialroute that connects to the LIEtheir delivery windows to betweenwas more readily available. Theirstreets while maintaining truckwithout passing through residential7 pm and 6 am. Receivers founddrivers reported feeling safer andaccess to important industriesMaspeth. DOT also made changesthat fewer deliveries during normalless stressed.Prior to 2011, Grand andto the street network to ensure thatbusiness hours allowed them toFlushing Avenues were designatedthe Maspeth Bypass was as directas through truck routes betweenand convenient as possible so thatthe Queens–Midtown Expressway/truckers would make the switch.Long Island Expressway (I–495)DOT reconfigured the multi–leggedand the Brooklyn line. While thisintersection of Maspeth Avenuerouting provided a connection fromand Maurice Avenue to safelyI–495 to the IBZs along Newtownaccommodate truck throughCreek, it channeled regionalmovements and turns, andtruck traffic through the heart ofconverted several streets to one–residential Maspeth. In response toway operation.requests from the community and110Chapter 8: Vehicles and Parking

MOBILITYJACKSON HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTSJackson Heights, Queens is ainclusive approach to neighborhoodsafety, sidewalk crowding, vehicle73rd Street and 74th Streetdiverse and vibrant neighborhoodtransportation studies as guided bycongestion, parking availability,was closed to traffic to providein Northern Queens, containingPlaNYC. Local residents, businessslow bus service and a lack of publicadditional open space in this dense,historic areas, residential <strong>streets</strong>owners and civic leaders workedopen spaces. Focused on the areainternational neighborhood. Theand a destination shopping andwith DOT to identify their mostwhere 73rd Street, 37th Road,plaza brings pedestrian–scaledining district with a considerablepressing concerns and guide theBroadway and Roosevelt Avenuelighting, new surfaces, andamount of vehicular and pedestriandevelopment of solutions. DOTconverge, the core improvementsamenities to support the plazasactivity. Local residents andcreated a range of opportunitieswere carried out in the second halfdaily activities and cultural andmerchants asked DOT to explorefor public participation,of 2011. Updated curb regulationsseasonal events.changes to help create safer, lessincluding community workshops,were introduced in spring 2012,As a result of the changes, therecongested <strong>streets</strong> and betterneighborhood walk–throughs, anoffering a better use of space forare fewer injury–causing crashes;transit access for this vibrantinnovative web portal that alloweddeliveries and customer parking.problematic traffic bottleneckscommunity.DOT staff to receive and respondFurther parking improvementshave been eliminated; buses areIn 2009, DOT started ato comments at any time, and awere implemented in <strong>2013</strong> with thefaster and more efficient; andcommunity driven planningCommunity Advisory Committeeintroduction of the variable–ratethe 37th Road plaza is a popularprocess, funded in part byto facilitate ongoing involvement ofPARK Smart program.gathering spot year–round, home toCongressman Joseph Crowley.key stakeholders.The project also resulted in afrequent public events and a boonThe study was a model of DOT’sThe project addressed trafficpopular plaza. 37th Road betweento adjacent businesses.Jackson Heights Diversity PlazaJackson Heights Diversity PlazaSustainable Streets: <strong>2013</strong> and Beyond109

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